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Grid Security Policy. David Kelsey (RAL) 1 July 2009 UK HEP SYSMAN Security workshop david.kelsey at stfc.ac.uk. Overview. Why do we need security policies? Joint Security Policy Group The mandate Interoperability is important! Overview of JSPG policies Some example policies Future plans.
Grid Security Policy David Kelsey (RAL)1 July 2009UK HEP SYSMAN Security workshop david.kelsey at stfc.ac.uk
Overview • Why do we need security policies? • Joint Security Policy Group • The mandate • Interoperability is important! • Overview of JSPG policies • Some example policies • Future plans Kelsey, Security Policy
Why do we need security policies? Management of IT security All about management of risks and balancing with availability of services Having performed a risk analysis Need a Security Plan to mitigate and manage those risks Security Plan includes various “Controls” Technical Operational Management Security Policy is part of Management Controls (written documents) Kelsey, Security Policy
Trust is important • Trust is a relationship of reliance. A trusted party is presumed to seek to fulfill policies, ethical codes, law and their previous promises. (wikipedia) • Trust is a prediction of reliance on an action, based on what a party knows about the other party. Trust is a statement about what is otherwise unknown -- for example, because it is far away, cannot be verified, or is in the future. Kelsey, Security Policy
Joint Security Policy Group This started as a WLCG activity in 2003 LHC Grid (CERN) To advise GDB and Deployment Manager On all matters related to security In 2004, EGEE started JSPG remit expanded to cover both projects Strong participation by OSG, NDGF, … Revised mandate (2008) http://www.jspg.org/ prepares and maintains security policies for its primary stakeholders (EGEE and WLCG) also able to provide policy advice on any security matter Policies approved and adopted by Grid management Kelsey, Security Policy
Policy Interoperability Wherever possible, JSPG aims to prepare simple and general policies applicable to the primary stakeholders, but also of use to other Grid infrastructures (NGI's etc) The adoption of common policies by multiple Grids eases the problems of interoperability (and scaling) Users, VOs and Sites all accept the same policies during their (single) registration (with Grid or VO) Other participants then know that their actions are already bound by the policies No need for additional negotiation, registration or agreement Kelsey, Security Policy
Interoperability (2) • User registers (once) with his/her VO • Must accept Grid AUP • Sites willing to delegate registration to VO knowing that VO procedures must follow same VO policy • And that User will have accepted AUP • The use of common policies • Allow VOs to easily use resources in multiple Grids • as move to EGI in Europe, for example • Other Grids are welcome to use our policies • With appropriate acknowledgements! Kelsey, Security Policy
Overview of JSPG Policies Kelsey, Security Policy
Grid Security Policy The main policy document https://edms.cern.ch/document/428008/ To fulfil its mission, it is necessary for the Grid to protect its resources. This document presents the policy regulating those activities of Grid participants related to the security of Grid services and Grid resources. Kelsey, Security Policy
Grid Security Policy (2) Objectives This policy gives authority for actions which may be carried out by certain individuals and bodies and places responsibilities on all participants. Scope This policy applies to all participants. Every site participating in the Grid autonomously owns and follows their own local security policies with respect to the system administration and networking of all the resources they own, including resources which are part of the Grid. This policy augments local policies by setting out additional Grid-specific requirements. Kelsey, Security Policy
Grid Security Policy (3) Additional Policy documents Appendix 1 defines additional policy documents which must exist for a proper implementation of this policy. These documents are referred to in section 2. Roles and Responsibilities: Participants Grid Management Grid Security Officer & Grid Security Operations Virtual Organisation Management Users Site Management Resource Administrators Kelsey, Security Policy
Grid Security Policy (4) Limits to Compliance Wherever possible, Grid policies and procedures are designed so that they may be applied uniformly across all sites and VOs. If this is not possible, for example due to legal or contractual obligations, exceptions may be made. Such exceptions must be justified in a document submitted to the Grid Security Officer for authorisation and, if required, approval at the appropriate level of management. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for participants to take emergency action in response to some unforeseen situation which may violate some aspect of this policy for the greater good of pursuing or preserving legitimate Grid objectives. If such a policy violation is necessary, the exception should be minimised, documented, time-limited and authorised at the highest level of the management commensurate with taking the emergency action promptly, and the details notified to the Grid Security Officer at the earliest opportunity. Kelsey, Security Policy
Grid Security Policy (5) Sanctions, Liability, Disputes and Intellectual Property Rights Sites or resource administrators who fail to comply with this policy in respect of a service they are operating may lose the right to have that service instance recognised by the Grid until compliance has been satisfactorily demonstrated again. Users who fail to comply with this policy may lose their right of access to and/or collaboration with the Grid, and may have their activities reported to their home institute or, if those activities are thought to be illegal, to appropriate law enforcement agencies. VOs which fail to comply with this policy, together with all the users whose rights with respect to the Grid derives from that VO, may lose their right of access to and/or collaboration with the Grid. The issues of liability, dispute resolution and intellectual property rights, all of which may be Grid-specific, should be addressed in the additional policy documents. Kelsey, Security Policy
JSPG Security Policies Security Incident Response Certification Authorities Traceability and Logging Site & VO Policies Security Policy Grid & VO AUPs Pilot Jobs and VO Portals Accounting DataPrivacy Kelsey, Security Policy
Sites Operations Policy Accepted and signed by authorized person during registration of Site with the Grid https://edms.cern.ch/document/819783 Kelsey, Security Policy
VO Operations Policy Accepted and signed by authorized person during registration of VO with the Grid https://edms.cern.ch/document/853968 Kelsey, Security Policy
Grid AUP Acceptable Use Policy Accepted by User during registration with VO https://edms.cern.ch/document/428036 Kelsey, Security Policy
Current JSPG work Kelsey, Security Policy Two revised policies awaiting formal approval and adoption • Virtual Organisation Registration Security Policy https://edms.cern.ch/document/573348/8 http://www.jspg.org/wiki/VO_Registration_Policy • Virtual Organisation Membership Management Policy https://edms.cern.ch/document/428034/3 http://www.jspg.org/wiki/VO_Membership_Management_Policy Three new policies are in “final call” • Grid Policy on the Handling of User-Level Job Accounting Data • VO Portal Policy • Security Incident Response Policy
Future JSPG plans Revise the Grid User AUP Some Grids use it but have modified our text Explore why and standardise where possible DEISA, TeraGrid, EU infrastructures, national Grids, … Revise policy framework during next 6 months More simple, general and consistent More applicable to EGI world Broaden the membership – include more NGIs and other Grids Other Grids, volunteers and interested parties welcome Kelsey, Security Policy
JSPG Meetings, Web etc Meetings - Agenda, presentations, minutes etc http://indico.cern.ch/categoryDisplay.py?categId=68 JSPG Web sites http://www.jspg.organd http://proj-lcg-security.web.cern.ch/ Membership of the JSPG mail list is closed, BUT Volunteers to work with us are always welcome! Policy documents at http://www.jspg.organd http://proj-lcg-security.web.cern.ch/proj-lcg-security/documents.html Kelsey, Security Policy
Where are JSPG security policies? http://www.jspg.org/wiki/JSPG_Docs http://proj-lcg-security.web.cern.ch/proj-lcg-security/documents.html https://edms.cern.ch/nav/CERN-0000022711 Kelsey, Security Policy
Security Policies adopted by EGEE and GridPP? http://osct.web.cern.ch/osct/policies.html http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/deployment/security/policies/index.html Kelsey, Security Policy
Discussion Kelsey, Security Policy