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HANDHELD PARTICLE COUNTERS. USE AND APPLICATIONS IN HEALTH & SAFETY MANUFACTURING. AVAILABLE FROM. With optical particles counters (OPCs), the principle of laser light scattering is used to simultaneously measure particles in various size ranges.
With optical particles counters (OPCs), the principle of laser light scattering is used to simultaneously measure particles in various size ranges. Kanomax OPCs from SKC are available with either 3 or 5 channels. Each channel represents a size range in which total particle numbers are measured, stored, and displayed on the LCD screen. OPTICAL PARTICLE COUNTERS
Model 3886 OPC • The Model 3886 has 5channels and displays total numbers of particles in the following sizes: 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 µm. • The 3886 has an internal datalogger for storage of 500 data points. • Optional probes can be added for humidity, temperature, and air velocity. SKC Cat. No. 745-3886
Model 3887 OPC • The Model 3887 is an economy model with 3 channels. It displays total numbers of particles in the following sizes: 0.3, 0.5, and 5.0 µm. • The 3887 has an internal datalogger for storage of 8000 data points. • The 3887 is a very compact unit weighing only 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg). SKC Cat. No. 745-3887
USE AND APPLICATIONS FOR OPCs CLEAN ROOM ASSESSMENTS • Industrial CleanRooms-semiconductors, electronics, and aerospace • Biological CleanRooms-pharmaceuticals, medical, food, and hospitals
CLEANROOM CLASSIFICATIONS • Classified by the number and size of particles permitted per volume of air. • U.S. Federal Standard 209E from the General Services Administration (GSA) was used for many years to define cleanrooms. This standard was officially cancelled by the GSA in 2001, but is still widely used. • ISO 14644 Cleanroom Classifications are now used as the international standard.
USE AND APPLICATIONS FOR OPCs • OPCs are useful screening devices in indoor air quality investigations, including mold remediation.
IAQ APPLICATION: MOLD • The instrument reads in particles/ft3 or particles/m3 of air. • These particle counts are used in a similar way to spore counts obtained from spore traps like the SKC VersaTrap®. • Particle counts are taken inside, outside, and in various zones. Data interpretation is done by comparing the results.
IAQ APPLICATION: MOLD • If the particle count is high in the 2 to 10 micron range, mold contamination is often present. • The particle counter can be used like a Geiger counter to guide the user closer to the source of mold contamination.
IAQ APPLICATION: PARTICULATE MATTER • OPCs are also useful screening tools for general particulate matter. Particle levels found in the test zone can be compared to those in a control zone. • They are also used to check HEPA filter system efficiency and to verify the cleanliness of duct work.
With CPCs, particles are passed through an alcohol bath at an elevated temperature, cooled in a condenser block, and detected by a light-scattering device. This technology allows smaller size particles to be measured. A CPC can measure particles as small as 15 nm. They can detect particles as large as 1 µm in size. CONDENSATION PARTICLE COUNTERS (CPCs)
Model 3800 CPC • The Model 3800 measures particles from 15 nm to 1 µm over a concentration range of 0 to 100,000 particles/m3. • Lightweight at 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) for easy handling • Programmable datalogging capabilities • Data management software SKC Cat. No. 745-3800
USE AND APPLICATION: NANOPARTICLES • Nano-enabled materials are being used in nearly every industry to enhance product performance and quality. • Nanoparticles may be released into the work environment during production of these materials. • Nano-sized particles have at least onedimension between1 and 100 nanometers(0.001-0.1 microns).
1. To determine if airborne releases are occurring. 2. To determine if control measures are effective in reducing nanoparticle exposures. Sampling for nanos may be done for production/quality reasons along with health and safety concerns. Nano-enabled materials are expensive, so manufacturers do not want these materials escaping from the production process into the work environment. MEASURING NANOPARTICLELEVELS: WHY?
EVALUATING NANOS: NIOSH EMISSION ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE NIOSH recommends the use of: a) Direct-reading particle counters b) Filter samples with lab analysis To obtain key particle metrics including: • Particle number • Particle size • Particle shape • Degree of agglomeration • Mass concentration of elemental constituents
EVALUATING NANOS: NIOSH EMISSION ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE What do you do with this data? • Compare filter samples to source nanomaterial. • Determine if there is a production problem causing a release. • Determine if controls are working. • Compare levels to existing exposure limits. • Compare area to personal samples to evaluate work tasks. Normally, the task generates the exposure.
Start the investigation by measuring background levels of nanos at 3 to 5 locations. Take measurements with BOTH an OPC and a CPC. NIOSH field studies showed typical background levels of 1246 to 19,500 particles/cm3. Note any unusual conditions in test environment that could impact the background levels. EVALUATING NANOS: NIOSH EMISSION ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE
EVALUATING EXPOSURES: THE SPECIFICS • After establishing a reliable background level, use the same particle counters to measure emissions from the work process. • If elevated nanoparticles are detected (>25% above background), collect 2 filter samples at the emission source. • Analyze one filter for particle morphology using TEM or SEM. Analyze the other for elemental analysis of metals or carbon using ICP or carbon counter.
The CPC technology allows for the measurement of particles down to 15 nm. But, you only get one particle count with this instrument 1.0 µm is the largest particle size detected. CPC VS. OPC: WHY 2 PARTICLE COUNTERS FOR NANOS?
The OPC technology allows for the measurement of total number of particles per liter of air within multiple size ranges. It can only detect particle sizes down to 300 nm,but can detect larger particles (agglomerates) up to 5 µm. CPC VS. OPC: WHY 2 PARTICLE COUNTERS FOR NANOS?
TIP FROM NIOSH ON PARTICLE COUNTERS • If you do not have enough budget money to buy both a CPC and OPC, buy the OPC. • This is because the nanos are agglomerated (clumped together) in many cases.
ARE PARTICLE COUNTERS SIMILAR TO SKC HAZ-DUST INSTRUMENTS? • HAZ-DUST instruments display the results as a mass per volume of air (mg/m3) to compare to occupational exposure limits. • Particle counters display the results as number of particles per volume of air (particles/m3) in various size ranges for data comparison from zone to zone and to cleanroom standards.
HAZ-DUST instruments measure concentrations using a light scattering device and a photocell. Particle counters use laser technology to count individual particles. ARE PARTICLE COUNTERS SIMILAR TO HAZ-DUST INSTRUMENTS?
ARE PARTICLE COUNTERS SIMILAR TO HAZ-DUST INSTRUMENTS? • HAZ-DUSTinstruments allow the addition of size-selective samplers like the IOM sampler and cyclones. • The 3886 Optical Particle Counter, sold by SKC, accommodates other probes to measure relative humidity, temperature, and air velocity in a single instrument.
ARE PARTICLE COUNTERS SIMILAR TO HAZ-DUST INSTRUMENTS? • Both instruments have an internal datalogger and optional software.
ADVANTAGES OF THE 3886 PARTICLE COUNTER FROM SKC? • Air velocity probe is a unique accessory. • Constantly measures 5 sizes and displays 2 at a time. • Remote control option (via hardwire) from a computer • Can be a continuous monitor
WHAT ABOUT CALIBRATION OF THE PARTICLE COUNTER? • The unit is calibrated by the factory using polystyrene particles. It should be sent back to the factory for annual calibration. • There is an additional charge if a calibration certificate is required.
TECHNICAL TIDBITS • The flow rate of the internal pump is 0.1 cfm. The user can not adjust or calibrate this flow rate. • If the display reads: 9.53 E+5 This means 9.53 X 105 particles/air volume • A zero filter is placed on the inlet to zero the unit, similar to the HAZ-DUST instrument.