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How did we get here?

How did we get here?. Together Teaching in a BYOD Pilot at Dakota Collegiate Slide show Part Two. You can find Part 1 at http://roynorris.wikispaces.com/February+2012. Trilling & Fadel: The Seven “C”s.

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How did we get here?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How did we get here? Together Teaching in a BYOD Pilot at Dakota Collegiate Slide show Part Two. You can find Part 1 at http://roynorris.wikispaces.com/February+2012

  2. Trilling & Fadel: The Seven “C”s

  3. I had to learn how to be creative, collaborative, and just a bit tech-savvy. It was good PD for me & others too.

  4. At ISTE I got to meet some of the people I’d been interacting with on Twitter- it made it all real again in a new way- like adding another dimension. The conference helped me to confirm that Dakota was on solid footing- we had a good start.

  5. Does it work?

  6. Sure it works!

  7. Sure it works! -Students more interested in learning, which all the books call gains in student engagement.

  8. Sure it works! -Students more interested in learning, which all the books call gains in student engagement. -Students can customize and individualize their learning more easily, so education is less of a factory model or a cookie cutter approach. -Students experience a seamless transfer from home to school & can access their studies where and when they want.

  9. 1. Increase students’ knowledge and understanding in all curricular areas by harnessing the power of technology in the classroom. 2. Enhance the skills students need to live successfully in the 21st century. 3. Optimize the advantage of students’ ownership of—and readiness to use— personal technology devices to learn, communicate and collaborate in school. 4. Increase students’ desire to learn beyond the school day. 5. Increase students’ responsible and appropriate use of technology.

  10. 1. Increase students’ knowledge and understanding in all curricular areas by harnessing the power of technology in the classroom. 2. Enhance the skills students need to live successfully in the 21st century. 3. Optimize the advantage of students’ ownership of—and readiness to use— personal technology devices to learn, communicate and collaborate in school. 4. Increase students’ desire to learn beyond the school day. 5. Increase students’ responsible and appropriate use of technology. http://www.lrsd.net/Schools/DCI/Attachments/Dakota_Student_Owned_Device_Pilot_Overview_FAQ.pdf

  11. 1. Increase students’ knowledge and understanding in all curricular areas by harnessing the power of technology in the classroom. 2. Enhance the skills students need to live successfully in the 21st century. 3. Optimize the advantage of students’ ownership of—and readiness to use— personal technology devices to learn, communicate and collaborate in school. 4. Increase students’ desire to learn beyond the school day. 5. Increase students’ responsible and appropriate use of technology. http://www.lrsd.net/Schools/DCI/Attachments/Dakota_Student_Owned_Device_Pilot_Overview_FAQ.pdf But we still have a million questions, and a number of issues to solve.

  12. Where is all of that information about your students and their assignments being stored, and who has access? How could it be used?

  13. Our solution: keep student data in-house. Use SharePoint pages instead of 3rd party sites like Wikipages, Edmodo, Google sites, and other resources.

  14. Sharepoint is working fine! I like Wikispaces better, but the data is who knows where, and life is full of compromises.

  15. And I can still use Wikispaces for my own web-presence.

  16. Does it work? Yep. And we are always learning. There is never a sense that we have arrived.

  17. So we mix the old ways with the new ways.

  18. Some things change…

  19. …and some things stay the same.

  20. …and some things stay the same. Well, mostly the same!

  21. So…is it good?

  22. So…is it good? I know that it is what I want for my 7 and 9 year old daughters.

  23. I want a chance to guide my daughters into the world of online social networking

  24. I want a chance to guide my daughters into the world of online social networking I want my students to learn in a guided manner too.

  25. So…is it good?

  26. So…is it good? Yes. And it is absolutely necessary as well.

  27. Some of it is just fun…

  28. …and games…

  29. …and there is a time & place for everything.

  30. How did we get here? Together Does it work? Yep, and it is work! Is it good? It is good, and I never, never want to go back.

  31. Thanks!

  32. A few credits, thanks, & references. Thanks to Principal Jill Mathez for making this presentation possible. Websites for screenshots: Poston Butte High School http://pbhs.fusdaz.org/ Snow White’s Twitter Page http://twitter.com/#!/snowwhiteatdell Wikispaces Entry Page http://www.wikispaces.com/ Roy’s E Slot Page http://dci---e-slot-12-english---mr-norris.wikispaces.com/ Roy’s D Slot Page http://dci---d-slot-12-english---mr-norris.wikispaces.com/ Roy’s Homepage Wiki http://roynorris.wikispaces.com/ Twitter Welcome Page http://twitter.com/ TweetDeck Welcome Page http://www.tweetdeck.com/ PLN Image http://blog.misterhamada.com/category/k12-learning-2-0/ PLN Image Inspector Gadget http://21clc.wikispaces.com/PLN ISTE 2011 http://www.isteconference.org/2011/ Roy’s LRSD Landing Page https://mysite.lrsd.net/personal/roy_norris/Home/SitePages/Home.aspx G2G Extra Credit Social Network http://www.cbc.ca/kids/games/gtg/ Books to read that I might have mentioned: 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times (2009) Bernie Trilling & Charles Fadel A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future (2006) Dan Pink Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas (1993) Seymour Papert The Children's Machine: Rethinking School in the Age Of the Computer (1994) Seymour Papert Three more worthwhile websites: Ian Jukes & the Committed Sardine http://committedsardine.com/blog.cfm Anywhere, Anytime Learning Foundation http://aalf.org/ Manitoba Lit with ICT http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/tech/lict/resources/handbook/index.html All photos by Roy Norris, and they shouldn’t be used again without permission.

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