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Remote Traveler. Support. Personal Information. Access. Wide Area Wireless. Communications. Vehicle. Roadway. Transit. Toll Collection. Communications. Dedicated Short Range. Commercial. Parking Management. Emergency. Commercial Vehicle Check.
Remote Traveler Support Personal Information Access Wide Area Wireless Communications Vehicle Roadway Transit Toll Collection Communications Dedicated Short Range Commercial Parking Management Emergency Commercial Vehicle Check National ITS Architecture:Components and Subsystems Center Subsystems Remote Access Subsystems Fleet and Freight Management Information Service Provider Emergency Management Emissions Management Commercial Veh Admin Transit Management Traffic Management Toll Administration Planning Wireline Communications Vehicle to Vehicle Communications Roadside Subsystems Vehicle Subsystems
ROC Vs. National Architecture Wide Area Wireless Communications Toll Collection Communications Dedicated Short Range Commercial Parking Management Commercial Vehicle Check Center Subsystems Remote Access Subsystems Remote Traveler Fleet and Freight Management Information Service Provider Emergency Management Support Emissions Management Commercial Veh Admin Transit Management Traffic Management Toll Administration Personal Information Planning Access Wireline Communications Roadway Vehicle Transit Vehicle to Vehicle Communications Emergency Roadside Subsystems Vehicle Subsystems
Wide Area Wireless Communications ROC High Level Physical Architecture Remote Access Subsystems Center Subsystems • Emergency Management • Montgomery Co. Police • Montgomery Co. Fire • PG Co. Police • PG Co. Fire • MSP • MEMA • Information Service Provider • ROC • Partners in Motion • Media • Other ISPs • Remote Traveler Support • Kiosks at Transfer Points • Kiosks at Rest Areas/Other Places • Traffic Management • SHA SOC • Montgomery Co. TMC • PG Co TRIP Center • Personal Info Access • Internet/Telephone Access to ROC Data Clearinghouse • Transit Management • MTA - MARC • Mont. Co. - RideOn • PG Co. - The Bus • Planning • ROC Data Archives Wireline Communications Emergency - MSP - MC Police - MC Fire - PGC Police - PGC Fire Roadway All Interstates Arterials within PG County Arterials within Mont. County Transit - The Bus - Ride on Communications Dedicated Short Range Vehicle - Incident Response Roadside Subsystems Vehicle Subsystems
ROC Market Packages Code Market Package ATMS01 Network Surveillance ATMS02 Probe Surveillance ATMS03 Surface Street Control ATMS04 Freeway Control ATMS07 Regional Traffic Control* ATMS08 Incident Management System* APTS1 Transit Vehicle Tracking APTS7 Multi-modal Coordination ATIS1 Broadcast Traveler Information ATIS2 Interactive Traveler Information ATIS5 ISP Based Route Guidance* EM1 Emergency Response* EM2 Emergency Routing* ITS1 ITS Planning * Packages that provide support to incident management (but may support other objectives also)
NIA Regional Traffic Control Traffic Roadway Management signal control data signal control status TMC Regional Traffic Control freeway control data freeway control status • Enables a TMC to communicate with other TMCs to receive and transmit traffic info • Enables analyzing, controlling, and optimizing area-wide traffic flow • Integrates signal system with freeway control TMC Coord. NOTES TM: Traffic Management TMC: Traffic Management Center Other TM
Agency Traffic Management Center Alternatives Alt. Freeway Signals 1. TOC 3 SOC 2. SOC SOC 3. TOC 3 TOC 3 4. SOC TOC 3
Other TM 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ROC Regional Traffic Control - Alt. 1 signal control data signal control status I-95 CC DC DPW SOC VDOT Roadway SHA Roadway All Interstates, All State routes in P.G. County TOC 3 TMC Coord. TMC Coord. TMC Regional Traffic Control freeway control data TMC Regional Traffic Control freeway control status TMC Coord. TMC Coord. Roadway MC Roadway Both County roads and State routes in Mont. County MC TMC TMC Coord. signal control data NOTES: Sharing of local info & device control Sharing of local & regional*info & device control Sharing of regional *info * SOC hosts the regional data exchange node. It exchanges local information with other nodes as well as distributes processed regional information to other nodes. ** Local information exchange may occur with external entities (such as MC TMC and VDOT); however, is not a part of ROC. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status TMC Coord. PGC TRIP Center Roadway PGC Roadway County roads in P.G. County signal control data TMC Coord. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status
