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4 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=8130910306 | get [PDF] Download Buying and Selling a Business for Wealth | What is this book about? This book explains how to start or buy, then develop and sell, a business in order to realise capital and personal wealth. Here, the authors show the owner how to achieve maximum income during his/her stewardship of the business, while planning for a sizeable business asset through a sale. Using case studies and detailed guidance, the book provides practical advice on how to create and improve capital value through various means, such as leadership, people, culture and branding. Who is this book for? Entrepreneurs, current and potential owners of small to medium-sized businesses, accountants, lawyers, bankers. Expert Authors Kevin Uphill is the Managing Partner of Avondale Group, a consultancy which focuses on selling small to medium-sized businesses. Alex McMillan has over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience and has written several business books on the subject.<br>
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