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Argentina - UERA. 2. . . Jorge M. Radovich. Senior Partner del Estudio Ruggiero, Radovich
1. The International Group Structure, Club cover, Pollution & Pooling www.igpandi.org
2. Argentina - UERA 2
3. 3 Argentina - UERA Clubs Miembros del Grupo Internacional
Aseguran responsabilidades hacia terceros relacionadas con el uso y operación de buques incluyendo responsabilidad por contaminación, responsabilidades por carga, tripulación, remoción de restos náufragos, etc.
Aseguran aproximadamente el 92% del tonelaje oceánico mundial.
Esta formado por 13 Asociaciones Mutuales sin fines de lucro
Aseguran más del 95% de los buques tanqueros
Para los Clubs una de las mayores exposiciones de responsabilidad es la contaminación.
4. 4 Argentina - UERA The International Group of P&I Clubs Principales miembros del Grupo Internacional
American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc
Assuranceforeningen Gard
Assuranceforeningen Skuld
The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association Limited
The Japan Ship Owners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association
The London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited
The North of England Protection and Indemnity Association Limited
The Shipowners' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Luxembourg)
The Standard Steamship Owners’ Protection and Indemnity Association (Bermuda) Limited
The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Limited
The Swedish Club
United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Bermuda) Limited
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg) The Club names on the slide will be familiar to many of you.
8 Clubs are headquartered in the UK
2 Clubs are headquartered in Norway
1 Club is headquartered in Sweden
1 Club is headquartered in USA
1 Club is headquartered in Japan
The Group is truly international.
The Club names on the slide will be familiar to many of you.
8 Clubs are headquartered in the UK
2 Clubs are headquartered in Norway
1 Club is headquartered in Sweden
1 Club is headquartered in USA
1 Club is headquartered in Japan
The Group is truly international.
5. 5 Argentina - UERA The International Group existe para:
Coordinar seguro y reaseguro colectivo para los Clubs del Grupo:
US$1 billion – contaminación
US$2 billion - pasajeros
US$5.5 billion – otros reclamos – ej.: remoción de restos náufragos, carga, colisión, etc.
Representar el punto de vista de los Armadores Miembros de los Clubs en asuntos que preocupan a la industria marítima con relación a temas de seguros y responsabilidad: IMO, IOPC Funds, UNCITRAL.
Proveer un foro de intercambio de información:
IG Sub – Comites y Grupos de Trabajo
6. 6 Argentina - UERA The International Group of P&I Clubs La Organización del Grupo:
Las actividades del grupo están coordinadas a través de la secretaria basada en Londres.
El trabajo del Grupo es llevado a cabo por la secretaria y por los gerentes de Clubs a través de sub-comites y grupos de trabajo los cuales se reúnen regularmente.
Las posiciones del Grupo son acordadas por el Directorio de los Clubs quienes reportan a través de sus gerentes al Grupo
Los gerentes de Clubs se reúnen 3 veces por año a fin de considerar los reportes de los sub-comites, acordar recomendaciones a los Directorios e implementar las decisiones del mismo. The Group’s organisation:
(1) The activities of the Group are co-ordinated through the Group secretariat based in London. The Secretariat currently consists of 5 full time personnel.
(2) The day to day work of the Group is carried out by the Secretariat and Club managers. The great strength of the Group is the extensive involvement of Club managers in Group issues, which offers un-parralled legal and technical expertise, through sub-committees and working groups which meet on a regular basis. In some cases as many as 6/7 times a year. There are over 60 sub-committees and working groups.
(3) The view of Club Boards elected from Club members on common issues are reported by Club Managers to the Group.
(4) The Group’s policy positions are agreed by consensus between the Clubs. Club boards report through their managers to the Group. Most boards meet 3 or at minimum 2 a year.
(5) The Club managers meet three times each year to consider Group issues and recommendations made by the various sub-committees and working groups and to report on the views of their Boards. The Managers also review policy issues and make recommendations to Club boards.
The Group’s organisation:
(1) The activities of the Group are co-ordinated through the Group secretariat based in London. The Secretariat currently consists of 5 full time personnel.
(2) The day to day work of the Group is carried out by the Secretariat and Club managers. The great strength of the Group is the extensive involvement of Club managers in Group issues, which offers un-parralled legal and technical expertise, through sub-committees and working groups which meet on a regular basis. In some cases as many as 6/7 times a year. There are over 60 sub-committees and working groups.