Other TM 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 4 2 3 3 ROC Regional Traffic Control - Alt. 2 TOC 3 TMC Regional Traffic Control I-95 CC TMC Coord. DC DPW TMC Coord. VDOT signal control data SOC Roadway SHA Roadway All Interstates, All State routes in P.G. County TMC Coord. signal control status freeway control data TMC Regional Traffic Control freeway control status TMC Coord. MC TMC Roadway MC Roadway Both County roads and State routes in Mont. County signal control data NOTES: Sharing of local info & device control Sharing of local & regional*info & device control Sharing of regional *info Sharing of local info only * SOC hosts the regional data exchange node. It exchanges local information with other nodes as well as distributes processed regional information to other nodes. ** Local information exchange may occur with external entities (such as MC TMC and VDOT); however, is not a part of ROC. TMC Coord. signal control status TMC Regional Traffic Control TMC Coord. TMC Coord. PGC TRIP Center Roadway PGC Roadway County roads in P.G. County signal control data TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status
Other TM 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ROC Regional Traffic Control - Alt. 3 I-95 CC DC DPW SOC VDOT signal control data Roadway SHA Roadway All Interstates, All State routes in P.G. County TOC 3 TMC Coord. TMC Coord. signal control status TMC Regional Traffic Control TMC Regional Traffic Control freeway control data freeway control status TMC Coord. TMC Coord. Roadway MC Roadway Both County roads and State routes in Mont. County MC TMC TMC Coord. signal control data NOTES: Sharing of local info & device control Sharing of local & regional*info & device control Sharing of regional *info * SOC hosts the regional data exchange node. It exchanges local information with other nodes as well as distributes processed regional information to other nodes. ** Local information exchange may occur with external entities (such as MC TMC and VDOT); however, is not a part of ROC. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status TMC Coord. PGC TRIP Center Roadway PGC Roadway County roads in P.G. County signal control data TMC Coord. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status
Other TM 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ROC Regional Traffic Control - Alt. 4 freeway control data freeway control status I-95 CC DC DPW SOC VDOT Roadway SHA Roadway All Interstates, All State routes in P.G. County TOC 3 TMC Coord. TMC Coord. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control data TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status TMC Coord. TMC Coord. Roadway MC Roadway Both County roads and State routes in Mont. County MC TMC TMC Coord. signal control data NOTES: Sharing of local info & device control Sharing of local & regional*info & device control Sharing of regional *info * SOC hosts the regional data exchange node. It exchanges local information with other nodes as well as distributes processed regional information to other nodes. ** Local information exchange may occur with external entities (such as MC TMC and VDOT); however, is not a part of ROC. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status TMC Coord. PGC TRIP Center Roadway PGC Roadway County roads in P.G. County signal control data TMC Coord. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status
Other TM 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 ROC Regional Traffic Control - Alt. 5 (Centralized Option) SOC signal control data I-95 CC TMC Coord. TMC Regional Traffic Control DC DPW signal control status VDOT TOC 3 Roadway SHA Roadway All Interstates, All State routes in P.G. County TMC Coord. freeway control data freeway control status TMC Regional Traffic Control TMC Coord. MC TMC Roadway MC Roadway Both County roads and State routes in Mont. County ROC signal control data TMC Coord. TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status TMC Regional Traffic Control NOTES: Sharing of local & regional*info & device control Sharing of regional *info * ROC (not the SOC) hosts the regional data exchange node, in a moderately centralized option. It receives local information from other nodes and distributes processed regional information. ** Local information exchange may occur with external entities (such as MC TMC and VDOT); however, is not a part of ROC. TMC Coord. PGC TRIP Center Roadway PGC Roadway County roads in P.G. County signal control data TMC Regional Traffic Control signal control status
Collect Traffic Roadway Basic traffic Surveillance Surveillance information NIA Network Surveillance (i.e., Monitoring) Traffic request for Roadway local traffic flow Information Management traffic information Service Provider device control commands* • Collects, stores and provides access to traffic data. • Fixed equipment (detectors and wireline communication) to monitor freeways and surface street.
