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Exploring the Deputy Principal Role in School Leadership Workshop

This workshop aims to delve into the intricate role of the Deputy Principal as a leader, prompting introspection on moral purpose, delineating expectations, and fostering reflective practice. Participants will outline personal aims for the year, highlighting the significance of this pivotal role in maintaining school stability and order. Topics include internal organization, curriculum development, staff performance evaluation, disciplinary issues, and leadership transitions. Through interactive discussions, attendees will grasp the essence of effective leadership and relational dynamics within the school community, aiming to elevate their impact on student learning.

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Exploring the Deputy Principal Role in School Leadership Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Role & Identity of the Deputy Principal Tánaiste August 2013

  2. Aims of Workshop • Explore the role of Deputy Principal as a leader • Stimulate thinking about your moral purpose • Examine the expectations of those around you • Introduce the idea of reflective practice • Outline an aim/something you would like to achieve this year

  3. What is the Deputy Principal Role? • Role traditionally not clearly defined • Role usually associated with particular areas of responsibility such as discipline, attendance, data management • Main role is often seen as one of maintaining stability and order in the school • Can be seen as a maintenance rather than a developmental or leadership function.

  4. The Deputy Principal: • A position of vital importance • Responsible, under the Principal, for internal organisation, administration and discipline • Acts as principal when the Principal is absent • Consulted by Principal re implementation of policy • Assists with day to day running of school (Circular 4/98)

  5. Developing educational aims and objectives, curriculum & assessment policies • Preparing school plan • Promoting ongoing staff development • Monitoring & evaluating the professional performance of the school • Dealing with staff disciplinary problems • Student discipline • Not exhaustive! (Circular 4/98)

  6. Why move beyond maintenance role?

  7. Deputy Principal as Leader “Leadership is about giving direction, offering inspiration, building teamwork. It is derived from one’s fundamental values and personal style.” Deal and Paterson

  8. What is School Leadership?

  9. Leadership is separated from person, role and status and is primarily concerned with the relationships and the connections among individuals within a school

  10. Understanding the Context

  11. Relationships What are the expectations of: • Principal? • Staff? • Parents? • Students? • Management Body/DES? • Your own expectations of yourself?

  12. Principal/Deputy Principal Relationship What expectations do the Deputy Principal and Principal have of each other?

  13. Changing Roles “Make no mistake about it. Once you cross the boundary to become a Deputy, you can no longer look upon yourself as one of the troops. Of course, you can represent the views of staff to the Principal, but you can never again be one of them.” Deputy Principal in Lincolnshire

  14. Staff/Deputy Principal Relationship • What do staff expect of you? • Differences between stepping up from within or from outside?

  15. Relationship with Pupils(Leading Learning) • Key influence on the learning that takes place in the classroom. • How can you make a positive difference to learning?

  16. Planning and Reflecting Outline aim/something you would like to achieve this year

  17. Remember … Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail Better. Samuel Beckett

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