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国际象棋的格言. 制作 国际象棋 FICS 俱乐部 马识途. 高级群 QQ126864940 2013.7. 战术 1)The blunders are all there on the board, waiting to be made. —Tartakover 棋盘上失误充斥 , 它们等着被制造。 —塔塔科维. 2)The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. —Tartakover 对局的胜利者 , 是犯最后错误之前那个错误的人。 —塔塔科维.
国际象棋的格言 制作 国际象棋FICS俱乐部 马识途 高级群 QQ126864940 2013.7.
战术 1)The blunders are all there on the board, waiting to be made. —Tartakover 棋盘上失误充斥,它们等着被制造。 —塔塔科维
2)The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. —Tartakover 对局的胜利者,是犯最后错误之前那个错误的人。 —塔塔科维
3)There are two types of sacrifices: correct ones and mine. - Tal 弃子有两种类型:正确的和属于我的。 塔尔
4)The pin is mightier than the sword. - Reinfeld 别针比宝剑还要犀利。 雷恩菲尔德 (译注:pin,别针、钉子、栓子:用于象棋术语指栓连、牵制战术,故有此说)
5)Discovered check is the dive-bomber of the chessboard. - Fine 闪(抽)将是棋盘上的俯冲轰炸机。 法因
6)In blitz, the knight is stronger than the bishop. - Vlastimil Hort 超快棋中,马强于象。 霍特
7)The scheme of a game is played on positional lines the decision of it, as a rule, is effected by combinations.- Reti 对局的方案根据局面性路线而行:而它的决定,通常则由战术组合而生效。 列蒂
8)In the perfect chess combination as in a first-rate short story, the whole plot and counter-plot should lead up to a striking finale, the interest not being allayed until the very last moment. - Yates and Winter 完美的象棋组合犹如一篇第一流的短篇故事,正反双方应该导致一场最后的战斗终曲,直到最后那刻之前,趣味始终高涨 ——叶茨和温特
9)... I began to succeed in decisive games. Perhaps because I realized a very simple truth:not only was I worried,but also my opponent. —— Mikhail Tal ……我开始了在决定性的对局中获胜。可能是因为我认识到一个非常简单的事实:不仅我会紧张,我的对手也会。 ——塔尔
10)The tactician knows what to do when there is something to do whereas the strategian knows what to do when there is nothing to do. - Gerald Abrahams 战术家在有所可行动时知道怎么做;而战略家在无所可行动时知道怎么做。 阿伯拉罕斯
中局和残局 11)Before the endgame,the gods have placed the middlegame. - Tarrasch 上帝已把中局摆在残局之前。 塔拉什
12)Every pawn is a potential Queen. - Mason 每一只兵都是潜在的后。 梅森
13)A Passed Pawn increases in strength as the number of pieces on the board diminishes. —— Capablanca 棋盘上棋子数目减少,通路兵威力上升。 ——卡帕布兰卡
14)The older I grow,the more I Pawns - Paul Keres 我年纪越大,就越看重兵的价值。 凯列斯
计划和分析 15)Even a poor plan is better than no plan at all. - Mikhail Chigorin 哪怕是一个拙劣的计划也比完全无计划好。 奇戈林
16)It is not a move,even the best move,that you must seek,but a realisable plan. - Znosko-Borovsky 你需要找寻的不是一步棋 哪怕是最好的棋 而应该是一个合理的计划。 波罗夫斯基
17)Methodical thinking is of more use in chess than inspiration. - Purdy 下棋时系统的思考比灵感更重要。 普迪
18)Chess is the art of analysis. - Botvinnik 象棋是分析的艺术。 鲍特维尼克
19)Half the variations which are calculated in a tournament game turn out to be completely superfluous. Unfortunately no one knows in advance which half - Jan Tinman 比赛时 所计算过的变化里最终证明有一半是完全多余的。可惜,没有人能事先知道是哪一半。 蒂曼
20)Chess books should be used as we use glasses to assist the sight,although some players make use of them as if they thought they conferred sight. —— Jose Capablanca 关于棋书的使用就象我们使用眼镜是为了辅助看得清,但有些棋手居然让自己相信自己真的视力良好了。 ——卡帕布兰卡