(3) The view of Club Boards elected from Club members on common issues are reported by Club Managers to the Group.
(4) The Group’s policy positions are agreed by consensus between the Clubs. Club boards report through their managers to the Group. Most boards meet 3 or at minimum 2 a year.
(5) The Club managers meet three times each year to consider Group issues and recommendations made by the various sub-committees and working groups and to report on the views of their Boards. The Managers also review policy issues and make recommendations to Club boards.
7. 7 Argentina - UERA The International Group of P&I Clubs Roles de enlace y consulta con:
Cuerpos inter-gubernamentales como: IMO, UNCITRAL, UNCTAD y OECD
Gobiernos nacionales ,organizaciones y agencias de la Comunidad Europea.
Otras organizaciones de la industria tales como: BIMCO, ICS, Intertanko, OCIMF
Promover y alentar posiciones de la industria en temas prácticos y legislativos
Proveer asesoramiento técnico y comentarios sobre borradores de nuevas legislaciones, regulaciones , convenciones y protocolos.
Liaison and consultation roles:
The Group liaises and has NGO status with a number of inter-governmental organisations such as and most importantly the IMO (International Maritime Organisation), UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development), UNCITRAL (UN Commission on International Trade Law) and OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). The IG attends a number of IMO committee meetings, particularly the Legal Committee, IOPC Fund sessions and UNCITRAL drafting committees, submitting views on behalf of Clubs and industry during the process of formulating international conventions and legislation on the practicality and workability of the conventions from an insurance perspective.
The Group has regular contact with European Commission, National Transport Departments and European Parliament.
It liaises with other industry organisations such as BIMCO Baltic and Int Maritime Counsel), ICS, Intertanko, ISF, OCIMF etc. To develop common policy positions on international and national regulatory initiatives, drafting or co-sponsoring submissions to IMO, and generally liaising on all issues that impact on shipowners. eg: IMO and UNCITRAL conventions, EU initiatives, and so on.
It is very important to achieve workable legislative solutions that are likely to result in widespread state adoption, which will in turn lead to certainty and international uniformity. The Group has a considerable range of technical and legal expertise and states and intergovernmental organisations we believe value the Groups input.Liaison and consultation roles:
The Group liaises and has NGO status with a number of inter-governmental organisations such as and most importantly the IMO (International Maritime Organisation), UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development), UNCITRAL (UN Commission on International Trade Law) and OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). The IG attends a number of IMO committee meetings, particularly the Legal Committee, IOPC Fund sessions and UNCITRAL drafting committees, submitting views on behalf of Clubs and industry during the process of formulating international conventions and legislation on the practicality and workability of the conventions from an insurance perspective.
The Group has regular contact with European Commission, National Transport Departments and European Parliament.
It liaises with other industry organisations such as BIMCO Baltic and Int Maritime Counsel), ICS, Intertanko, ISF, OCIMF etc. To develop common policy positions on international and national regulatory initiatives, drafting or co-sponsoring submissions to IMO, and generally liaising on all issues that impact on shipowners. eg: IMO and UNCITRAL conventions, EU initiatives, and so on.
It is very important to achieve workable legislative solutions that are likely to result in widespread state adoption, which will in turn lead to certainty and international uniformity. The Group has a considerable range of technical and legal expertise and states and intergovernmental organisations we believe value the Groups input.
8. 8 Argentina - UERA P&I Cobertura por Contaminación:
Los Clubs cubren responsabilidades, costos y gastos incurridos como resultado de un escape o peligro de escape o descarga de petróleo o cualquier otra substancia incluyendo:-
daños o compensación pagaderos a terceras partes
costos de limpieza y gastos
gastos de prevención y minimización
responsabilidades bajo CLC & contribuciones bajo STOPIA 2006 y TOPIA 2006
multas por derrames accidentales.
9. 9 Argentina - UERA Convenciones Internacionales (CLC/IOPC Fund/Supplementary Fund Protocol) proveen segura y efectiva compensación a victimas de derrames.
