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Web Semantics

Web Semantics. Provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused. The Beginning…. 2001- Tim Berners Lee u nveiled the future of intelligent software agents. As well as colloborative effort of w3c and other partners. Formal Elements .

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Web Semantics

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  1. Web Semantics Provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused.

  2. The Beginning… 2001- Tim BernersLee unveiled the future of intelligent software agents. As well as colloborative effort of w3c and other partners

  3. Formal Elements • RDF (Resource Description Framework) • OWL (Web Ontology Language) • XML (Extensible Markup Language) • Builds and provides concepts, terms and relationships • HTML links these technologies and allows them to speak to each other • Semantic Web can not work on its own

  4. Their Purpose • RDF - creating and identifying complex links which then can be created into graphs which can identify people, places or even subject matter • XML – Textual Data Format, with markup that creates documents electronically • OWL – processes the content of information for human consumption AND processed for applications

  5. Updating Medical Records Buying a Car Booking Flights Car Trader. Com

  6. An Evolution in Progress The future of Web 3.0 Faster Communication Over Multiple ApplicationsCollaborative effort of W3C and other partners

  7. Why Change What Works? • Limitations of HTML • Cross Applications don’t work together • Online Banking, Calendars, Photo Programs etc working together

  8. SEM-WEB IN ACTION Google Became the single largest marketplace because of Semantic Web Amazon & Ebay Social Media “Collective Intelligence” or “Wisdom of the Crowds” Combine the richness of human participation and well-structured information Problem : Difficult and Time consuming as well as Cultural Barriers

  9. Patiently Waiting for Web 3.0 Until everyone can agree, which will be never, the updates of Semantic Web and Web 3.0 will be slow coming…

  10. References Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Description_Framework W3C Schools : http://www.w3schools.com/semweb/semantic_example.asp http://www.w3.org/RDF/ http://www.w3.org/2009/Talks/0829-Nanjing-IH/Tutorial.pdf Semantic Web : http://semanticweb.org/wiki/Main_Page Social Media : http://smartblogs.com/socialmedia/2010/04/02/what-will-the-semantic-web-mean-for-social-media/ http://tomgruber.org/writing/CollectiveKnowledgeSystems.pdf In Action : http://www.ftrain.com/google_takes_all.html http://www.w3.org/2009/Talks/0829-Nanjing-IH/Tutorial.pdf

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