ROC Network Surveillance - Alt. 1 request for request for request for traffic information traffic information traffic information traffic traffic traffic information information information The SOC will manage TOC 3 field assets during after night time and weekends. SOC request for traffic information traffic information TOC 3 local traffic flow SHA Roadway Collect Traffic Roadway Basic Surveillance device control commands Surveillance Information Service Provider MC TMC MC Roadway local traffic flow Collect Traffic Roadway Basic Surveillance device control commands Surveillance PGC TRIP Center PGC Roadway local traffic flow Collect Traffic Roadway Basic Surveillance device control commands Surveillance NOTE: SHA Roadway: All Interstates, State routes in P.G. County MC Roadway: Both County roads and State routes in Mont. County PGC Roadway: County roads in P.G. County Assumption:TOC 3 manages SHA Roadway devices
ROC Network Surveillance - Alt. 2 request for request for request for traffic information traffic information traffic information traffic traffic traffic information information information TOC 3 will be able to manage SOC field assets (CCTV). TOC 3 request for traffic information traffic information SOC local traffic flow SHA Roadway Collect Traffic Roadway Basic Surveillance device control commands Surveillance Information Service Provider MC TMC MC Roadway local traffic flow Collect Traffic Roadway Basic Surveillance device control commands Surveillance PGC TRIP Center PGC Roadway local traffic flow Collect Traffic Roadway Basic device control commands Surveillance Surveillance NOTE: SHA Roadway: All Interstates, State routes in P.G. County MC Roadway: Both County roads and State routes in Mont. County PGC Roadway: County roads in P.G. County Assumptions: 1. SOC manages SHA Roadway devices. 2. TOC 3 will have limited control of the devices.
NIA Probe Surveillance • Monitoring using mobile equipment and wireless comm. • Accepts and processes probe veh info Traffic Roadway Management vehicle probe data TMC Probe Roadway Probe Information Collection Beacons • Determine location • Measures traffic/envir data • Transmits data to ISP/TMC vehicle probe data road network use • Accepts and processes probe veh info Vehicle Information Location Data map updates Service Provider Probe Vehicle Source Software ISP Probe vehicle probe data Information Collection Vehicle Toll/ Parking Interface Map Update Interactive position fix Infrastructure Info • Allows to pay without stopping • Example; Tag I/F Interactive Vehicle Provider Reception • Provides interactive comm. with vehicles • Provides interactive comm. with ISP
Probe Surveillance - Alt. 1 TOC 3 SHA Roadway vehicle probe data vehicle probe data TMC Probe Info Collection Roadway Probe Beacons MC TMC MC Roadway vehicle probe data TMC Probe Info Collection vehicle probe data Roadway Probe Beacons PGC TRIP Center PGC Roadway vehicle probe data vehicle probe data TMC Probe Info Collection Roadway Probe Beacons Transp. Dept. Vehicles NOTE The collection and processing of probe data by the Commercial ISP’s are not included in the ROC architecture. However, the ROC system can receive that information from ISPs through the its interface with ISPs in the Network surveillance market package. Probe Vehicle Software Interactive Vehicle Reception map updates position fix Map Update Provider Location Data Source
Probe Surveillance - Alt. 2 SOC SHA Roadway vehicle probe data vehicle probe data TMC Probe Info Collection Roadway Probe Beacons MC TMC MC Roadway vehicle probe data TMC Probe Info Collection vehicle probe data Roadway Probe Beacons PGC TRIP Center PGC Roadway vehicle probe data vehicle probe data TMC Probe Info Collection Roadway Probe Beacons Vehicle Probe Vehicle NOTE The collection and processing of probe data by the Commercial ISP’s are not included in the ROC architecture. However, the ROC system can receive that information from ISPs through the its interface with ISPs in the Network surveillance market package. Software Interactive Vehicle Reception map updates position fix Map Update Provider Location Data Source
NIA Surface Street Control • Analyzes and reduces traffic data needed to control signal • Monitors and manages surface street traffic flow Traffic Management Roadway signal control data TMC Basic Signal Control Roadway signal control status Signal Controls Traffic • Provides signal control Maintenance • Provide traffic maintenance facilities .
