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FirstVoices: Revitalizing Indigenous Languages with Innovation

FirstVoices offers a powerful online database and resources to document and teach Indigenous languages in a culturally appropriate, collaborative, and cost-effective manner. Communities benefit from language resources and long-term support. Onsite technical training is provided for collecting, editing, and uploading text, audio, pictures, and video.

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FirstVoices: Revitalizing Indigenous Languages with Innovation

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  1. www.FirstVoices.com Online language revitalization resources developed for Indigenous People by Indigenous People Working together to protect our languages for future generations.

  2. British Columbia, Canada A rich linguistic heritage

  3. Urgency required innovation • The rich diversity of British Columbia’s languages required an innovative approach to help turn the tide of language loss. • FPCF recognized that the FirstVoices concept could provide universal access to language documentation and teaching resources.

  4. First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation • In 2000, the non-profit society FPCF was incorporated to spearhead the a funding and development of solid initiatives for language and culture revitalization in B.C. • In 2001, the FirstVoices concept was gifted to the foundation and became its primary language initiative.

  5. FirstVoices Guiding Principles • Culturally appropriate • Community driven • Child centered • Cost effective • Collaborative • Creative

  6. FirstVoices Resources • Community Portal • Alphabet • Dictionary • Phrases • Stories • Songs • Games • Grammar • Punctuation • Teacher Resources

  7. The FirstVoices Tool Kit • At the core - a powerful online database • The FirstVoices team builds the tools • Indigenous communities use the tools to document their own languages using text, audio, video and pictures • Content provided to learners via media rich activities • Constantly evolving through technical advances and community input

  8. FirstVoices Services • Access to archive templates customized for each language • Detailed on-site technical training, with illustrated user manuals • Collaborative global partnerships • Long-term support

  9. Communities Benefits • Community-built language resources • Culturally appropriate • Part of the global network of Indigenous language activists • Collaborative environment prompts sharing of resources and expertise • New developments benefit all users immediately

  10. Onsite Technical Training Collecting Editing Uploading Managing • Text • Audio • Pictures • Video

  11. Community Portal

  12. Alphabet

  13. Dictionary

  14. Phrase Collection

  15. Language Games

  16. Language Games

  17. www.FirstVoicesKids.com

  18. Interactive Audio Dictionaries

  19. Fun Activities for Young Learners

  20. Fun Activities for Young Learners

  21. Fun Activities for Young Learners

  22. Unicode Software Keyboards ÁL̵E E TIÁ. ĆX̱ENÁṈ C̸E SELÁLEW̱ LE L̵TE. “Everything is rooted here. All the ways of our ancestors and past elders”. SENĆOŦEN - Saanich, British Columbia, Canada Dàdidi nenh kayʼ yànī̀zhą̄ akùtʼē. "Our heritage has grown roots into the earth since the olden times". Tagish - Carcross, Yukon Territory, Canada c̓uʔičḥšiʔaƛquu k̓ʷispiičiƛmaʔaał “It starts to snow when it is winter”. c̕išaaʔatḥ - Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada ᑭᑕᐢᑭᓇᐤᑳᓀᓱᐏᑌᐦᐃᓇᑿᐣ, ᑮᐢᐱᐣᐃᔨᐣᑐᐱᑭᐢᑵᐏᐣᐘᓂᑎᔭᐦᑭ “A country without its language is a country without a heart”. Plains Cree, Maskwacis, Alberta, Canada

  23. Indigenous Language Publishing

  24. Strong Indigenous Leadership

  25. FirstVoices Supporters

  26. Contact www.FirstVoices.com First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation 31 Bastion Square, Victoria British Columbia V8W1J1 Canada E-mail: info@fpcf.ca Phone 250 361 3456 Fax 250 361 3467

  27. www.firstvoices.com

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