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??????? . Qettah-Cat ???Lama-Llama ????Hosan-Horse ???? ??? ???????Gamal-Camel ???Kalb-Dog ???Homar-Donkey ???? Kharoof-Sheep ????Baqarah-Cow ????Gamosah-Buffalo ?????A'anzah-Goat ????Arnab- Rabbit ?????Thore-Ox ???. Animals. [???? ???] . . Raas- Head ???Katef- Shoulder ???Roqba- Knees ????Qadam- Feet ?????Ein- Eyes ????Othon- Ears ????Fam- Mouth ??Anf- Nose ???Zera'a- Arm????Yad- Hands ??.

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Presentation Transcript

    1. ??? ?? ???? ??????? [?????] ?????

    2. ??????? Qettah-Cat ??? Lama-Llama ???? Hosan-Horse ???? ??? ??????? Gamal-Camel ??? Kalb-Dog ??? Homar-Donkey ???? Kharoof-Sheep ???? Baqarah-Cow ???? Gamosah-Buffalo ????? A’anzah-Goat ???? Arnab- Rabbit ????? Thore-Ox ???

    3. [???? ???] Raas- Head ??? Katef- Shoulder ??? Roqba- Knees ???? Qadam- Feet ????? Ein- Eyes ???? Othon- Ears ???? Fam- Mouth ?? Anf- Nose ??? Zera’a- Arm???? Yad- Hands ??

    4. ????? Wahed- One ????? Ethnaan- Two ????? Thalatha- Three ????? Arba’ah- Four ????? Khamsah- Five ???? Setteh- Six ???? Saba’ah- Seven ???? Thamaniah- Eight ?????? Tesa’ah- Nine ???? Asharah- Ten ???? Ehada Ashar- Eleven??? ??? Ehna Ashar- Twelve ?? ??? ?? Thalatha Ashar- Thirteen ????? ??? Arba’ah Ashar- Fourteen ????? ??? Khamsa Ashar- Fifteen ???? ??? Seta Ashar- Sixteen ??? ??? Saba’ah Ashar- Seventeen ???? ??? Thamany Ashar- Eighteen ?????? ??? Tesa’ah Ashar- Nineteen ???? ??? Eshreen- Twenty ????????

    5. ???? ????? ??? Baab- Door ??? Shebaak- Window ????? Saborah- Board ????? Ostaz- Mr. ????? Ketabb- Book ???? Korsy- Chair ???? Taleb- Male student ???? Talebah- Female Student ????? Fasl- Classroom ???? ????? Takhtah- Desk ????

    6. ??? Ahmar- Red ????? Bortoqauly - Orange ???????? Azraq- Blue???? Bonny- Brown ??? Akhdar- Green ????? ?????? Asfar- Yellow ????? Wardy- Pink ??? ????? Orgawany- Purple ???????? Aswad- Black ???? Abayadh- White ????? Ramady- Gray ??????

    7. ?????? Dagagah- Hen ????? Deek- Rooster ??? Battah- Duck ??? Wezah- Goose ????? Nesr- Eagle ??? Tawoos- Peacock ????? Saqr- Hawk ??? Hoopoe- Hood Hood ???

    8. ?????? Bonrah- Owl ???? Hamamah- Pigeo ????? Osfoor- Sparrow ????? Na’Amah- Ostrich ????? Babagah- Parrot ?????

    9. ???? Gazar-Carrot ??? Basal- Onion ??? Kheyaar- Cucumber ???? Tamatem- Tomato ????? Koronb- Cabbage ???? Khas- Lettuce ?? Kosa- Marrow ???? Qarnabeet- Cauliflower ?????? Bazellah- Peas ???? Batates- Potato ????? Fasolya- Beans ??????? Bazengan- Eggplant ???????

    10. ????? Mooz- Banana ??? Botoqual- Orange ???????? Enab- Grapes ????? Battieckh- Watermelon ????? Cantaloupe-Cantaloupe [???????] Farawlah- Strawberries ?????? Komethra- Pear ????? Khokh- Peach??? Barqooq- Plum ????? Toffah- Apple ?????

    11. ???? Falafel- Fried/Smashed Beans????? Fool- Beans ??????? Samak- Fish ??? Mashi- Cabbage, rice, spices[????] Dagagah- Hen ????? Koshari- Rice, mac&cheese, spices [?????] Kebdah- Liver ???? Spaghetti- Spaghetti [???????] Orz- Rice ???? Lahm- beef ???? ?????? ?????? Salatah- Salad ???? Khobz Araby- Arabic Bread??? ????? Macaronah- Macaroni ??????

    12. ????? Sama’a- Sky ???? Shams- Sun ??? Madrasah- School ????? Shagarah- Tree ???? Negeel- Grass ??? Qamar- Moon ??? Haql- Field ????

    13. [??????] Gad- Grandfather ??? Gaddah- Grandmother ???? Ab- Father ?? Omn- Mother ?? Am- Father’s brother ??? Ammah- Father’s sister ???? Khal- Mother’s Brother ??? Khalah- Mother’s Sister???? Ibn- son ??? Ibnah- daughter ???? Alkh- brother ?? Okht- sister ???

    14. [?????? ????????] Oloom- Science ???? Aspany- Spanish [??????] Gologia- Geology ???????? Reyadyat- Math ??????? Alloghah Al Englezeyah- English Language [????? ??????????] Aloghah Al Arabiah- Arabic Language ??? ?????? Tareekh- History ????? Geographia- Geography ??????? BIologia- Biology ??? ??????? Farwansway- French ??????? Ala’ab- P. E. [?????] Adab Engheezy- English [??? ???????] Language Arts

    15. ??? Tabeeb- Doctor ????? Mohandes- Engineer????? Dhabet- Police Officer ???? ???? Mohamy- Lawyer????? Ghawas- Scuba Diver???? ???? ??? ????? ???? Modares- Teacher ???? Momaredhah- Nurse ????? Gazaar- Butcher ???? Farraan- Baker???? Farzy- Tailor????? Hallaq- Barber ????

    16. Fallah- Farmer ????? Fakahany- Fruit Seller ??????? Moharreg- Clown ???? Sayaad- Fisherman ????? ??? Naqash- Painter ??? ???? ???? Baqaal- Grocer ???? Hadah- Blacksmith???? Eskafy- Shoemaker ??????

    18. ?????? Mattbakh- Kitchen???? Hammam-Bathroom ????? Thallagah- Refrigerator????? Ghasahlah- Washing Machine[?????] Hograt Alnoon-bedroom???? ??? Hograt AL Geloos- Living Room[???? ????] Ardeyah- Floor????? Salah- Hallway???? Manzel- House???? Baab- Door??? Tarabexah- Table????? Maktab- Desk???? Sereer- Bed ????

    19. ???? ??????? AL Sabet- Saturday ??? ?????? Al Ahad- Sunday??? ????? Al Ethnein- Monday??? ??????? Al Tholathaa- Tuesday??? ???????? Al Arba’aa- Wednesday??? ???????? Al Khamees- Thursday??? ?????? AL Goma’ah- Friday??? ??????

    21. ???? ????? Rabiea- Spring???? Sayf- Summer ??? ??? Shetaa- Winter ???? Khareef- Fall ????

    24. Bodies of Water Bahr- Sea ????? Moheet- Ocean ?????? Nahr- River ??? Gezeirah- Island???????

    25. Thank You

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