Roadway Roadway Roadway Signal Controls Signal Controls Signal Controls ROC Surface Street Control - Alt. 1 SOC/Signal Shop will manage TOC 3 field assets during night time and weekends. SOC/ Signal Shop signal control data signal control status TOC 3 SHA Surface Street signal control data TMC Basic Signal Control signal control status Traffic Maintenance MC TMC signal control data MC Surface Street TMC Basic Signal Control signal control status Traffic Maintenance PGC TRIP Center signal control data PGC Surface Street TMC Basic Signal Control signal control status Traffic Maintenance Assumption: TOC 3 manages SHA Surface Street control devices.
ROC Surface Street Control - Alt. 2 Roadway Roadway Roadway Signal Controls Signal Controls Signal Controls TOC 3 will be able to manage SOC field assets as necessary. TOC 3 signal control data signal control status SOC/Signal Shop SHA Surface Street signal control data TMC Basic Signal Control signal control status Traffic Maintenance MC TMC signal control data MC Surface Street TMC Basic Signal Control signal control status Traffic Maintenance PGC TRIP Center signal control data PGC Surface Street TMC Basic Signal Control signal control status Traffic Maintenance Assumptions: 1. SOC manages SHA Surface Street devices. 2. TOC 3 will have limited control of the devices.
TMC-based Freeway Roadway Control Freeway Control TMC Incident Roadway Detection Incident Detection Traffic Maintenance NIA Freeway Control • Control system for freeway mgt. • Integrates traffic info road geometry • Ramp metering, VMS, TAR Roadway Traffic Management • Freeway effectors - ramp meters, VMS, TAR freeway control data freeway control status • Analyzes traffic data to detect incident incident data • Analyzes data/image to detect incident at field • Provide traffic maintenance facilities
TMC Incident Detection Roadway Freeway Control Roadway Incident Detection ROC Freeway Control - Alt. 1 The SOC will manage TOC 3 freeway assets during night time and weekends. SOC freeway control data freeway control status incident data SHA Freeway TOC 3 freeway control data TMC-based Freeway Control freeway control status incident data Traffic Maintenance Assumption:TOC 3 manages SHA Freeway devices.
TMC Incident Detection Roadway Freeway Control Roadway Incident Detection ROC Freeway Control - Alt. 2 TOC 3 will have capability to manage SOC freeway assets (CCTV, TAR, VMS). TOC 3 freeway control data freeway control status incident data SHA Freeway SOC freeway control data TMC-based Freeway Control freeway control status incident data Traffic Maintenance Assumption: SOC manages SHA Freeway devices.
NIA Incident Management System Information • Interfaces with EVs/Other agencies • Stores emergency response plans. • Dispatch best-suited vehicle Service Provider Traffic information Emergency Traffic incident data Roadway incident notification Management Management TMC Incident Dispatch Emergency Response incident information signage data Coord/Communication Management TMC Coord emergency vehicle driver status update • Formulates incident response to minimize traffic impact • Determines resources req including emergency vehicles • Coordinates response with other agencies Other TM Emergency Vehicle • Enables all transportation and public safety agencies to • Share incident data (notification and image) • Share construction, snow removal, special events data • Coordinate responses • Enables ROC transportation agencies (SHA and DPWTs) to dispatch and track their incident response vehicles • Public safety vehicles are dispatched through ER Market Package
ROC Incident Management System - Alt. 1 Other TM TMC Incident Dispatch Coord/Comm TMC Incident Dispatch Coord/Comm TMC Incident Dispatch Coord/Comm TMC Incident Dispatch Coord/Comm Emergency Response Mgt Emergency Response Mgt Emergency Response Mgt Emergency Response Mgt Emergency Response Mgt incident notification incident information PGC ECC PGC DPW&T Incident Mgt Veh emergency vehicle incident notification driver status update incident notification incident notification PGC TRIP Center Roadway PGC Roadway incident data signage data I-95 CC incident notification MSP Forestville TMC Coord DC DPW incident information VDOT SOC incident notification TMC Coord. incident notification incident data incident notification incident notification signage data TMC Coord (includes SOC’s after hrs control of Rd and EV) Roadway SHA Surface St. TMC Coord (Proposed Link) MSP Coll. Park TOC 3 incident information incident data Roadway SHA Freeway incident notification signage data incident information emergency vehicle incident notification incident notification driver status update SHA Incident Mgt Veh TMC Coord MC TMC MSP Rockville incident information incident data Roadway MC Roadway incident notification signage data MC ECC incident information incident notification MC DPWT Incident Mgt Veh incident notification emergency vehicle driver status update Assumptions: 1. SOC hosts the regional traffic management node, and manages SHA surface st. devices. 2. TOC 3 manages SHA freeway devices. During night time and weekends, it is taken over by the SOC. 3. TOC 3 manages incident responses. During night time and weekends, it is taken over by the SOC (as at the present time).
