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FFA Then and Now

Explore the history of the FFA from its establishment in 1917 to its growth and development into the National FFA Organization. Learn about key milestones, influential figures, and the evolution of its programs and initiatives.

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FFA Then and Now

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  1. FFA Then and Now A look back at how the FFA became what it is today.

  2. FFA History • 1917 Congress passed Smith-Hughes Act • established agriculture classes • 1920’s Future Farmers of Virginia formed • Henry Groseclose-”Father of the FFA” • 1926 American Royal in Kansas City invited vocational agriculture students to judge livestock

  3. FFA History • 1928 Walt Disney draws Mickey Mouse for Kansas City Star • 1928 1st National Convention in Kansas City’s Baltimore Hotel 1st President - Leslie Applegate 1st Nat. Advisor - Dr. C.H. Lane Dues set at $0.10 • 1929 Carton Patton 1st American Star Farmer • National Blue and Corn Gold official colors

  4. FFA History • 1930 FFA Creed Adopted written by E.M. Tiffany 3rd national convention revised in 1965, 1987, and 1990 • 1930 Montana FFA chartered • 1933 FFA Jacket adopted as official dress

  5. FFA History • 1939 National FFA Center located on part of the original estate of George Washington in Alexandria, Virginia • 1944 National FFA Foundation Formed non-profit fundraising part of FFA private donations fund awards Foundation raises $6 million annually

  6. FFA History • 1947 National FFA Band • 1948 National FFA Chorus • 1948 National FFA Supply Service Formed Official Jackets Awards Anything FFA

  7. FFA History • 1950 Public Law 740 granted National FFA a Federal Charter FFA recognized as “intracurricular” part of the agriculture education program • 1952 National Future Farmer magazine published now called FFA New Horizon • 1952 Code of Ethics adopted • 1952 Plentywood FFA chartered

  8. FFA History • 1955 FFA in Japan, Brazil, Columbia, Korea, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Thailand • 1955 International Student exchange programs begun can now travel to 30 countries • 1965 NFA merged with FFA NFA (New Farmers) African American

  9. FFA History • 1969 Girls admitted to FFA • 1969 First Star Agribusinessman • 1971 National FFA Alumni founded support agriculture education • 1972 Montana FFA Alumni founded • 1972 Plentywood FFA Alumni founded • 1988 Name changed to National FFA Organization

  10. FFA History • 1989 National Future Farmer changed to FFA New Horizons

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