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Program Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel Systems

Program Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel Systems. Roman Manevich Ben-Gurion University. Three papers. A Shape Analysis for Optimizing Parallel Graph Programs [POPL’11] Elixir: a System for Synthesizing Concurrent Graph Programs [OOPSLA’12]

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Program Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel Systems

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  1. Program Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel Systems Roman Manevich Ben-Gurion University

  2. Three papers A Shape Analysis for Optimizing Parallel Graph Programs[POPL’11] Elixir: a System for Synthesizing Concurrent Graph Programs[OOPSLA’12] Parameterized Verification of Transactional Memories[PLDI’10]

  3. What’s the connection? From analysisto language design A Shape Analysisfor Optimizing ParallelGraph Programs[POPL’11] Elixir: a System for SynthesizingConcurrent Graph Programs[OOPSLA’12] Creates opportunitiesfor more optimizations.Requires other analyses Similarities betweenabstract domains Parameterized Verificationof Transactional Memories[PLDI’10]

  4. What’s the connection? From analysisto language design A Shape Analysisfor Optimizing ParallelGraph Programs[POPL’11] Elixir: a System for SynthesizingConcurrent Graph Programs [OOPSLA’12] Creates opportunitiesfor more optimizations.Requires other analyses Similarities betweenabstract domains Parameterized Verificationof Transactional Memories [PLDI’10]

  5. A Shape Analysis for Optimizing Parallel Graph Programs Roman Manevich2 Kathryn S. McKinley1 Dimitrios Prountzos1 Keshav Pingali1,2 1: Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin 2: Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin

  6. Motivation • Graph algorithms are ubiquitous • Goal: Compiler analysis for optimizationof parallel graph algorithms Computer Graphics Computational biology Social Networks

  7. Minimum Spanning Tree Problem 7 1 6 c d e f 2 4 4 3 a b g 5

  8. Minimum Spanning Tree Problem 7 1 6 c d e f 2 4 4 3 a b g 5

  9. Boruvka’sMinimum Spanning Tree Algorithm 7 1 6 c d e f lt 2 4 4 3 1 6 a b g d e f 5 7 4 4 a,c b g 3 • Build MST bottom-up • repeat { • pick arbitrary node ‘a’ • merge with lightest neighbor ‘lt’ • add edge ‘a-lt’ to MST • } until graph is a single node

  10. Parallelism in Boruvka 7 1 6 c d e f 2 4 4 3 a b g 5 • Build MST bottom-up • repeat { • pick arbitrary node ‘a’ • merge with lightest neighbor ‘lt’ • add edge ‘a-lt’ to MST • } until graph is a single node

  11. Non-conflicting iterations 7 1 6 c d e f 2 4 4 3 a b g 5 • Build MST bottom-up • repeat { • pick arbitrary node ‘a’ • merge with lightest neighbor ‘lt’ • add edge ‘a-lt’ to MST • } until graph is a single node

  12. Non-conflicting iterations 1 6 f,g d e 7 4 a,c b 3 • Build MST bottom-up • repeat { • pick arbitrary node ‘a’ • merge with lightest neighbor ‘lt’ • add edge ‘a-lt’ to MST • } until graph is a single node

  13. Conflicting iterations 7 1 6 c d e f 2 4 4 3 a b g 5 • Build MST bottom-up • repeat { • pick arbitrary node ‘a’ • merge with lightest neighbor ‘lt’ • add edge ‘a-lt’ to MST • } until graph is a single node

  14. Optimistic parallelization in Galois i2 i1 i3 • Programming model • Client code has sequential semantics • Library of concurrent data structures • Parallel execution model • Thread-level speculation (TLS) • Activities executed speculatively • Conflict detection • Each node/edge has associated exclusive lock • Graph operations acquire locks on read/written nodes/edges • Lock owned by another thread  conflict  iteration rolled back • All locks released at the end • Two main overheads • Locking • Undo actions

  15. Generic optimization structure ProgramAnalyzer AnnotatedProgram Program ProgramTransformer OptimizedProgram

  16. Overheads(I): locking • Optimizations • Redundant locking elimination • Lock removal for iteration private data • Lock removal for lock domination • ACQ(P): set of definitely acquiredlocks per program point P • Given method call M at P: Locks(M)  ACQ(P)  Redundant Locking

