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URUGUAY Sustainability of the National Communication process CGE Workshop on Exchange of Experiences and Good Practices among NAI Parties in Preparing National Communications and on Cross-Cutting Issues, Cairo, Egypt. 20-22 September 2007. Institutional and regulatory aspects.
URUGUAYSustainability of the National Communication processCGE Workshop on Exchange of Experiences and Good Practices among NAI Parties in Preparing National Communications and on Cross-Cutting Issues, Cairo, Egypt. 20-22 September 2007
Institutional and regulatory aspects • UNFCCC Ratification:1994 • Kyoto Protocol Ratification: 2000 • Ministry of Environment: created in 1990 and designated as National Authority on Climate Change in 1990 • Climate Change Unit: created in 1994 for the implementation of the Convention at national level and designated as DNA in 2001 • COTAMA: Technical Advisory Committee on Environment, formed by gov. agencies and Ministries, private sector, NGOs.
Uruguay’s Initial National Communication • Prepared within the framework of the “Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Environment for the implementation of the UNFCCC” project • Published in October 1997 and presented at COP-3 (Kyoto, Japan) in December 1997 • Contents: National Circumstances, National GHG Inventory for 1990, and Measures to implement the UNFCCC (preliminary identification)
Uruguay’s Second National Communication • Prepared within the framework of the “Institutional Strengthening for the Preparation of Uruguay’s Second National Communication to the Conference of the Parties in the UNFCCC” project • Developed within Inter-institutional working groups • Validated at National Consultation Workshops • Declared of ministerial interest • Using the new Guidelines approved in COP-8 for the preparation of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention • Published in May 2004 and presented during the 20th Subsidiary Bodies meetings.
Contents of Uruguay’s Second National Communication I. Introduction II. National Circumstances (geography, climate, socio-cultural characteristics, economy, main features of relevant sectors, institutional arrangements) III. National GHG Inventory 2000 and results from previous Inventories (1990, 1994 and 1998) IV. Measures to implement the Convention V. Other information considered relevant to the achievement of the objective of the Convention VI. Constraints and gaps, and related financial, technological and capacity needs
SNC: Measures to implement the ConventionProgram of General Measures for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (PMEGEMA)in Uruguay • Prepared by sectorial and cross-sectorial specialists with the active participation of working groups, including representatives from national and local organizations. (Representatives from 60 governmental agencies, NGOs, and public and private institutions participated in the elaboration of the program) • This working groups were a great opportunity to engage other key agencies and institutions in the preparation of the SNC • Process done in permanent consultation with stakeholders from governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as private and academic representatives. • Submission to national authorities (decision makers) for review and comments. • The MVOTMA has declared of Ministerial Interest the implementation of the measures contained in the PMEGEMA (R.M.420/2003, 26 November 2003)
SNC: Measures to implement the ConventionProgram of General Measures for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (PMEGEMA)in Uruguay ADAPTATION measures for the following sectors: • Agriculture • Biodiversity • Coastal Resources • Water Resources • Fishery Resources • Human Health MITIGATION measures for the following sectors: Agriculture Forestry Waste Energy Transportation
SNC: Implementation of Measures from PMEGEMA Mitigation – Priority: Renewables energies • Wind Energy MSP: submitted to GEF and approved, under implementation. • Biomass Energy MSP: submitted, technically approved, in the pipeline (RAF 50%rule) Adaptation – Priorities: Agriculture,Coastal Resources and Water Resources • Coastal Zones: Project submitted to Strategic Priority on Adaptation (SPA) • Agriculture, Water Resources: to be submitted once the SCCF is replenished
Uruguay’s Third National Communication • Being elaborated in the framework of the “Institutional Strengthening for the Preparation of Uruguay’s Third National Communication to the Conference of the Parties in the UNFCCC” project • Project submitted and approved under the operational procedures for the expedited financing of national communications from non-Annex I Parties • Project elaborated using new Guidelines for National Communications of Non-Annex I Parties and its Manual
Uruguay’s Third National Communication Activities proposed were the result of: • Consultation process developed under the framework of the National Capacity Self Assessment (3 National Workshops and final videoconference, during 2003-2004) • Self-Assessment of the results obtained in the framework of the Second National Communication, in consultation with all stakeholders (2004)
Uruguay’s Third National Communication Important issues for Sustainability of the NC process: • The institutions developing V&A assessments under the TNC are the institutions which capacity was enhanced in the framework of the SNC • All these institutions were involved in the elaboration of the TNC Project Document • Involve the political sector: meetings with the Parliament • Use outputs from NC to “convince” those in charge of developing sectorial public policies of integrating CC into these policies and into national development plans (Examples undergoing in Uruguay: Land Planning Law and its Regulation, National System of Protected Areas, National Water Policy, National Emergency System)
Sustainability of the NC process • Importance of involving all stakeholders from the beginning and the need of Political support, requisites to elaborate NC (Dec.17/CP8) • Importance of including Adaptation Programs/Projects in the NCs, which facilitates the future submissions of projects to: - GEF (SPA and SCCF) - Bilateral Cooperation (example: Iberoamerican Initiative for Adaptation to Climate Change) • Considering revising the actual guidelines for NC (actual expedite mechanism amounts are not enough for adaptation activities), future replenishment must take into account more support to adaptation activities in the framework of the expedite mechanism.
Sustainability of the NC process Important issue: actual GEF replenishment does not include funds for NC. • Most of NAI Parties will have prepared their ongoing NC for 2009 (TNC in the case of Uruguay) • 5th GEF replenishment will not be available at that time (one year gap until new funds for enabling activities are available) • In order to assure the continuity of the NC process (Dec. 8/CP11), Parties would need to allocate funds from the GEF Resources Allocation Framework (RAF) for the next NC. This aspect is against of what was established about not including enabling activities in RAF. • For the next GEF replenishment, additional resources shall be committed to support all enabling activities identified by NAI Parties, and this shall also be in time to avoid that countries with limited resources under the RAF have to take use of part of them for these enabling activities. Regarding this issue: Uruguay made a submission on Additional guidance to the GEF-Views and recommendations from Parties on the funding available to them in the climate change focal area.
THANK YOU for your attention Magdalena Preve mpreve@cambioclimatico.gub.uy magdalena.preve@adinet.com.uy URUGUAYSustainability of the National Communication processCGE Workshop on Exchange of Experiences and Good Practices among NAI Parties in Preparing National Communications and on Cross-Cutting Issues, Cairo, Egypt. 20-22 September 2007