Argentina es un Estado parte del CLC/IOPC Fund regime, pero no del Supplementary Fund Protocol
Los Clubs trabajan con la industria del petróleo para compartir la carga de los mayores derrames bajo los acuerdos internacionales del CLC/Fund a través de sistemas de acuerdos voluntarios (STOPIA and TOPIA)
Los Clubs coordinan extensamente en respuestas a derrames/limpieza/pago de reglamos
La experiencia en reclamos por contaminación se está mejorando
10. 10 Argentina - UERA Limites de Cobertura y Reaseguros
P&I cobertura por oil pollution limitada a US $1.05 billion
Más que adecuada para cubrir el máximo de responsabilidades bajo el CLC y Fund Conventions y US OPA ’90, por ejemplo
Holding IG Club paga US$ 7 million
IG Pool paga US$ 43 million
reaseguradores pagan hasta US$1 billion
11. 11 Argentina - UERA The International Group of P&I Clubs
12. 12 Argentina - UERA Propósito del Pooling:
Pooling de reclamos sobre US $ 7 million hasta aproximadamente US $ 5.5 billion pero con un límite de US$ 1 billion por oil pollution
Reparto equitativo de costos de reclamos entre los Armadores a través del Pooling Agreement
Riesgo repartido sobre el 92% tonelaje mundial de buques oceánicos
Altos niveles de cobertura al costo más bajo
Reduciendo los costos por responsabilidad en el tiempo
Clubs colectivamente controlan la extension del riesgo retenido a niveles de Club y Pool
Clubs determinan colectivamente el tipo de riesgos y reclamos a cubrir y hasta dónde.
Mejor uso de la cobertura de reaseguro que se encuentra en el mercado.
13. 13 Argentina - UERA Protección del Pooling
Reclamos entre US$50 million y US$ 2,050 millones están protegidos por el mercado de reaseguro. Es el contrato de seguro marítimo más grande en el mundo.
Este seguro del mercado está ampliamente repartido a través de los mayores mercados aseguradores del mundo para dar protección adicional.
80 Reaseguradores repartidos a través del mundo participan.
8 de los 10 mayores reaseguradores
Reaseguradores deben estar calificados no menos de A por S&P
Cada reasegurador es responsable por el porcentaje de su participación.
London y Bermuda mercado de los mayores aseguradores.
14. 14 Argentina - UERA The International Group of P&I Clubs Evidencia de cobertura de seguro
IG Clubs aseguran aprox. 92% del tonelaje oceánico mundial, aprox. 36.000 buques.
IG Clubs ya emiten Certificados de Entrada (CoE) a todos los buques entrados como evidencia de seguro.
CoE ya se acepta como evidencia en un numero de Estados/IMO Resolución A. 898.
Todos IG Clubs mantienen acceso público a base de datos para búsqueda de buques en sus websites, actualizada cada 24 horas, con la lista de todos los buques entrados.
3. Responsabilidades de los Armadores
3.1 Los Armadores deben tomar para sus barcos cobertura de seguros que acuerdo a esta Guía.
1. Definiciones.
1.2 Seguro significa seguro con o sin deducibles, y comprende por ejemplo, seguro de indemnidad del tipo actualmente provisto por los miembros del Grupo Internacional de Clubes de P&I, y otra forma efectiva de seguro (incluyendo auto-seguro) y seguridad financiera ofreciendo similares condiciones de cobertura.
16. 16 Argentina - UERA The International Group of P&I Clubs The International Group apoya:
Entrada en vigor del LLMC Protocolo 1996
Rápida ratificación of IMO Conventions sobre HNS, Bunkers, Wreck Removal
Bunkers Convention entra en vigenciainternacionalmente el 21.11.08
Aceptación del Certificate of Entry como evidencia adecuada de seguro de responsabilidad hacia terceras partes (en donde IMO Conventions no están en vigor)
17. 17 Argentina - UERA Montos de Compensación (US$ Millones) diferentes medidas buques - APROXIMADOS GT 1992 1992 CLC+ 1992 FUND SUPLEMENTARY FUND + CLC STOPIA CONVENTION TOPIA
5,000 7 30 305 1,125
29,548 26 30 305 1,125
50,000 43 43 305 1,125
100,000 90 90 305 1,125
140,000 135 135 305 1,125Nota: Los limites se calculan en Special Drawing Rights (SDR) que es una moneda creada por el Fondo Monetario Internacional y la cotización en USD depende del momento en particular
18. The International Group Structure, Club cover, Pollution & Pooling