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. Financial disclosure none. Case: PL. 43 y/o AAF referred for c/o decreased vision and pain behind the right eye. She had a previous episode 3 years ago with pain and vision loss in the left eye. Her vision did not recover in the left eye following the episode. She denies any other neurological symptoms, rash, fever, or headache.Medications: Synthroid, HCTZ, UnivascAllergies: NKDAFamily History: glaucoma - motherROS: Eye pain with right lateral gaze, sinus problems, otherwise negativePMH:9445
1. Optic Neuritis?: Another look Storm Eye Institute December 3, 2010
K. Leanne Wickliffe-Keisler, MD Monet: Storm off the Belle Ile Coast , 1886
Monet: Storm off the Belle Ile Coast , 1886
2. Financial disclosure none
3. Case: PL
4. Visual acuity:
OD 20/25, ph 20/20
OS Count fingers at 1 ft
IOP: OD 18 OS 21 mmhg
Pupil exam:
EOM: full, ortho
Color plates:
OS: 0/10
Anterior segment exam:
Lids/Adnexa: normal OU
Conj/Sclera: normal OU
Corneas: clear OU
Iris: round OU, normal
Lens: clear OU
Fundus Exam
OD disc edema OS pallor with atrophy Need pupils, color plates, VF and fundus photos for initial visit Need pupils, color plates, VF and fundus photos for initial visit
5. Right optic nerve: disc edema A: Optic nerve photo, OD. Note grade 2 papilledema, characterized by 360 degree nerve elevation without obscuration of the vessels.A: Optic nerve photo, OD. Note grade 2 papilledema, characterized by 360 degree nerve elevation without obscuration of the vessels.
6. VF right eye at presentation
7. Management Presumed optic neuritis, with history concerning for MS
Admitted to the hospital for IV steroids 500mg Q6 hours and MRI
Rheumatology for autoimmune therapy
Dermatology for skin biopsy
ENT for sinus evaluation
Neurology for exam and LP
CSF studies negative: Lyme, ACE, MBP, VDRL, protein normal
Elevated glucose (119)
8. Imaging MRI brain & orbits w&w/o contrast:
Findings: enlargement and abnormal enhancement of right optic nerve throughout its course with loss of normal fluid signal intensity surrounding the optic nerve on T2-weighted imaging, likely representing underlying optic neuritis.
The left optic nerve is normal in course
9. Work up CBC: anemic with H/H of 10.9/32
CMP: serum protein 8.5 (slightly elevated)
ANA : 1:80 positive
ESR: 34
CRP: 2.69
TSH: normal
Lysozyme/ACE: normal
Lupus anticoagulant: negative
Anticardiolipin antibody: negative
C3, C4: normal
Anti-SCL 70, SSA/RO, SSB/LA, Smith, RNP/SM: negative
Double stranded DNA: negative
C-ANCA: negative
UA: + for blood and amorphous crystals
10. Clinical Course… Discharged after 3 days of high dose IV steroids on moderate oral steroid taper
1 week later
ESR 11, CRP 0.4,
Vision unchanged
Repeat MRI: decreased enhancement of right optic nerve
4 months later on methotrexate
ANA negative
MRI: optic nerves normal, without enhancement
11. Visual fields after recovery
12. Autoimmune optic neuropathy Originally described by Dutton in 1982
Relatively rare optic neuropathy, associated with recurrent episodes of progressive visual loss with serological or cutaneous evidence of autoimmune disease without a defined systemic autoimmune illness, requiring high dose steroids
13. AON Recent review by Frohman, et al 2009 describe it as at least 3 attacks of optic neuritis (bilateral counting as 2 attacks) with positive serology or skin biopsy but without definable collagen vascular disease
H&E stain of non-lesional, non-sun exposed skin biopsy demonstrating vasculitis highly correlated AON
Usually female patients
14. AON Left, Image from skin biopsy specimen shows dermoepidermal and perivascularIgM deposition; right, dermoepidermal and perivascular C3 deposition (immunofluorescent, magnification x100)
Indicates immune complex deposition
15. AON 200x mag, H&E section of optic nerve
Perivascular aggregates of chronic inflammatory cells
No evidence of necrotizing vasculitis or optic nerve necrosis
16. AON Similar in course to chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy as described by Kidd, et al
Steroid dependent & relapsing
Pain with onset
Usually bilateral
Disc abnormalities
Normal brain MRI, with 63% abnormal optic nerves
18. AON
19. Back to our case… Last exam Sept 2010:
Vision stable :
OD 20/25
OS HM @ face
Ocular hypertension vs. glaucoma suspect – currently on XalatanQhs OU
Followed by Rheumatology on maintenance dose of methotrexate 10mg Qweek
20. Most recent fundus photos showing pallor OUMost recent fundus photos showing pallor OU
21. Summary Autoimmune optic neuropathy is a relatively rare recurrent optic neuritis without an associated autoimmune disorder
Responds to corticosteroids, but often results in permanent vision loss
Skin biopsy can be beneficial in the diagnosis
22. Questions… Monet Rock Arch West of Etretat (The Manneport)1883
Monet Rock Arch West of Etretat (The Manneport)1883
23. References: Frohman LP, DellaTorre K, Turbin R, Bielory L. Clinical characteristics, diagnostic criteria and theraputic outcomes in autoimmune optic neuropathy. Br J Ophthalmol2009.93 1660-1666.
Riedel P, Wall M, Grey A. Autoimmune optic neuropathy. Arch Ophthalmol. 1998;116:1121-1124.
Dutton JJ, Burde RM, Klingele TG. Autoimmune retrobulbar optic neuritis. Am J Ophthalmol. 1982;94:11-17.
Kupersmith MJ, Burde RM, Warren FA, Klingele TG, Frohman LP, Mitnick H. Autoimmune optic neuropathy: evaluation and treatment. J NeurolNeurosurg Psychiatry. 1988;51:1381-1386.
Bielory L, Kupersmith M, Warren F, et al. Skin biopsies in the evaluation of atypical optic neuropathies. OculImmunolInflamm. 1993;1:231-241.
Blenkinsopp WK, Clayton RJ, Haffenden GP. Immunoglobulin and complement in normal skin. J ClinPathol. 1978;31:1143-1146.