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Bharatbook.com introduces report on Auto Ancillary Market in China 2011 The report begins with a market overview section which discusses the present and forecasted market size and growth.
Auto Ancillary Market - China August 2011
•Market Overview •Foreign Trade •Drivers & Challenges •Trends •Government Regulations •Competition •Key Takeaways 2 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
Executive Summary Auto Ancillary market is highly fragmented with the presence of a manufacturers Of the a manufactures b% are private enterprises and c% are joint venture entities or wholly owned foreign enterprisesMarket has grown at d% between 2005 and 2010 Market Drivers: Challenges: Increasing incomeRising auto sales Weak Research & Development Capabilities Drivers &Challenges Under‐penetrated marketCost Advantage Safety & Reputation Players facing profitability issues Opportunity in auto aftermarket Rising competition in spare parts market Trade Fairs and ExhibitionsPlayers making inroads to IndiaMerger and Acquisitions PE Investments Trends Auto ancillary market is a diversified sector with the presence of many players with a wide rangeof products Competition Major players in the industry include Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4 3 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
Auto ancillary market is growing at an impressive rate supported by strong demand from OEMs Overview - Auto Ancillary Market Market Size & Growth •Auto Ancillary market is highly fragmented with the presence of a registered enterprises and e USD bn unregistered companies 300 +d% ag Most of the registered manufacturers are g or h sized enterprises 200 afae Of the a manufactures b% are private enterprises and c% ad ac are joint venture entities or wholly owned foreignenterprises 100 ab • It derives i% of demand from the OEMs and the rest from aftermarket 0 20‐‐ 20‐‐ 20‐‐ 20‐‐ 20‐‐ 20‐‐ Market Segmentation USD bn +e% an 600 amal Product 1 Product 2 400 aj akai ag 200 Product 3 0 20‐‐ 20‐‐e 20‐‐e 20‐‐e 20‐‐e 20‐‐e 20‐‐e Product 4 Product 5 Source: 4 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
Absolute value of exports of auto parts from China is much bigger than imports to China Export ‐ Overview Continent‐wise exports USD bn +t% bd bc 40 Continent 1Continent 2Continent 3Continent 4Continent 5Continent 6 Country 1, Country 2, Country 3, Country 4accounts for z%, y%,x% N% 30 ba M% 20 v%I5 u% and 3%, respectively, of total exports 10 o% 0 20‐‐ 20‐‐ 20‐‐ Import ‐ Overview Continent‐wise imports USD bn +q% ceca cd 20 Major countries fromwhere China imports are Continent 1Continent 2 15 W%S% Country 5, accountingfor q% of total imports, 10 T% Continent 3 Country 6, accountingfor p% of total imports 5 and Country 7 0 accounting for r% of total imports 20‐‐ 20‐‐ 20‐‐ Source: 5 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
•Market Overview •Foreign Trade •Drivers & Challenges •Trends •Government Regulations •Competition •Key Takeaways 6 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
Drivers & Challenges - Summary Drivers Challenges Increasing income Weak Research & Development Capabilities Rising auto sales Safety & Reputation Issues Under‐penetrated market Depleting Profit Margins Cost Advantage Opportunity in auto aftermarket 7 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
Trends - Summary Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Rising Competition in Spare Parts Market Players Making Inroads to India KeyTrends Mergers and Acquisitions Private Equity Investments 8 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
SAMPLE Product Portfolio Matrix Key Players Company Ownership Product Portfolio Company 1 Type 1 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 2 Type 2 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 3 Type 3 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 4 Type 2 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 5 Type 3 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 6 Type 1 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 7 Type 2 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 8 Type 3 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 9 Type 2 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 10 Type 1 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 11 Type 3 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 12 Type 1 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 13 Type 2 Product 1, 2,3,4 Company 14 Type 3 Product 1, 2,3,4 9 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT
Players are strategizing to overcome the challenges and to take advantages of the pool of opportunities available Auto parts market is witnessing significant opportunities while trying to overcome the challenges by taking key initiatives Opportunities in the market Market Size Initiatives by players Disposable income isrising at an impressiverate which is providingroom for people to buy USD bn USD bn +15% am Players are takingsteps to upgrade thequality of their +32% ag al ak af ai aj ad ae ag ah ab ac products in order toinnovate them vehicles creating demandfor auto parts 20-- 20-- 20-- 20-- 20-- 20-- 20-- 20-- 20--20--20-- 20-- 20-- Companies in Chinaare forming jointventures and Rising demand fromOEMs and replacementmarket is providing apool of opportunity forthe companies acquiring foreignfirms to improve thetechnological Challenges standards of theproducts • Weak Research & Development Capabilities•Safety & Reputation Issues Chinese auto part makersenjoy an edge over costcompared to its peers inother nations. This givesthem the power to keepthe prices low Suppliers arevisiting expos to • Shrinking Profit Margins form partnershipswith peers 10 AUTO ANCILLARY MARKET IN CHINA 2011.PPT