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Primary sources for information included analysis of data from interviews with industry executives, subject matter experts, producers and users of BIPV technologies, advanced materials and devices vendors related to PV technologies
Buildings today are a leading global consumer of energy, with this trend likely to continue well into the future, primarily driven by economic and population growth. This trend is increasingly recognized by a multitude of countries worldwide.
Federal, state and local governments perceive investing in green energy technologies for new and existing buildings as an opportunity to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets. Consequently, energy efficiency in buildings has evolved into a major factor of the green movement in recent years, with these factors driving the increased importance of energy efficiency in buildings as a whole.
Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are defined in this report as photovoltaic materials that replace conventional building materials in components of the building envelope, such as the roof, skylights or facades. They serve as a class of solar products in which the PV component both converts light to electricity and also replace a building component.
Major building envelope components include: cladding (i.e., the “weather skin”), skylights, roof tiles, curtain walls, windows, asphalt roofing, and louvers, among others. Progress is being made in the proliferation and integration of photovoltaics (PVs) into building external components. This market segment remains a vast arena largely untapped as a source of solar electricity.
The primary objective of this report is to characterize and quantify significant global BIPV markets; the legislative, regulatory, political and economic forces driving those markets; identify present and emerging technologies, suppliers, and market strategies; and quantify the markets for BIPV technologies on global and regional levels.
This report identifies and substantiates the reasoning for uses of particular PV technologies in specific BIPV market segments. The investigation covers crystalline (c-Si) and poly- and multi- crystalline silicon (mc-si), amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe), CIGS, organic dye-sensitized titanium oxide PV materials (dye solar cell: “DSSC”) and plastic (or organic) solar cells (OPV).
The study employed both primary and secondary research methodologies to acquire data and generate the rigorous analysis required for it. Primary sources for information included analysis of data from interviews with industry executives, subject matter experts, producers and users of BIPV technologies, advanced materials and devices vendors related to PV technologies, banking executives,
venture capitalists, building owners, architects, engineers, managers, economists, consultants, marketing groups, governmental and non-governmental organizations, related technology associations, professional and manufacturing associations, academic research organizations,
PV project installation company representatives, scientists working on new PV technologies, government officials (federal elected officials and local permitting and local planning board managers) and regulatory agencies. Secondary sources also include trade conference proceedings and presentations, trade publications for the PV industry and various building construction, equipment rental, and commercial and residential project development industrial sectors.
The various BIPV niche markets are examined in terms of type of exterior building component class, PV technology offerings, geographic region, generating capacity and revenue to the manufacturer (i.e., market value).
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