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Connecting Knowledge Using creativity to understand (and change) the digital world

Empower children with digital literacy to navigate the online world, discern information credibility, and foster creativity through creating meaningful digital content. Learn how to spot fake news and develop essential skills with practical activities.

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Connecting Knowledge Using creativity to understand (and change) the digital world

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  1. Connecting KnowledgeUsing creativity to understand (and change) the digital world

  2. How did you know?

  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/38906931

  4. Has the story been reported anywhere else? • Is it on the radio, TV or in the newspapers? • Have you heard of the organisation that published the story? • Does the website address at the very top of the page look real? Is the end of the website something normal like '.co.uk' or '.com', and not something unusual, like 'com.co'? • Does the website where you found the story look genuine? (meaning it doesn't look like a copycat website that's designed to look like another genuine website) • Does the photo or video look normal? • Does the story sound believable?  ?

  5. What is digital literacy? Offline literacy involves reading, writing, grammar and syntax. Meanwhile, digital literacy includes various tools, devices, apps, pictures, moving images and sound. Children must learn how this ‘digital syntax’ can be manipulated and structured to create meaning, and approach what they see with a critical eye. Jason Budge, CAS Master Teacher https://www.bcs.org/content/ConBlogPost/2598

  6. What is digital literacy? • Children must learn… • how to effectively navigate the internet • understanding searches • discerning good content from bad • comprehending the importance of e-safety • develop practical skills • common word processing • effective presentation abilities • understanding of digital note taking and mind mapping tools. • knowledge of digital photography and filmmaking Jason Budge, CAS Master Teacher https://www.bcs.org/content/ConBlogPost/2598

  7. New Wessex Units: KS1 Use appropriate search engine Recognise icons to find different kinds of information Reliability of information Use appropriate search engine to answer questions

  8. New Wessex Units:KS2 Compare search engines Check and begin to understand Check information Check and understand

  9. Digital syntax and fake websites

  10. http://applecrumbleday.wordpress.com http://bit.ly/applecrumbleday

  11. Digital Literacy + Creativity • Researched similar sites • Planned our ‘fake news’ website • Decided what would be on each page • What text would we need? • What images would we need? • Created a PowerPoint presentation using appropriate template • Created slides for each page (copy/paste) • Added internal and external hyperlinks • Took photos and edited using Paint, iPad filters andIrfanview • Greenscreened some images we couldn’t find elsewhere (DoInk) • Chose an appropriate font for the website using DaFontwww.dafont.com • Checked it with a friend – did it look convincing? • Decided whether to share online or not – Office 365 and embed option

  12. Digital Literacy + Creativity • What else could you use? • Book Creator • Comic Life / Pic Collage • 2Create a Story • Greenscreen by Do Ink

  13. Using creativity to understand (and change) the digital world • Fake news is not new • Technology makes it easier to share, and harder to spot • Consequences now are more problematic • Important to teach children to check and search • Give them opportunities to build their ‘digital syntax’ by creating ‘fake news’ which combines text, images and sound • Talk about the impact of their creations

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