  17. Overheads (II): undo actions foreach (Node a : wl) { Set<Node> aNghbrs = g.neighbors(a); Node lt = null; for (Node n : aNghbrs) { minW,lt = minWeightEdge((a,lt), (a,n)); } g.removeEdge(a, lt); Set<Node> ltNghbrs = g.neighbors(lt); for (Node n : ltNghbrs) { Edge e = g.getEdge(lt, n); Weight w = g.getEdgeData(e); Edge an = g.getEdge(a, n); if (an != null) { Weight wan = g.getEdgeData(an); if (wan.compareTo(w) < 0) w = wan; g.setEdgeData(an, w); } else { g.addEdge(a, n, w); } } g.removeNode(lt); mst.add(minW); wl.add(a); } foreach (Node a : wl) { … … } Lockset Grows Failsafe Lockset Stable … Program point Pis failsafe if: Q : Reaches(P,Q)  Locks(Q)  ACQ(P)

  18. Lockset analysis GSet<Node> wl = new GSet<Node>(); wl.addAll(g.getNodes()); GBag<Weight> mst = new GBag<Weight>(); foreach (Node a : wl) { Set<Node> aNghbrs = g.neighbors(a); Node lt = null; for (Node n : aNghbrs) { minW,lt = minWeightEdge((a,lt), (a,n)); } g.removeEdge(a, lt); Set<Node> ltNghbrs = g.neighbors(lt); for (Node n : ltNghbrs) { Edge e = g.getEdge(lt, n); Weight w = g.getEdgeData(e); Edge an = g.getEdge(a, n); if (an != null) { Weight wan = g.getEdgeData(an); if (wan.compareTo(w) < 0) w = wan; g.setEdgeData(an, w); } else { g.addEdge(a, n, w); } } g.removeNode(lt); mst.add(minW); wl.add(a); } • Redundant Locking • Locks(M)  ACQ(P) • Undo elimination • Q : Reaches(P,Q) Locks(Q)  ACQ(P) • Need to compute ACQ(P) : Runtime overhead

  19. The optimization technically • Each graph method m(arg1,…,argk, flag) contains optimization level flag • flag=LOCK – acquire locks • flag=UNDO – log undo (backup) data • flag=LOCK_UNO D – (default) acquire locks and log undo • flag=NONE – no extra work • Example:Edge e = g.getEdge(lt, n, NONE)

  20. Analysis challenges • The usual suspects: • Unbounded Memory  Undecidability • Aliasing, Destructive updates • Specific challenges: • Complex ADTs: unstructured graphs • Heap objects are locked • Adapt abstraction to ADTs • We use Abstract Interpretation [CC’77] • Balance precision and realistic performance

  21. Shape analysis overview Predicate Discovery Graph { @rep nodes @rep edges … } Set { @rep cont … } … … HashMap-Graph Set Spec Shape Analysis Graph Spec Tree-based Set Concrete ADT Implementations in Galois library ADTSpecifications Boruvka.java Optimized Boruvka.java

  22. ADT specification Abstract ADT state by virtual set fields Graph<ND,ED> { @rep set<Node> nodes @rep set<Edge> edges Set<Node> neighbors(Node n); } ... Set<Node> S1 = g.neighbors(n); ... @locks(n + n.rev(src) + n.rev(src).dst + n.rev(dst) + n.rev(dst).src) @op( nghbrs = n.rev(src).dst + n.rev(dst).src , ret = new Set<Node<ND>>(cont=nghbrs) ) Boruvka.java Graph Spec Assumption: Implementation satisfies Spec

  23. Modeling ADTs Graph<ND,ED> { @rep set<Node> nodes @rep set<Edge> edges @locks(n + n.rev(src) + n.rev(src).dst+n.rev(dst) + n.rev(dst).src) @op( nghbrs= n.rev(src).dst+ n.rev(dst).src , ret = new Set<Node<ND>>(cont=nghbrs) ) Set<Node> neighbors(Node n); } c src dst src dst dst src a b Graph Spec

  24. Modeling ADTs Abstract State Graph<ND,ED> { @rep set<Node> nodes @rep set<Edge> edges @locks(n + n.rev(src) + n.rev(src).dst+n.rev(dst) + n.rev(dst).src) @op( nghbrs= n.rev(src).dst+ n.rev(dst).src , ret = new Set<Node<ND>>(cont=nghbrs) ) Set<Node> neighbors(Node n); } nodes edges c src dst ret cont src dst dst src a b Graph Spec nghbrs

  25. Abstraction scheme S1 S2 L(S2.cont) L(S1.cont) (S1 ≠S2) ∧ L(S1.cont) ∧ L(S2.cont) cont cont  • Parameterized by set of LockPaths: L(Path)o . o ∊ Path  Locked(o) • Tracks subset of must-be-locked objects • Abstract domain elements have the form: Aliasing-configs 2LockPaths …

