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Conscious Management , Conscious Living Rudite Emir / Amber Consulting CMSJ , March 2016

Conscious Management , Conscious Living Rudite Emir / Amber Consulting CMSJ , March 2016. Who Are YOU?. Managers? Senior managers? Other? Familiar with the Bhagavad Gita , Upanishads?. Waking Up  Becoming Conscious GUIDING PRINCIPLES. Awareness

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Conscious Management , Conscious Living Rudite Emir / Amber Consulting CMSJ , March 2016

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  1. Conscious Management, ConsciousLiving Rudite Emir / Amber ConsultingCMSJ, March 2016 Amber Consulting

  2. Who Are YOU? • Managers? Senior managers? • Other? • Familiar with the Bhagavad Gita,Upanishads? Amber Consulting

  3. Waking Up Becoming ConsciousGUIDING PRINCIPLES • Awareness • 2. Clear Intention3. Breaking Free4. Using All and Everything as a Wake-up Call Amber Consulting

  4. 1. AwarenessTO GAIN INNER MASTERY: WAKE UP! BECOME AWARE! 1. Recognize that we go through life half-asleep. 2. Find ways to become more alert. Amber Consulting

  5. 1. AwarenessRECOGNIZING THE INNER WORLD • Becoming aware = becoming aware of not only the external world, but also of our innerfunctioning and the layers of our personality • Moving from external view to a view that includes inner world • Seeing things as they are ACTUAL CASE AWARENESS: Manager at computer firm -- unaware of his obsessive negative talking Amber Consulting

  6. 1. Awareness MINDFULNESS TRAINING «Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.»― Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk from Vietnam • Be aware of yourself as a body sitting on the chair • Look around. Become aware of all other bodies sitting on chairs. • Breathe slowly, watch the flow of your breath – stay relaxed. • Close your eyes and see yourself smiling inside. • Open your eyes. Stay aware. Exercise Amber Consulting

  7. 1. Awareness MINDFULNESS TRAINING • When the mind is alert: • You see more clearly what is happening around you. • You begin to see others as they are, not as how you wish them to be. • Rather than pushing your agenda, you are open to the flow around you. • You start using your intuition rather than becoming stressed while trying to figure things out. • A good reminder (Swami Chinmayananda’s words): «Be quiet – alert – vigilant!» Amber Consulting

  8. 1.Awareness Swami Chinmayananda said: “The same situation, the same sun, moon, and the stars . . . are available to all of us. But I fail . . . while you become a successful man . . . How is it possible? It is only because I know not how to meet my challenges and to react properly, while you know how to react to them . . . “ A person who has become more aware is: • More productive • Less stressed • More harmonious in his relationships • More aware of the larger perspective Amber Consulting

  9. 1. AwarenessVEDANTA, THE SUBJECTIVE SCIENCE The Vedic rishis (sages) of India investigated the human being:conducted experiments in “subjective science.” Model resulting from their investigations: Become aware of how you function at five levels of being AND youno longer live in reaction mode. Causal Intellectual body Emotional Vital: prana Physical Amber Consulting

  10. 1. AwarenessWHO ARE YOU – ULTIMATELY? (The ultimate lesson in awareness) Beyond the five layers we can describe is SOURCEof them all: OM, the Unknowable, the Indescribable. The Source of all being. \ Causal Intellectual body Emotional Vital: prana Physical Amber Consulting

  11. 1. AwarenessWHO ARE YOU – ULTIMATELY? Contemporary thinkers describe the Ultimate Reality in their own way, among them, this: “If there is any ultimate stuff of the universe, it ispure energy . . . The world isfundamentallydancing energy; energy that is everywhere and incessantly assuming first this form and then that.” - Gary Zukav Amber Consulting

  12. 1. AwarenessAN OBJECT IS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE A conversation between Joseph Jaworski and thephysicist David Bohm, as recounted by Jaworski: • Bohm raised questions such as: • What is mind? • What is matter? • What is the source of the simple symmetry we see all around us in the natural world? • Bohm: Old concepts of time, space, and matter no longer apply.Instead: Amber Consulting