ROC Incident Management System - Alt. 2 Assumptions: 1. SOC hosts the regional traffic management node, and manages all SHA Roadway. 2. TOC 3 has limited control sharing capability of the devices. 3.TOC 3 manages incident responses. During night time and weekends, it is taken over by the SOC (as at the present time).
NIA Emergency Response • Provides I/F between Emer. officials through shared databases and comm., e.g, CAD Emergency emergency vehicle driver status update Emergency Management Vehicle Emergency and Incident Other Emergency Mgt emergency dispatch requests Management Comm Emergency On-board EV Incident Coordination Management Comm Emergency Response Management • Provides I/F with EVs and other EMs/agencies • Stores emergency response plans. • Determine and dispatch best-suited vehicle • Provides direct I/F between EVs and Emergency Mgt. personnel
Emergency Emergency Coordination Coordination ROC Emergency Response PGC Fire EVs EV 1 PGC ECC PGC Police EVs emergency vehicle Emergency Coordination EM 1 driver status update EV 1 vehicle-vehicle comm request EM 2 emergency dispatch requests emergency vehicle MSP Forestville MSP EVs driver status update EM 1 vehicle-vehicle comm request EV 1 emergency dispatch EM 2 Emergency Coordination requests emergency vehicle MSP Coll. Park MSP EVs driver status update EM 1 vehicle-vehicle comm request Emergency Coordination MC Fire EVs EV 1 EM 2 emergency dispatch requests EV 1 MC ECC MC Police EVs emergency vehicle emergency vehicle driver status update MSP Rockville EV 1 MSP EVs EM 1 driver status update vehicle-vehicle comm request Emergency Coordination vehicle-vehicle comm request EM 1 EM 2 emergency dispatch EV 1 emergency dispatch requests EM 2 requests NOTES EM 1: Emergency and Incident Management Comm EM 2: Emergency Response Management EV 1: On-board EV Incident Management Comm ECC: Emergency Communication Center (911 Center) EV: Emergency Vehicles The equipment package at the 2 ECCs may need to be replicated at both Police and Fire Dispatches Emergency Coordination data include setting up talk channels for various Evs for vehicle to vehicle (and field-to-field) communication.
NIA Emergency Routing • Provides comm I/F with transit mgt. subsystem. • Provides signal priority for transit vehicles. Traffic Mgmt Roadway signal control data TMC Multi-Modal Coordination emergency vehicle emergency vehicle signal priority request preemption request ISP emergency vehicle Em Mgmt Em Veh emergency vehicle route request tracking data Emergency Vehicle EM Route Plan On-board Vehicle emergency vehicle Routing and Comm. Info. Dissemination assigned route Signal Coordination route • Request signal priority either to roadside or to the TMC • Provides route plan for EMs based on O-D and traffic condition • Tracks EVs • Provides I/F with EVs and other agencies
ROC Public Safety Emergency Routing(USE LARGE FIG.PPT) Assumptions: 1. In PG County, PGC DPW&T does EM Route Plan. Also, greenwave requests go to the DPW&T. PGC DPW&T have control to change SHA’s signals. 2. MC DPWT handles all route plan and greenwave requests in Mont. County. 3. SOC hosts the regional node for data distribution.
