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Topic 1(6 hrs) Background and concept of Teacher as researcher (Lecture) What it is Origin and development Professional

Action Research for Professional Growth & Development. Topic 1(6 hrs) Background and concept of Teacher as researcher (Lecture) What it is Origin and development Professional standards for teachers Action Research Principles and Practice (Self-learning and collaboration)

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Topic 1(6 hrs) Background and concept of Teacher as researcher (Lecture) What it is Origin and development Professional

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  1. Action Research for Professional Growth & Development Topic 1(6 hrs) • Background and concept of Teacher as researcher (Lecture) • What it is • Origin and development • Professional standards for teachers • Action Research Principles and Practice (Self-learning and collaboration) • Individual v Collaborative Action Research

  2. Action Research Inquiry-based research conducted by teachers that follows a process of examining existing practices, implementing new practices, and evaluating the results, leading to an improvement cycle that benefits both students and teachers. Also known as: practitioner research, teacher research, site-based research, and action science. cs3.wnmu.edu/elearning/a404/support/a404b0_50100.html

  3. ACTION RESEARCH refers to: • “Professionals studying their own practice in order to improve it. • Applied to teaching, it involves gathering and interpreting "data" to better understand an aspect of your teaching that interests or concerns you. • An alternative to teachers who have been encouraged to look to others, rather than to themselves and their students, for ways to improve their teaching. • Action research is an important recent development in the broad territory of "teachers' professional development." Tom Russell, Queen’s University http://educ.queensu.ca/~russellt/howteach/arguide.htm#arwhy

  4. Action Research – Tracing the origins and development in Teacher Education • Kurt Lewin (1940) • Stephen Corey (1950) • Lawrence Stenhouse (1970s) • Carr and Kemmis (1980s to date) • John Elliot (1990s to date) • Donald Schon (1980s) • Jack Whitehead (1970 to date) • Jean McNiff (1990 to date)

  5. Kurt Lewin (1946) • Coined the word “Action Research”; • Research for social management or social engineering in industrial contexts. Lewin’s Action Research Involves a spiral of steps, ‘each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action and fact-finding about the result of the action’

  6. Lawrence Stenhouse Teacher as Researcher The teacher is like a gardener who treats different plants differently and not like a large-scale farmer who administers standardized treatments to as-near-as possible standardized plants. Under such conditions variation of treatment gives a better gross yield attempting to maximise the yield of every individual unit; and this is what is required of education. The teacher must diagnose before he prescribes and then vary the prescription. …both teachers and pupils are involved in meaningful action and meaningful action cannot be standardised by control or sampled.” Lawrence Stenhouse Feb 1979, University of East Anglia, UK In “Research as a basis for teaching – Readings from Lawrence Stenhouse by Rudduck and Hopkins

  7. Lawrence Stenhouse Teacher as researcher: Real classrooms have to be our laboratories, and they are in the command of teachers, not of researchers. This is the characteristic of professional schools: the research act must conform to the obligations of the professional context. This is what we mean by action research. Lawrence Stenhouse Feb 1979, University of East Anglia, UK

  8. Lawrence Stenhouse Teacher as researcher: We shall only teach better if we learn intelligently from the experience of shortfall, both in our grasp of the knowledge we offer and of how to offer it. That is the case for research as a basis for teaching. Lawrence Stenhouse Feb 1979, University of East Anglia, UK

  9. Lawrence Stenhouse Teacher as researcher: “It is teachers who, in the end, will change the world of the school by understanding it.” Inscription on Lawrence Stenhouse’s memorial plaque at University of East Anglia.

  10. Carr & Kemmis, 1986 “Action research is simply a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices, their understanding of these practices, and the situations in which the practices are carried out.”

  11. Donald Schon Philosopher, researcher, professor emeritus (MIT), made significant contributions to the theory and practice of learning. Concerned with professional learning, learning processes in organizations, and with developing critical, self-reflecting practice • The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals think in Action (1983) • Educating the Reflective Practitioner (1987) Influential writing: http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-schon.htm

  12. Reflection • Latin “reflectere” : To bend back • Involves “shuttling back and forth between thinking and action”

  13. http://www.infed.org/biblio/b-reflect.htm

  14. “Levels of Reflectivity” Level 1 Involves technical application of knowledge and skills in the classroom setting. Level 2 Emphasizes examination of assumptions underlying practice. Level 3 Emphasizes moral and ethical issues of practicality to values and beliefs. Quality Teaching: Reflection, the heart of Practice by Joelle K. Jay. 2003

  15. Donald Schon Knowing in Action • The sorts of knowledge we reveal in our intelligent action – publicly observable, physical performances like riding a bicycle and private operations like instant analysis of a balance sheet. In both cases, the knowing is in the action. We reveal it by our spontaneous, skillful execution of the performance…” Schon, 1987 • Knowing in action: knowing more than we can say, the capacity to do the right thing (tacit knowledge). http://hci.stanford.edu/other/schon87.htm

