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This study investigates the occurrence of upwellings on the northern shelf of Taiwan under northeasterly winds and presents a simple model to explain the phenomenon. It explores the effects of strong currents and provides observational evidences to support the findings. The study also discusses the generalizations and concludes with implications for ocean dynamics.
Why are there upwellings on the northern shelf of Taiwan under northeasterly winds?* L.-Y. Oey lyo@princeton.edu Outline: Introduction – upwelling, effects of strong currents A simple model of upwelling at the western edge of Kuroshio in East China Sea Observational evidences Generalizations Conclusions *Chang, Oey, Wu & Lu, 2009 – J. Phys. Oceanogr. Submitted.
Wind & Ocean Currents Wind mixing surface layer: 10~100m Y:v/t + fu = y/z fu = y/z (..)dz fU = oy
U = oy /f oy U Ekman Layer 10~100m
Non-uniform Wind, constant f oy < 0 oy > 0 X Wind from north Wind from south U < 0 U= oy /f > 0 Ekman Layer Upwelling
Constant wind, non-uniform f Trade Wind oy < 0 f > 0 f < 0 x U= oy /f < 0 U= oy /f > 0
Constant wind & f, but with a coast:Upwelling oy Coast Wind U Warm Cool
Coastal Downwelling oy Coast Wind U Warm Cool
Why are there upwellings on the northern shelf of Taiwan under northeasterly winds?
In the Presence of a Spatially Non-uniform Ocean Current vo(x), the Ekman transport U = oy /f ~ Period, where f = fo+ o; o = vo/x NE Monsoon oy<0 Jupiter = 10 hrs/rotation Wind China Mars = 24.6 hrs/rotation z y o>0 o<0 o=0 vo x Warm Cool Kuroshio
A Simple Model +QsNT For oy < 0 Warming Cooling A oy T/t = A eit Consider Oscillatory Wind: T/t is in phase with wind if A > 0; T/t is 1800 out of phase with wind if A < 0.
Wind T/t ~ oy(t) [s/xT/f ] T/t T/t ~ oy(t) [To/x] Wind T/t
Observational evidences East China Sea Kuroshio LongTung Study Region
Ro Rossby number (Ro) Ro↓, Ue↑ Ro↑, Ue↓ Southward wind: oy<0
Effects of Kuroshio: Long-Tung SST & wind stress Southward wind: cooling T/t ~ oy(t)/(fE)[To/x +s/xT/f ]
Annual (~30yrs) Mean Wind 2001 wind
Summary Current shears near strong ocean jets play a significant role in controlling the vertical motions in the ocean.
Generalizations 1. 2. (fh1/d)/t + voxxu = (f+vox)wE/d (1) In SS, using wE = oy/(f +vox)2.voxx, (2) we have, u = - oy/[d(f +vox)]. (3)
A “bulge” is defined as a near-surface buoyant fluid that moves across shelf as a result of Ekman transport by downwelling wind and its interaction with ocean’s vorticity across, say, a front. It is “2d-like” when |/y| << |/x| where y = alongshore and x = cross-shore. Idealized Calc.: oy < 0 Day 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 4 Caption: V-contours (black:0.2, 0.4, ..; grey: -0.05; white:-0.1,-0.15,-0.2,..) m/s, on color T (oC) from day 1 through 4after an up-front wind is applied.
A Nonlinear Model Assume /H << 1, |/ y| << |/ x|; Within the bulge, temperature T = Tb(x,z,t) is weakly stratified: Tb = T- + (z + ), for 0z(x,t); g/N2 << 1 (A.1) T- is related to the temperature Ti(z)beneath the bulge: T- = Ti(), and Ti(z) = Tdeep + [N2/(g)](z + zdeep), for (x,t) z zdeep (A.2a,b)
/t = n[-1/2/x+ 21/23/x3]; where = 2 • = F(), = -1(x + ct), c = nconstant > 0 Figure A2. The bulge solution according to equation (A.21) for C1 = 1 and various indicated values of c. Both the ordinate and abscissa are non-dimensionalized: ordinate is the bulge thickness (“”) below the free surface while the abscissa is = -1(xcnt); see text. For each c, the dotted line indicates where the solution terminates at the head of the bulge where a front is formed.
Conclusions • Down-front wind leads to slantwise instability with intense mixing ~300m • Up-front wind leads to propagating “bulge” solution that produces deep recirculation cells