  26. Joining abstract states ( L(y.nd) )  (  L(y.nd) L(x.rev(src)) )  ( () L(x.nd) ) ( L(y.nd) )  ( () L(x.nd) ) ( L(y.nd) )  ( () L(x.nd) ) Aliasing is crucial for precision May-be-locked does not enable our optimizations #Aliasing-configs: small constant (6)

  27. Example invariant in Boruvka GSet<Node> wl = new GSet<Node>(); wl.addAll(g.getNodes()); GBag<Weight> mst = new GBag<Weight>(); foreach (Node a : wl) { Set<Node> aNghbrs = g.neighbors(a); Node lt = null; for (Node n : aNghbrs) { minW,lt = minWeightEdge((a,lt), (a,n)); } g.removeEdge(a, lt); Set<Node> ltNghbrs = g.neighbors(lt); for (Node n : ltNghbrs) { Edge e = g.getEdge(lt, n); Weight w = g.getEdgeData(e); Edge an = g.getEdge(a, n); if (an != null) { Weight wan = g.getEdgeData(an); if (wan.compareTo(w) < 0) w = wan; g.setEdgeData(an, w); } else { g.addEdge(a, n, w); } } g.removeNode(lt); mst.add(minW); wl.add(a); } • The immediate neighbors • of a and lt are locked lt a ( a ≠ lt ) ∧ L(a) ∧ L(a.rev(src)) ∧ L(a.rev(dst)) ∧ L(a.rev(src).dst)∧ L(a.rev(dst).src) ∧ L(lt) ∧ L(lt.rev(dst)) ∧ L(lt.rev(src)) ∧ L(lt.rev(dst).src) ∧ L(lt.rev(src).dst) …..

  28. Heuristics for finding LockPaths S Set<Node> cont Node nd NodeData • Hierarchy Summarization (HS) • x.( fld )* • Type hierarchy graph acyclic  bounded number of paths • Preflow-Push: • L(S.cont) ∧ L(S.cont.nd) • Nodes in set S and their data are locked

  29. Footprint graph heuristic • Footprint Graphs (FG)[Calcagno et al. SAS’07] • All acyclic paths from arguments of ADT method to locked objects • x.( fld | rev(fld) )* • Delaunay Mesh Refinement: L(S.cont) ∧ L(S.cont.rev(src)) ∧ L(S.cont.rev(dst)) ∧ L(S.cont.rev(src).dst) ∧ L(S.cont.rev(dst).src) • Nodes in set S and all of their immediate neighbors are locked • Composition of HS, FG • Preflow-Push: L(a.rev(src).ed) HS FG

  30. Experimental evaluation • Implement on top of TVLA • Encode abstraction by 3-Valued Shape Analysis [SRW TOPLAS’02] • Evaluation on 4 Lonestar Java benchmarks • Inferred all available optimizations • # abstract states practically linear in program size

  31. Impact of optimizations for 8 threads 8-core Intel Xeon @ 3.00 GHz

  32. Note 1 • How to map abstract domain presented so far to TVLA? • Example invariant: (x≠yL(y.nd))  (x=y L(x.nd)) • Unary abstraction predicate x(v) for pointer x • Unary non-abstraction predicateL[x.p] for pointer x and path p • Use partial join • Resulting abstraction similar to the one shown

  33. Note 2 • How to come up with abstraction for similar problems? • Start by constructing a manual proof • Hoare Logic • Examine resulting invariants and generalize into a language of formulas • May need to be further specialized for a given program – interesting problem (machine learning/refinement) • How to get sound transformers?

  34. Note 3 How did we avoid considering all interleavings? Proved non-interference side theorem

  35. Elixir : A System for Synthesizing Concurrent Graph Programs Dimitrios Prountzos1 Roman Manevich2 Keshav Pingali1 1. The University of Texas at Austin 2. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  36. Goal • Graph algorithms are ubiquitous Social network analysis, Computer graphics, Machine learning, … • Difficult to parallelize due to their irregular nature • Best algorithm and implementation usually • Platform dependent • Input dependent • Need to easily experiment with different solutions • Focus: Fixed graph structure • Only change labels on nodes and edges • Each activity touches a fixed number of nodes Allow programmer to easilyimplement correct and efficient parallel graph algorithms

  37. Example: Single-Source Shortest-Path S 5 2 A B A 2 1 7 C C 3 4 3 12 D E 2 2 F 9 1 G if dist(A) + WAC < dist(C) dist(C) = dist(A) + WAC • Problem Formulation • Compute shortest distancefrom source node Sto every other node • Many algorithms • Bellman-Ford (1957) • Dijkstra (1959) • Chaotic relaxation (Miranker 1969) • Delta-stepping (Meyer et al. 1998) • Common structure • Each node has label distwith knownshortest distance from S • Key operation • relax-edge(u,v)