  16. Donald Schon Reflection in Action • Reflection takes place in the midst of action • Capacity to respond to surprise through improvisation on the spot • Involves a surprise (an unexpected outcome/behaviour that challenges one’s knowing in action), a response to surprise …conducting an action experiment on the spot by which we seek to solve the new problems … we test our new way of seeing the situation, and also try to change that situation for the better. • This is not method but art and a talent. http://hci.stanford.edu/other/schon87.htm

  17. Donald Schon Reflection on action Pausing after an activity to see how it went – what went well, what did not, what could be changed; We develop sets of questions and ideaas about our activities and practice http://www.infed.org/biblio/b-reflect.htm#Schon

  18. Reflection • Looking back on experience to improve practice • Learning in the midst of practice • Making decisions about what to do

  19. Reflection Stop to reflect

  20. Rushing around Life becomes a blur

  21. Reflection helps us to focus…

  22. To think and act and think again…

  23. Reflection is the bridge between thinking and acting

  24. A reflective thinker is aware of her own knowledge and lack of knowledge and recognizes that there may not be only a single correct solution to a problem or interpretation of a situation. A reflective thinker relies on all available resources to find relevant needed information and opinions in order to come to a personal understanding of a situation, knowing that this understanding may change, as she gains more information and insight into the matter. http://ldt.stanford.edu/ldt1999/Students/cmazow/MajorProject/refThinkLoMain.htm

  25. Jack Whitehead at the University of Bath “Living Educational Theory” • This methodological approach can then be developed as an action plan, which can take the form: • What is my concern? • Why am I concerned? • What do I think I can do about the situation? • What will I do? • How will I show whether I am influencing the situation for good? • How will I produce evidence of my influence? • How will I ensure that any claims I make are reasonably fair and accurate? • What will I do then? • Jack Whitehead and Jean McNiff

  26. Jean McNiff Action Research refers to: • A particular way of researching your own learning; • A practical way of looking at your practice in order to check whether it is as you feel it should be…; • If you feel that your practice needs attention in some way you will be able to take action to improve it, and then produce evidence to show in what way the practice has improved. Jean McNiff, 2002 Action Research Principles and Practice

  27. Action Research in Singapore (1998) “…teacher-initiated classroom investigation which seeks to increase the teachers’ understanding of classroom teaching and learning, and to bring about change in classroom practices.” Teachers’ Network (Ministry of Education, Singapore) publication on Learning Circles

  28. Action Research Process in MOE To improve the quality of teaching and learning Reflect • Think about what we want to focus on Plan • – Plan what to do Act • – Carry out plan, collect evidence Observe – Observe, monitor and record Reflect – Reflect on what has happened to improve further.

  29. In ITE PEPP&ER A professional development framework for teachers in ITE Based on Action Research. EXPLORE PLAN Since Feb 2002 Enquiry Process Product Habits Quality Teaching & Learning Reflection PRACTISE PERFORM

  30. PLAN to improve the quality of teaching and learning EXPLORE new and innovative strategies PRACTICE – carry out the plan agreed upon PERFORM – reflect on learning experience and share findings Learning Circle PEPP&ER process - improving the quality of teaching and learning Enquiry Reflection Action PEPP&ER is founded on Action Research Principles and practice

  31. Reflect on: • Teaching effectiveness– better understanding, grades, attitude towards learning, teaching materials and acquisition of the key competencies • Classroom management & discipline– better student behaviour (punctuality, reduced disruptions in class, better attention span) • Use of information technology- effective use of IT to deliver the content) • Curriculum innovation- interdisciplinary efforts using Pmodel or similar frameworks eg. PBL • Assessment methodologies - use of alternative assessment tools – student portfolios, checklists, peer assessment, student reflections • Development of students through CCA - leadership skills, self-esteem, personal development

  32. "Actionresearch is the process through which teachers collaboratein evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values; try out new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more consistent with the educational values they espouse; record their work in a form which is readily available to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching practice." - John Elliott Products of Action Research: Teachers’ Professional Knowledge

  33. TSLN New role for teachers Students in the KBE need to be adaptable, flexible and creative…there is a need to develop a thinking student • Teachers should share valuable insights and experiences in real classroom situations about students’ learning, about their subjects, about themselves • Teachers should not work alone…should network and talk with other teachers to develop more innovative teaching strategies • Teachers should reflect continually on what they do and work with colleagues on how to do things better. RADM Teo Chee Hean at the Teachers’ Conference 2001 "Teach Less, learn more" PM Lee Hsien Loong

  34. The Teacher as a professional • Who is a Reflective Practitioner; • Who creates professional knowledge; • Who is a lifelong learner; • Who continually improves on • the quality of Teaching and Learning.

  35. What are the key effects of Action Research on the Professional development of teachers? “Teacher research will force the re-evaluation of current theories and will significantly influence what is known about teaching, learning, and schooling. It has often been said, ‘Teachers leave a mark on their students, but they seldom leave a mark on their profession’ (Wolf, 1989). Through the processand products of action research teachers will do both.” Beverly Johnson, Teacher-as-Researcher. ERIC Digest.

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