  13. 1. AwarenessAN OBJECT IS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE (cont’d) David Bohm and Jaworski conversation (cont’d): • In a “Bubble chamber” (where physicists look at matter and examine particles at a subatomic level): • Matter is sometimes a particle and sometimes a wave. • Particles also sometimes move backward in time. • Light is sometimes a particle and sometimes a wave. • Matter looks static and solid, but its atoms are in constant motion. “We are a drop in the ocean; whatever happens to the oceanhappens to the drop; whatever happens to the drop happensto the ocean.”- Paramahansa Yogananda Amber Consulting

  14. 1. AwarenessTIPS • Avoid being on auto-pilot: • Be aware of your physical surroundings. • Stay aware as you interact with others. • Watch every thought and word. • Intercept as needed. • Pay attention to your breath when angry or excited. • Practice “review the day” (introspection) at night. Amber Consulting

  15. 2. Clear Intention When we become masters of our thoughts and ourselves, we have clarity of intention. • Opportunities present themselves when your intention is clear. • What you intend to do, you do. • With intention, you create your reality. ACTUAL CASE LACK OF CLARITY: small consulting firm with too many service offerings Amber Consulting

  16. 2. Clear IntentionDEVELOPING CLARITY OF INSIGHT (for the individual) • Intention:“. . . the force that keeps information in consciousness organized.” Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, University of Chicago psychologist • Clarity of intention:sankalpa ACTUAL CASE Executive frustrated with incompatible values at pharmaceutical firm. Clarified her interest: targeted greeting card firm. Met retired executive at party: job created just for her. Amber Consulting

  17. 2. Clear IntentionDEVELOPING CLARITY OF INSIGHT • Energy dislikes uncertainty. • Energy is drawn to determination, clear intention.SO: • Set high standards. • Don’t be tentative. Keep your intent, your goal firm in your mind. • Challenge yourself and others. Amber Consulting

  18. 2. Clear IntentionDEVELOPING CLARITY OF INSIGHT “Structures of which we are unaware hold us prisoner. Once we see them and name them, they no longer have the same hold on us.” Peter Senge The Fifth Discipline(1990) Developing clarity of insight -- into the self and the world -- gives us new independence and strength. . . .How do we gain this clarity? Amber Consulting

  19. 2. Clear IntentionFILTERS Seeing what is: • Develop the skill of seeing what is, not what you think about it. • Most often, our thoughts about something – our opinions -- are based on our conditioning, the filters through which we see the world . . .What conditions us? Amber Consulting

  20. 2. Clear IntentionMANY INFLUENCES AFFECT OUR THOUGHTS Ourreligion Our body Ourthoughts Our family values Environment Society, culture Company culture Our education . . . So what can we do? Amber Consulting

  21. 2. Clear IntentionKNOW YOURSELF BEFORE KNOWING YOUR INTENTION Who Am I? I stand inside my thoughts, emotions, suit— and wonder:“Who am I?’ Strip away the layers. See who you really are. Recognize your “dramas” and move beyond them. Amber Consulting

  22. 2. Clear IntentionNOT SUCH A TALL ORDER IF . . . . . . you learn to become more aware -- more quiet, alert, and vigilant at all times. • Watch your mind in action throughout the day. • Don’t let any thought pass by without your inspection. • At night, do an introspection exercise. Amber Consulting

  23. 2. Clear IntentionTIPS • Entertain only those thoughts that match your intentions. • Don’t take the desires of the mind so seriously. • Make light of the desires that haunt you. Laugh them away! • Usesymbols to influence yourunconsciousmind? Anyideas? Amber Consulting

  24. Think! “Is there a greater fool than the man who—having got the rare chance of a human birth— and then, too, the masculine [unswerving] qualities of the head and heart, falls short in his efforts to rediscover himself?” Shankara, Vivekachudamani 5 Amber Consulting