  38. Dijkstra’s algorithm <B,5> <C,3> <B,5> <E,6> <B,5> <D,7> S 5 2 A B 5 3 1 7 C 3 4 D E 7 2 2 6 F 9 1 G Scheduling of relaxations: • Use priority queueof nodes, ordered by label dist • Iterate over nodes u in priority order • On each step: relax all neighbors v of u • Apply relax-edgeto all (u,v)

  39. Chaotic relaxation S 5 2 • Scheduling of relaxations: • Use unordered set of edges • Iterate over edges (u,v) in any order • On each step: • Apply relax-edge to edge (u,v) A B 5 1 7 C 3 4 12 D E 2 2 F 9 1 G (C,D) (B,C) (S,A) (C,E)

  40. Insights behind Elixir Parallel Graph Algorithm What should be done How it should be done Operators Schedule Unordered/Ordered algorithms Order activity processing Identify new activities Operator Delta “TAO of parallelism” PLDI 2011 : activity Static Schedule Dynamic Schedule

  41. Insights behind Elixir Parallel Graph Algorithm q = new PrQueue q.enqueue(SRC) while (! q.empty ) { a = q.dequeue for each e = (a,b,w) { if dist(a) + w < dist(b) { dist(b) = dist(a) + w q.enqueue(b) } } } Operators Schedule Order activity processing Identify new activities Static Schedule Dynamic Schedule Dijkstra-style Algorithm

  42. Contributions Parallel Graph Algorithm • Language • Operators/Schedule separation • Allows exploration of implementation space • Operator Delta Inference • Precise Delta required for efficient fixpoint computations • Automatic Parallelization • Inserts synchronization to atomically execute operators • Avoids data-races / deadlocks • Specializes parallelization based on scheduling constraints Operators Schedule Order activity processing Identify new activities Static Schedule Dynamic Schedule Synchronization

  43. SSSP in Elixir Graph [ nodes(node : Node, dist : int) edges(src : Node, dst : Node, wt : int)] Graph type relax = [ nodes(node a, dist ad) nodes(node b, distbd) edges(src a, dst b, wt w)bd> ad + w ] ➔ [ bd = ad + w ] Operator Fixpoint Statement sssp = iterate relax ≫ schedule

  44. Operators Cautiousby construction – easy to generalize Graph [ nodes(node : Node, dist : int) edges(src : Node, dst : Node, wt : int)] relax = [ nodes(node a, dist ad) nodes(node b, distbd) edges(src a, dst b, wt w)bd> ad + w ] ➔ [ bd = ad + w ] Redex pattern Guard Update sssp = iterate relax ≫ schedule ad bd ad ad+w w w a b a b if bd > ad + w

  45. Fixpoint statement Graph [ nodes(node : Node, dist : int) edges(src : Node, dst : Node, wt : int)] relax = [ nodes(node a, dist ad) nodes(node b, distbd) edges(src a, dst b, wt w)bd > ad + w ] ➔ [ bd = ad + w ] sssp = iterate relax ≫ schedule Scheduling expression Apply operator until fixpoint

  46. Scheduling examples q = new PrQueue q.enqueue(SRC) while (! q.empty ) { a = q.dequeue for each e = (a,b,w) { if dist(a) + w < dist(b) { dist(b) = dist(a) + w q.enqueue(b) } } } Graph [ nodes(node : Node, dist : int) edges(src : Node, dst : Node, wt : int)] relax = [ nodes(node a, dist ad) nodes(node b, distbd) edges(src a, dst b, wt w)bd > ad + w ] ➔ [ bd = ad + w ] sssp = iterate relax ≫ schedule Locality enhanced Label-correcting group b ≫unroll 2 ≫approx metric ad Dijkstra-style metric ad ≫group b

  47. Operator Delta Inference Parallel Graph Algorithm Operators Schedule Order activity processing Identify new activities Static Schedule Dynamic Schedule

  48. Identifying the delta of an operator ? b relax1 ? a

  49. Delta Inference Example c relax2 w2 a b w1 SMT Solver relax1 assume(da + w1< db) assume¬(dc + w2 < db) db_post =da + w1 assert¬(dc + w2 < db_post) SMT Solver (c,b) does not become active Query Program

  50. Delta inference example – active Apply relax on all outgoing edges (b,c) such that: dc > db +w2 and c ≄ a relax1 relax2 a b c w1 w2 SMT Solver assume(da + w1< db) assume¬(db+ w2 < dc) db_post =da + w1 assert¬(db_post+ w2< dc) SMT Solver Query Program

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