ROC Transportation Emergency Routing EM Route Plan Info. Dissemination EM Route Plan Info. Dissemination EM Route Plan Info. Dissemination SHA’s Incident Response Vehicles TOC 3/SOC* emergency vehicle tracking data Emergency Vehicle Routing and Comm On-board Vehicle Signal Coordination** assigned route traffic information PGC TRIP Center PGC DPW&T’s Incident Response Vehicles emergency vehicle tracking data These links and data flows are provided through the Regional Traffic Control market packages, “traffic information’ being a subset of “TMC Coord.” Emergency Vehicle Routing and Comm traffic information On-board Vehicle Signal Coordination** assigned route traffic information MC DPWT’s Incident Response Vehicles MC TMC emergency vehicle tracking data Emergency Vehicle Routing and Comm On-board Vehicle Signal Coordination** assigned route NOTES * Use of TOC 3 or SOC represent 2 alternative designs as in the earlier cases. ** Only partial functionalities of this market package (relevant to tracking and communication with the TMC) is required for transportation Incident Response Vehicles. However, signal priority is nor planned for these vehicles.
ROC Physical Architecture for Group 2 Incident Notification/Management
NIA Multi-modal Coordination • Request signal priority either to roadside or to the TMC Transit Transit Vehicle Management Intermodal Trans. intermodal information transit vehicle conditions Service Provider Transit Center Multi- On-board Vehicle modal Coordination Signal Coordination • Provides comm I/F with traffic mgt. subsystem. • Determines needs for signal priority routes/locations for transit vehicles and request Traffic Mgt. subsystem. local signal priority request request for transit signal priority transit system data • Receive vehicle signal priority request. • Provides signal priority. signal priority status • Provides comm I/F with transit mgt. subsystem. • Provides signal priority for transit vehicles. Traffic Roadway Management signal control data TMC Multi-modal Roadside Signal request for right of way Coordination Priority • Enables ROC transit agencies to communicate with other agencies, including traffic and public safety, and exchange data. • Traffic, special event, snow removal data • Transit information • Enables signal priority to transit vehicles.
ROC Multi-modal Coordination Ride on Bus MC TMC On-board Vehicle Signal Coordination transit vehicle conditions Transit Center Multi- modal Coordination intermodal information transit system data request for transit signal priority local signal priority request signal priority status MC Roadway signal control data TMC Multi-modal Coordination Roadside Signal Priority request for right of way TOC 3/ SOC (Signal Shop)* Intermodal Trans. Service Provider SHA-Managed Roadway in PG signal control data TMC Multi-modal Coordination request for right of way Roadside Signal Priority transit system data signal priority status request for transit signal priority local signal priority request PGC TRIP Center The Bus intermodal information transit vehicle conditions On-board Vehicle Signal Coordination Transit Center Multi- modal Coordination signal priority status transit system data request for transit signal priority local signal priority request NOTE *Depends on the selection of alternatives for Surface Street Control market package PGC Roadway signal control data TMC Multi-modal Coordination request for right of way Roadside Signal Priority
On-board Trip Monitoring NIA Transit Vehicle Tracking transit information request Transit Transit Vehicle Information Service Provider Management vehicle probe data Transit Center Tracking transit and fare schedules and Dispatch • Supports fleet mgt with AVL (e.g., GPS), automated mileage and fuel reporting. • Provides comm I/F. vehicle location Vehicle • Provides real-time transit vehicle tracking and schedule adherence. • Provides 2-way data and voice comm. with transit vehicles. • Furnishes users with transit info. position fix Location Data Source • Enables ROC transit agencies to receive AVL information of transit vehicles. • Enables ROC transit agencies to disseminate real-time schedule adherence information to public.
On-board Trip On-board Trip Monitoring Monitoring ROC Transit Vehicle Tracking WMATA Other Transit Management transit information request transit and fare schedules MC TMC (transit) transit information request Ride on Bus Vehicle Location Data Source vehicle probe data position fix vehicle location Transit Center Tracking and Dispatch transit and fare schedules Info Service Provider PGC TRIP Center (transit ) transit information request The Bus Vehicle Location Data Source vehicle probe data position fix vehicle location Transit Center Tracking and Dispatch transit and fare schedules This shaded part is not a direct ROC requirement, but a future recommendation for the transit agencies for enhanced traveler information and transit operations. The ROC requirement is limited to the coordination and collection of transit information for dissemination to the public. 1. In a 2nd alternative design approach, ROC can assume ISP’s role to collect, coordinate and disseminate transit information to the public. 2. In a 3rd approach, ROC can collect and coordinate transit information and transmits to ISPs for dissemination using ATIS1 and ATIS2.
