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ECE-1466 Modern Optics Course Notes Part 4. Prof. Charles A. DiMarzio Northeastern University Spring 2002. Starting Point Maxwell’s Equations Homogeneous Medium Isotropic Medium Solution Plane Waves Transverse Fields. Eigenstates General Solution. Polarized Light. y. y. or. x. x.
ECE-1466Modern OpticsCourse NotesPart 4 Prof. Charles A. DiMarzio Northeastern University Spring 2002 Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Starting Point Maxwell’s Equations Homogeneous Medium Isotropic Medium Solution Plane Waves Transverse Fields Eigenstates General Solution Polarized Light y y or x x z y E x Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Dielectric Interface Oblique Incidence Scattering Material Properties Linear Birefringence Circular Birefringence, AKA Optical Activity Some Mechanisms of Interaction Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Linear Polarization x E q y Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Circular Polarization x E wt -y Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Unpolarized Light Ex Ey Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Polarizing Components Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Fresnel Reflection Boundary Conditions Dnormal= Dnormal e0Enormal e0Enormal e0Etangential Dtangential= e0Etangential Dtangential Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Plane of Incidence Normal & Incident Ray P-Polarization (TM) EParallel to Plane of Incidence S-Polarization (TE) E Senkrecht = Perpendicular to Plane of Incidence Polarization Labels Er Hr Hr Et Er Ht Ht Et Ei Hi Hi Ei Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
S-Polarization (1) Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
S-Polarization (2) Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Fresnel Coefficient Summary Example Fresnel Reflection: Air to Glass, n=1.5 1 tp ts 0.5 rp rs 0 -0.5 -1 0 20 40 60 80 q , Angle, Degrees Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
90 80 70 60 50 Angle, Degrees 40 30 20 10 1 2 3 4 n, Index of refraction Special Angles Critical Angle (medium to air) Brewster’s Angle (air to medium) Brewster’s Angle (medium to air) Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Power Coefficients Fresnel Reflection: Air to Water, n=1.33 TP 0 TS -5 -10 R, T, dB RS -15 RP -20 0 20 40 60 80 q , Angle, Degrees Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Fresnel Reflection: Air to Glass, n=1.5 Fresnel Reflection: Air to ZnSE in IR, n=2.4 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 R, T R, T 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 q , Angle, Degrees q , Angle, Degrees Fresnel Reflection Examples (1) Air to Glass Air to ZnSe (IR) TP TP TS TS RS RS RP RP Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Fresnel Reflection: Glass, n=1.5, to Air Fresnel Reflection: Glass, n=1.5, to Air 1 200 TP 150 0.8 TS 100 RP 50 0.6 Phase, Degrees 0 R, T TS 0.4 -50 RS TP -100 RP RP RS 0.2 -150 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 q , Angle, Degrees q , Angle, Degrees Fresnel Reflection Examples (2) Glass to Air Phase Glass to Air Amplitude Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Device Applications Device Input in Eigenvectors of Device Output End Views Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Wire Grid Polarizers Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Polaroid H Sheets Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Waveplates (1) Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Waveplates (2) Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
E/O Modulator eipV/Vp e-ipV/Vp Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Optical Activity Device Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University
Fresnel Reflection: Glass, n=1.5, to Air 200 150 100 50 Phase, Degrees 0 45 Deg -50 -100 RP RS -150 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 q , Angle, Degrees Fresnel Rhomb • Functions as QWP • True Phase Shift rather than Time Delay • Broadband: Limited only by material Dispersion Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University