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Agenda. Research Motivation and ContributionsResearch QuestionsTheory and HypothesesMethodResultsFuture Research Direction. Motivation and Contributions. The international joint venture (IJV) literature identifies economic and organizational factors that determine strategic choices of IJVs. However, no discussion on the conformity/differentiation level of the content of strategic choices. Values of conformity and differentiation are both supported in theoriesIJV managers need to know whe9445
1. Monica Yang
Adelphi University
2. Agenda Research Motivation and Contributions
Research Questions
Theory and Hypotheses
Future Research Direction
3. Motivation and Contributions The international joint venture (IJV) literature identifies economic and organizational factors that determine strategic choices of IJVs. However, no discussion on the conformity/differentiation level of the content of strategic choices.
Values of conformity and differentiation are both supported in theories
IJV managers need to know when and what to conform or generate their own competitive advantages.
4. Research Questions Does the content of IJVs strategic formation choices become increasingly similar or different over time?
What factors influence the degree of conformity in the strategic formation choices of IJVs?
5. IJVs Strategic Formation Choices
Two categories-
Partner Selection
the number of partners
the status of the local partner
the product relatedness between JV and its partners
the product relatedness among partners
Ownership Structure
the ownership ratio between foreign and local (China) partners
6. Theory and Hypotheses Institutional theory: the degree of variation in
organizational choices gradually decreases
over time.
Hypothesis 1a: The later the date of IJV entry,
the greater the level of conformity in strategic
formation choices.
7. Theory and Hypotheses Strategic literature: the degree of variation
in organizational choices gradually increases over
Hypothesis 1b: The later the date of IJV entry,
the lower the level of conformity in strategic
formation choices.
8. Theory and Hypotheses IJVs past experience in China (Beamish,1988; Harrigan,1985 )
-slack resources that allow a firm to explore new strategies
-or routines that lock a firm into its existing strategies
-or both?
Hypothesis 2: The level of conformity in
strategic formation choices decreases first and then increases when an IJVs past experience in China increases.
9. Sample and Methodology A sample of 4,787 IJVs established in China from 1985 to 2001
Generalized multivariate regression model
The dependent variable- the degree of conformity at the firm (joint venture) level
Control variables-industry, FDI, GDP, origin of foreign countries, political instability, economic shocks
10. Results
11. Research Implications This paper offers a different approach to apply institutional theory to the IJV context.
The result of an increasing pattern of conformity shows that Time brings significant influence on the debate of conformity and differentiation.
12. Managerial Implications Although factors like macro economic performance encourage variation and innovation, the conformity force embedded within time factor dominates.
The curvilinear influence of experience determines the degree of conformity in strategic formation choices
13. Future Research Directions Link the degree of conformity in strategic formation choices to IJV performance
Compare the results to IJVs in other countries such as the former Soviet republics and East European countries.
Explore the pattern of strategic choices of Chinese MNEs