Market Packages - Group 4 Data Aggregation and Dissemination
NIA Broadcast Traveler Information Traffic Transit transit and fare traffic Management Management information schedules • Provides I/F with ISP from home/office to receive traveler information (1-way), e.g., portable AM-FM radio, fax, pager. Information request for transit information • Collect, process and disseminate traveler info. Service Provider request traffic information Basic Information Broadcast Personal Info Vehicle Access broadcast broadcast Personal Basic information broadcast information Basic Vehicle information Information Reception Reception Remote Traveler • Provides I/F with ISP to receive traveler information (1-way), e.g., in-veh AM-FM radio with data subcarrier. Support • Provides I/F with ISP to receive traveler information (1-way) Remote Basic Information Reception • Provides basic set of ATIS services to the users. • Enables ROC to disseminate information (1-way) including traffic, transit, snow removal and construction. • Comm ISPs are the front-end to the public. • ROC provides limited information to public directly. • kiosks in areas not covered by ISPs • Information as needed • Does not preclude agencies to have their TIS (Inst. reqs. apply)
ROC Broadcast Traveler Information - Alt. 1 PGC TRIP Center (traffic) WMATA PGC TRIP Center (transit) MC TMC (traffic) MC TMC (transit) SOC Traffic transit and fare traffic Transit information schedules Management Management Comm. ISP request for transit information request traffic information Basic Information Broadcast Personal Info Non-ROC - to be provided by Commercial ISPs Access broadcast Personal Basic information Information Reception broadcast information Remote Traveler Support broadcast information Remote Basic Information Reception Vehicle This shaded part is user-provided. Basic Vehicle Reception Assumption: Individual agencies interfaces with comm. ISPs directly (as in the current arrangement with Partners in Motion)
NIA Interactive Traveler Information Traffic Transit transit and fare traffic Management Management information schedules • Basic info broadcast is a pre-requisite • Provides interactive comm. with vehicles/traveler request for Information traffic information transit information • Provides I/F with ISP to receive to receive traveler information (2-way) from a personal facility, e.g., cell phone, interactive TV, PC. Service Provider request Interactive Infrastructure Info traveler information request traveler information request Personal Info Access Vehicle traveler information Personal Interactive traveler Information Reception information Interactive Vehicle Reception traveler information request traveler information • Provides interactive comm. with ISP Remote Traveler Support • Provides I/F with ISP to receive interactive traveler info (2-way) from a public facility, e,g,, kiosk, interactive CATV. Remote Interactive Information Reception • Same as Broadcast Traveler Information market package, except it allows 2-way interactive communication with users.
ROC Interactive Traveler Information - Alt. 1 PGC TRIP Center (traffic) WMATA MC TMC (traffic) PGC TRIP Center (transit) SOC MC TMC (transit) Traffic transit and fare traffic Transit Management information schedules Management Comm. ISP request for traffic information transit information Interactive Infrastructure Info request traveler information request Personal Info Non-ROC - to be provided by Commercial ISPs Access traveler information Personal Interactive Information Reception traveler info traveler information request Remote Traveler traveler info request Support traveler information Remote Interactive Information Reception Vehicle This shaded part is user-provided. Interactive Vehicle Reception Assumption: Individual agencies interfaces with comm. ISPs directly.
NIA ITS Planning Transportation Traffic Parking Planners Management Management planning data operational data operational data planning data Toll Planning Transit Administration Management operational data operational data Data Collection and ITS Planning road network use operational data • Collects data from centers • Processes and archives data • Provides tha planners access to archived data operational data Information Service Provider Emissions Commercial Management Vehicle Administration • Enables ROC to collect and summarize the data. • Requires a data repository. • Provides interface with planners for the use of data.
ROC ITS Planning PGC TRIP Center (traffic) MC TMC (traffic) SOC Transportation Traffic Planners Management WMATA PGC TRIP Center (transit) planning data MC TMC (transit) operational data ROC Data Repository/ Clearinghouse Transit operational data Management Data Collection planning data and ITS Planning The notion of ROC DB/Clearinghouse is consistent with the MPs defined under ATIS1 and ATIS2. The same DB/Clearinghouse can be used under this MP with a lower marginal cost. road network use Information Service Provider
ROC Physical Architecture for Group 4 Data Aggregation and Dissemination