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WALT: to write about the furniture in your bedroom

WALT: to write about the furniture in your bedroom. WILF: to write a full sentence, listing at least 3 items of furniture in your bedroom ( level 2 ) WILF: to write full sentences about what furniture there is and isn’t in your bedroom ( level 2A )

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WALT: to write about the furniture in your bedroom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WALT: to write about the furniture in your bedroom WILF: to write a full sentence, listing at least 3 items of furniture in your bedroom (level 2) WILF: to write full sentences about what furniture there is and isn’t in your bedroom (level 2A) WILF: to say if you like your bedroom, including writing about what furniture you have and haven’t got in your bedroom (level 3)

  2. Vocabulario

  3. Fill in the gaps with the words below to help you practice the language from today ¿Qué hay en tu _________? En mi dormitorio_____ un ordenador, un cajón, un armario, un sofá, un escritorio, una cama, una mesa, una silla, una lámpara, una radio, unas estanterías, unos CDs, unos posters , dormitorio, hay

  4. Escuchar = Listening Escucha y escribelascosas en el ordencorrecto (1-15) Ejemplo: 1=f

  5. Escribir = Writing ¿Qué hay en tudormitorio? Write in full sentences to answer this question about YOUR OWN bedroom Level 2 En mi dormitorio hay….un amario, unacama y unasilla Add more detail…what DO YOU NOT have in your bedroom Level 2 En mi dormitorio NO hay….un ordenador Finish by adding an opinion! Level 3 Me gusta mi dormitorioporque…es bonito / moderno

  6. Hablar = Speaking ¿Qué hay en tudormitorio? Practice the vocabulary by having a conversation with your partner En mi dormitorio hay….un amario, unacama y unasilla Level 2 En mi dormitorio NO hay….un ordenador Me gusta mi dormitorioporque…es bonito / moderno Level 3

  7. Look at the picture. Copy and complete the phrases (1-6) with the correct colour. Then translate the phrase into English. La mesa es…marrón = The table is brown Use this work to help you add more detail to your description of your own bedroom

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