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Place God idols in the temple per the vastu shastra rules, and broken Idols should never be placed at home or even in temples. While doing some work, sometimes by mistake, the idol gets broken while dusting or cleaning.<br>
Never Place Broken God Statue at Home or Temples,KnowWhy? Templeisoneofthemostsacredplaceswevisittoachievepeaceandcalmness by taking the blessings of God. God helps us overcome our deep insecurities and become better people, and for everyone, the temple is a place where they find happiness andpeace. In India, many beautiful temples take your attention away with their intricate and pretty detailing on the walls and fantastic carvings. But sometimes unfortunate incidenttakes place,andthe idolofgodsorGoddesses inthetemplesgets broken, which can hurt the sentiments of many people who are worshipping their Godwithtotalrespectandtrust.
God idols for the temple require a lot of time for production until the painting stage, and the work involved is very creative and detailed, making it quite tricky; hence,thestatues' valueisrelativelyhighamongeveryone. KnowWhyBrokenGodStatueShouldn'tPlaceatHome In this blog, wewill understandwhy brokenmarble godstatuesshouldnot be keptintempleslikethat.Thereasonsareasfollows- Inauspicious- Allthewell-knownpriestsandpeoplewhobelievein God'spowersaythat keeping broken Idolsinsidethetemple isconsidered inauspicious. Keeping the idol like that is not good because it might create particular unrest in your life and problems. Weworshipthestatue of Godwith a lot of affectionand care, and when the idol gets broken for any reason, it is not considered auspicious to do pooja ofthesame idol. Badluck- It is said that if a broken Krishna idol is kept inside the home or temple, it brings bad lucktothepeopleandplaces associatedwith it. Itis fearfulofgetting associated with bad luck because many difficulties can arise in lifewhich isnot that easy to solve, and people will also have to face some unfortunate incidents whicharenotentirelypleasant. ViolationofVastuShastrarules- Specific Vastu Shasta ruleshave been preset from ancient times and must be followedmeticulouslyduringthenewconstructiontoplacetheGodidolsforthe
temple properly. Vast Shastra rules have a specific meaning and scientific reasons associated withthem, which are knownbyeducatedpeopleinthat field and hence need to be followed properly to avoid bad luck and inauspicious shadows over your home or temple. One of the Vastu Shastra rules clearly states that a broken marble god statueshould not be kept at home for long. After it has been broken, somenecessarystepsmustbetakenimmediately forthesafetyand securityofallthe familymembersandother people associatedwiththe murti. • Takesawaypeace- • Place God idols in the temple per the vastu shastra rules, and broken Idols should never be placed at home or even in temples. While doing some work, sometimes bymistake,the idolgets brokenwhiledusting or cleaning.Thisisanatural mistake that can occur to anyone. But this broken idol should never be kept at home as it will disturb the peace of your family members and you will also have to face constant quarrels at home whichwill changethe atmosphereof thehouse andmakeitharmful,whichisnotsuitableforanyone residing inthehome. • An idol is accidentally broken, how should it be scattered? • Above are some reasons why one should never keep a broken God and goddess idols at home.Now let usalso understand how an Idol should bedispersed if it getsbrokenbymistake. • First,youshouldkeeptheidolfromthetempleandseewhatisbroken. • ThenyoucaneitherhandoverthemurtitothenearbytempleorsomePriest withexcellentknowledgeinhandlingsuchproblems.Whenyouhandleyour
idol to them, they will take care of the rest of the procedure as per the vastu shastra tomake sure that you don't haveto face any problems due to this in thefuture. • If you don't want to give your idol to the temple, thenyou can immerse it in the nearby river. Theimmersion should be done correctly and with a lot of care. It would be best if you handled the murti carefully as it is already broken andneedstobe immersedverycarefully. • Many worshipperstakeVastufriendlyGanesh marblestatueforhomewith muchfaithinGod.Thisarticlehelpsanyone dealingwiththesameproblem. • SourceLink: • https://www.vingle.net/posts/6609387