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ARIES Ambition: Advancing Particle Accelerator Performance

ARIES aims to improve European particle accelerator infrastructure by pushing beyond state-of-the-art technologies, focusing on energy, intensity, and luminosity frontiers for optimized performance and sustainability. The project promotes collaboration across disciplines and sectors to enhance accelerator services and operational strategies.

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ARIES Ambition: Advancing Particle Accelerator Performance

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  1. WP6 – Accelerator Performance & Concepts Task 6.2 Task 6.2 Plan G. Franchetti & F. Zimmermann G. Franchetti

  2. WP6 – Accelerator Performance & Concepts Task 6.2 ARIES Ambition ARIES aimstoimprovethepresentandfutureperformanceofthe European particleacceleratorinfrastructure, therebystrengtheningEurope’sleadingposition in thisfield. The improvement will resultfrompushingbeyondstate- of-the-art to a setofselectedground-breakingtechnologieswith a potentially strong impact on futureaccelerators, fromcollecting a wider communityaroundthesechallengingobjectivesandfromsharingthetestinfrastructurerequiredtodevelopthenewtechnologies. The technologiesdeveloped in ARIES aimto push the traditional frontiersofparticleaccelerators, energyandintensityorluminosity, integratingcostandsustainabilityfactorsas essential elements in theoptimisationprocess. This multi-parameter optimisationrequires a multi- disciplinaryapproach, whichisthemainfeatureof ARIES. G. Franchetti

  3. ARIES Ambition Magneticfield in superconductingdipolemagnets ARIES advancingtheenergyfrontier Electricfieldgradient in acceleratingcavities Electricfield in novel high-gradient acceleratingstructures The intensity/luminosityfrontierisparticularlycomplexbecauseitisrelatedtobothtechnologicalandbeam physicsaspects, which in turn arecloselyrelatedtothespecific type ofaccelerator. ARIES advancingtheintensityfrontier WP6 G. Franchetti

  4. ARIES Ambition Intensity/luminosity frontier G. Franchetti

  5. G. Franchetti

  6. G. Franchetti

  7. Progress in Networking Activities The developmentsrequiredto push forwardthefrontiersofparticleacceleratorsareoften at thecross-roadsofseveraltechnologiesandbranchesofacceleratorscience, requiringthecombinationofvariouscompetences. The roleofthe ARIES Networks will beof a catalysingnaturetocircumventthenaturalfragmentationintospecialtiesanddomains, to break barriersbetween traditional communities, andtoaggregate a widecommunityaroundtopicsof excellence.In thisway, they will foster a cultureofco-operation bothgeographicalandbetweenresearch, academiaandindustry. The mainobjectiveofthe Networking activities will betoidentifyand promote earlystagetechnologiesandtodevelopcommontoolsandstrategiesaimed at enhancingtheservicesprovidedbytheresearchinfrastructures. IMPACT WP6 will provideideasandconceptstoimproveperformanceof all accelerators, includingthoseforbasicresearch, forappliedresearchandformedicalandindustrialapplications. A specifictask will develop design and operational strategiestoimproveavailabilityofaccelerators, impacting all typesofacceleratorsand in particularthoseoperatingformedicineandindustry. G. Franchetti

  8. Plan for Task 6.2 December 2018 • Contact major EU key player GSI/CERN/RAL • Create a kick-off forum on the state of the art of operational experience • Involvement of some of the storage rings community (start) • Goal  forming a core group of people who participates to a periodic • series of events targeting the ARIES Ambition • Hadron machine will report their main problems • New ideas and concepts will be grounded • Summarizing the state of the art at global level: there are more events beyond ARIES that need to be accounted to maintain the ARIES IMPACT. • Linking WP6 to US significant R&D developments: IOTA Venue: possibly Frankfurt downtown if cost-wise accessible Further extension: involve more task of WP6. Venue for 2019  Heidelberg G. Franchetti

  9. G. Franchetti

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