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What Is Bipolar Disorder - Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Bipolar disorder is a kind of mental illness where extreme shifts in moods can be seen in the patient. Depression along with high mood and energy (mania) changes the diagnosis to bipolar disorder. Counselling for depression can help in recovering from bipolar disorder and other types of types of Depressions.

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What Is Bipolar Disorder - Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

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  1. BetterLYF.com WhatIsBipolar Disorder - Bipolar DisorderSymptoms

  2. Bipolardisordersometimesalsodiagnosedas bipolardepressionisakindofmentalillness, whereextremeshiftsinmoodscanbeseeninthe patient.

  3. BipolarDisorderSymptoms SymptomsofBipolarDisordercanincludeanextremelyelevated moodcalledmania. BipolarDisordercanalsoincludeepisodesof depression.

  4. AbnormallyElevatedMood PersistentlyIrritableMood UnusuallyEnergeticMood

  5. IntheDepressivestageone mayexperience: DeepSadness Hopelessness LossofEnergy LackofInterestinActivitiesTheyOnceEnjoyed PeriodsofTooLittleorTooMuchSleep SuicidalThoughts

  6. BipolarDisorderTreatment

  7. Cognitive BehavioralTherapy (CBT) CBTisakindoftalktherapywhereatherapist helpsyoulearnthewaystomanageyour bipolardisorderbyunderstandingyourthinking patterns. CognitiveBehavioralTherapyalso helpsyouovercomegriefbydevelopingsome positiveandeffectivecopingstrategies.

  8. Psychoeducation Psychoeducationorpsychologicalcounselling canhelpyoulearnmoreaboutthedisorder. Knowingmoreaboutthebipolardisorderwill helpyouinmanagingit.

  9. Interpersonaland SocialRhythm Therapy Interpersonalandsocialrhythmtherapy (IPSRT) focusesonregulatingdailyroutinesandhabits, such assleeping, eating, andexercising. Balancingthe everydayactivitiescanhelpyoumanageyour disorder.

  10. Depressionalongwithhighmoodand energy (mania) changesthediagnosis tobipolardisorder. ReadHereabout CelebritieswithBipolarDisorder DepressionCounsellingcanhelpin recoveringfrombipolardisorderand othertypesoftypesofDepressions. OnlineCounselling (Audio, Video, chat)

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