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RSpec Matchers, Stubs and Mocks

RSpec Matchers, Stubs and Mocks. RSpec matchers. RSpec “hangs” to and not_to methods on all outcome of expectations t o()/ not_to () methods take one parameter – a matcher Matcher examples: be_true / be_false e q 3 raise_error ( SomeError ). be_predicate – boolean.

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RSpec Matchers, Stubs and Mocks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RSpec Matchers,Stubs and Mocks

  2. RSpec matchers • RSpec “hangs” to and not_to methods on all outcome of expectations • to()/not_to() methods take one parameter – a matcher • Matcher examples: • be_true / be_false • eq 3 • raise_error(SomeError)

  3. be_predicate – boolean • If the object on which the test is operating has a predicate (boolean) method – you automagically get a be_predicate matcher • So, for example be_nil is a valid matcher since every Ruby object has a :nil? method

  4. (More) Syntactic Sugar • Can add “a” or “an” to any matcher name (for readability) • If the predicate method starts with “has”, you can substitute “have” instead • In case of collections, you can • Pass a number you are expecting to have() • Make things up at the end for readability • (See next slide)

  5. Collections and RSpec

  6. RSpec Stubs • Stub – a canned response • double() method reduces the pain of having to manually create stub methods for objects • Simply call double() and pass in methods you want created and their return values

  7. RSpec Mocks • Objects that allow you to set and verify expectations that they will receive specific messages during runtime • Useful for specifying how the subject of the spec interacts with its collaborators

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