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Discover the objectives and strategies behind the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) pilot project, funded by the European Commission, to facilitate research data management for European scientists. Learn about the open science lifecycle, horizontal and vertical infrastructures, clustering, PIDs, and governance structures driving the EOSC's success.
RDAUK-FREYAWellcome, London16 July 2019 EOSC What’s next? Juan Bicarregui Co-ordinatorEOSCpilot Member EOSC Executive Baord Coordinator EB WG on Rules of Participation (But this is a personal view)
Outline • What are we trying to achieve? • What needs to happen to achieve it? • How will we make that happen? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
What is EOSC? “The objective of the EOSC is to give the Union a global lead in research data management and ensure that European scientists reap the full benefits of data-driven science, by offering 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million Professionals in science and technology a virtual environment with free at the point of use, open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines.” EOSC Implementation Roadmap (March 2018) (Highlighting added)
Open Science Lifecycle The Research Lifecycle The 7 C’s Open Access Open Science Communication Collaboration Creation Collection Open Data Collaboration and Communication Creation Collection Curation Capacity Curation Capacity Computation Computation
Outline • What are we trying to achieve? • What needs to happen to achieve it? • How will we make that happen? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
Existing Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domain Specific research infrastructures Interdomain e-infrastructures Credit: e-IRG, eInfrastructure Commons, 2013
Merging Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domain Specific user environments Inter-domain Catalogue of Services Greater sharing of Resources and Data across RIs and eIs
EOSC-Portal (-eInfraCentra, EOSC-hub, Openaire, FAIRsFAIR Developing Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures RDA FREYA EOSC-secretariat Interdomain Projects PANOSC ENVRI-FAIR SSHOC ESCAPE EOSC-LIFE
Clustering Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domains “clustered” using EOSC
Cooperating Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Horizontals Cooperating and Integrating Inter-domain Catalogue of Services “Sea” of provenanced FAIR data Methods/Software/Workflows Cross disciplinary e-infrastructure
What about Pids? • PIDs are envisaged toplay a primary role in the EOSC. • “….These different service catalogues can beimplemented through different catalogue services or through a single service offering differentpersonalized views on the content and on rich, multi-faceted and multi-purpose metadata. • ….Whateversolutions are chosen, every entry into the catalogue is required to have a unique and persistent identifier inorder to support FAIR principles. • ….Moreover, service catalogues can be developed by the one-stop-shopfederator role (cf. Sec. 3.3), i.e. they are expected to federate existing service catalogues and provide theuser with an homogeneous view of the existing services across the federated catalogues.” [EOSCpilot D5.1 Intital EOSC Architecture ] The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
On data EOSCpilot Review, 14 June, 2019
Outline • What are we trying to achieve? • What needs to happen to achieve it? • How will we make that happen? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
The EOSC • Governance • Three layer structure • EOSC Board of MS/AC and EC representatives to ensure effective supervision of EOSC implementation • Working Group of the strategic configuration of the Programme Committee • Executive Board of stakeholder representatives to help ensure proper EOSC implementation and accountability • Commission expert group • Stakeholder Forum to provide input from a wide range of actors • Self-organised with EC support Governance Board (MS/AC + EC) oversight Executive Board (representatives of stakeholders) implementation Stakeholders Forum eInfraCentral WG WG WG EOSC hub advice WG WG WG advice INFRAEOSC projects Coordination structure (CSA) support …. CC-BY 4.0, J.D.Malo, EOSC: Launch Event https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/view/o:918955
The EOSC • Executive Board • Chair Karel LUYBEN – Representative of CESAER • Vice ChairCathrin STÖVER – Representative of GEANT • Organisations and their representatives • CESAER represented by Karel LUYBEN • CESSDA ERIC represented by Ronald DEKKER • EMBL represented by Rupert LÜCK • European Spallation Source ERIC represented by John WOMERSLEY • GÉANT represented by Cathrin STÖVER • OPENAIRE represented by Natalia MANOLA • Research Data Alliance (RDA) represented by Juan BICARREGUI • Science Europe represented by Stephan KUSTER • Individual experts • Sarah JONES • Jean-Francois ABRAMATIC • Jan HRUSAK CC-BY 4.0, J.D.Malo, EOSC: Launch Event https://phaidra.univie.ac.at/view/o:918955
EOSC Working Groups • Landscape • Mapping of the existing research infrastructures which are candidates to be part of the EOSC federation; • FAIR • Implementing the FAIR data principles by defining the corresponding requirements for the development of EOSC services, in order to foster cross-disciplinary interoperability; • Architecture • Defining the technical framework required to enable and sustain an evolving EOSC federation of systems; • Rules of Participation • Designing the Rules of Participation that shall define the rights, obligations governing EOSC transactions between EOSC users, providers and operators; • Sustainability • Providing a set of recommendations concerning the implementation of an operational, scalable and sustainable EOSC federation after 2020.
EOSC Core Resources Sustainability Model – Option 0, 1, 2 Strategic Strategic Strategic Executive Executive Executive Delivery Authority Commissioning Authority EC Funding Providers Open Aire EGI EUDAT GEANT Research Infrastructures Etc. Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Providers Providers PRACE\ EuroHPC Enterprise and SMEs National resources Institutional resources Etc. EGI Open Aire GEANT PRACE\ EuroHPC Enterprise and SMEs EUDAT Research Infrastructures National resources Institutional resources Etc. EGI Open Aire GEANT PRACE\ EuroHPC Enterprise and SMEs EUDAT Research Infrastructures National resources Institutional resources Etc. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
Integrating Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domain Specific user environments sharing resources Inter-domain Catalogue of Data and Services
Virtual Research Environment the researcher acts through ingest and access Archival Creation Access Curation Information Infrastructure Services the researcher shouldn’t have to worry about the information infrastructure Network Storage Compute Invisible-Infrastructure Curated FAIR Data Provenanced FAIRData Data Shared e-Infrastructure
Outline • What are we trying to achieve? • What needs to happen to achieve it? • How will we make that happen? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563
Open Science ConferenceLjubljani22 May 2019 EOSC What’s next? Juan Bicarregui Co-ordinatorEOSCpilot Member EOSC Executive Baord (But this is a personal view)