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Learn about Bolivia's rich history, including its fight for independence and famous landmarks like Tiahuanaco. Discover the country's vibrant culture, celebrated holidays, and environmental challenges. Explore Bolivia's diverse flora and fauna, and its significant contributions to coffee and cacao production.
Bolivia By: Maggie
Bolivia • Location: Boarders Peru, brazil, Chile, and Argentina • Capital: Bolivia has two capitals. One is constitutional capital located in Sucre. The other is a administrative capital located in La Paz. • Government: republic • Population:8,043,499
Bolivia • The red represents: bravery and strength • The yellow represents: generosity/mineral resources • The green represents: joy, hope, and love • The crescent represents is like the Bolivia coat of arms. It also represents the terrain and animals. The crescent also include their struggle for independence, peace and freedom.
Bolivia • Bolivia was first ruler by the Inca, but then they were concured by the spanish in 1525. After hundreds of year the people wanted to rule their own country. A man named Simon Boliviar helped the people to fight back against the Spanish and on August 6, 1825 Bolivia became its own country and was named after Simon Boliviar. The fight lasted 15 years but the Latin American people from Bolivia won.
Bolivia • Something that happened in Bolivia during the time area of 1878-1884 was the War of the Pacific. This was a war that started because of a conflict between chili and Bolivia. The conflict was over the Atacama desert and taxes being raised there. Chili, Peru, and Bolivia had many battles between the years 1879-1883. Peru came out in a civil war, Bolivia after threaten with invasion sign access to sea over to Chili, and chili won the war. This made Bolivia landlocked.
Bolivia • Bolivians enjoy celebrating very much’ they try to every change they get. One of their more popular holidays is independence day. It is celebrated in honor of the country becoming free from Spain, August 6, 1825. They celebrate their independence day by parades, school functions, music, other ways to entertain, as well as gun solutes. This holiday is also called Dia de la Patria.
Bolivia • A famous man-made structure in Bolivia is Tiahuanaco. It was created sometime around when the Inca were there. This was a very sacred and central part of the civilization. It is at a very high elevation level which is amazing because that means the builders had to haul all the stone up those high mountains to reach it. There are still many mysteries about this creation but we do know that is is a very amazing work of human talent.
Bolivia • Bolivia will always have problems with the environment because of how many natural resources they have. One thing they do a lot is mining which will become a problem for them. Another one is soil erosion. This is a problem because of the poor care for the land in preparations of the next planting. Many things have contributed to this poor soil but now year after year the number of crops is dwindling. This is effecting the families that live and depend on the farm.
Simon Bolivia • Bolivia is named after Simon Bolivia. He was the man that helped Bolivia earn their freedom from Spain. He did this for many other countries too. In Bolivia he was a founding father as well as a main political leader.
Bolivia • Fanny Carrion de Fierro is a famous woman in Ecuadorian literature. She does many things in literature. She received her masters in Arts from university of California. She received her bachelor degree from Central University of Ecuador. She is a doctor of Literature and has many pieces in her name.
Bolivia • Five Fun facts about Bolivia are: • Bolivia as one of the biggest salt deposits in the world. It was once a salt lake but that dried up and now all that’s left is the salt. • Bolivia contains 40% of all animals and plants. • Bolivia is one of the wettest zones on the plant and receives 8 meters of water a year. • Bolivia has the worlds largest butterfly sanctuary • Bolivia is in the top ten for exporters of coffee and cacao in the world.
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