  25. 3. Breaking FreeCREATIVITY (Innovation) REQUIRES AN OPEN MIND A FEW WORDS ABOUT COMPUTERS: “I think there is a world market for about five computers.” — Thomas J. Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943 “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.”— Ken Olsen, President of DEC, 1977 Amber Consulting

  26. 3. Breaking FreeUNDERSTANDING PARADIGMS* • What are paradigms? • Patterns of behavior • Rules for keeping patterns in place • How are paradigms used? • We use paradigms first to establish boundaries • We then use them to solve problems • Paradigms can also constrict • Paradigms can filterreality • Paradigms can blind organizationsand individuals to new solutions. *Based on the work of Joel Barker Amber Consulting

  27. 3. Breaking FreePARADIGMS ARE FILTERS • Paradigms filter data that come into your mind. • Information is distorted to fit what you expect. • Information is distorted to fit what you want. • RESULT: You are blinded to: • New ideas • New opportunities • Creative solutions Amber Consulting

  28. 3. Breaking FreeGOING BACK TO ZERO • When a paradigm shifts, you are back at ZERO. • Your current market share means nothing: • Swiss watch industry • In 1968: 65% of market share • In 1978: 10% of market share • Reason: The Swiss invented the quartz watch, but did not see its value because they were operating in the old paradigm. Seiko stole the idea — and the market. Amber Consulting

  29. 3. Breaking FreeBE A CREATIVE GENIUS! • EXERCISE • Pick FIVE words at random from the handout. • Using the FIVE words, write a paragraph describing how you plan to become a more effective, morevigilantmanager at work or at home. • Let your imagination go! Fantasize! Amber Consulting

  30. 3. Breaking FreeBE CREATIVE GENIUS! rabbit home six moon degenerate light reclusive genius tree boss television rock moon Shiva you highway memories exam purple consult shocking computer despair game sublime soar puzzle aim extraordinary simple schedule serve technical painting agreement root boring doll neverland simpleton tax automobile pundit secrecy child industry liberal strange superfluous habit pudding bright hunger mouse create audacious gentle pioneer climb sick firewall jewel anonymous dear vile police angels wing government infallible website winter tomorrow regime surveillance world controls tower rainbow push-up Prometheus society mastery jazz non-profit soul pizza-pie sleep-walking dependence Ferrari muscle online building system flower temperament hip-hop transcend insecurities shadow sunlight blog dog rumor production poor award abandon star money whiz Saturn unthinkable drive child grow up pea desktop money bankruptcy sing forum roof start collide reverence bound focus whale may love squirrel ocean pollution flight mystery farewell spirit whipped silence arrow ambition calm divide vessel ambulance volcano supernatural Wikipedia voracious cosmos song random wisdom conquer teacher promise fire tempo Ancient Greeks controversial toolbox divulge harmony pure proud exhibition rely video farm Mt. Everest gun replica surrender Olympics heaven Darwin red Amber Consulting

  31. 3. Breaking FreeOPENING UP YOUR CREATIVE GATES • Daydream. Dream! • Play a musicalinstrument. • Be light-hearted.Play!Laugh! • Do anything to help you temporarily forget what you know. Amber Consulting

  32. 3. Breaking FreeMACRO PARADIGM SHIFTS • Paradigms exist on the macro level also • Giordano Bruno (16th century): “The Earth is not the center of the universe.” • He was burned at the stake. • What paradigms are shifting today? • Example: In medicine, we are seeing that fixing the outer manifestation is not enough. We need to look at the underlying causes of disease, so it doesn’t return. • What other paradigms are shifting today? • How are paradigm shifts politicized? Amber Consulting

  33. EXERCISE:Be transparent! 4. Using Everything to Wake UpNEGATIVE HAPPENINGS -- THE BEST! • Use failure and distress. • Use insults. • Use everything. Swami Chinmayananda: “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.” Amber Consulting

  34. Summing upGUIDING PRINCIPLES When you base your actions on these principles –awareness, clear intention, breaking free, using everything– and develop skills to support them, you: • Become more efficient and proficient in your activity. • Reduce your stress level. • Work with increased harmony with others and your environment. • Have more fun, because you don’t take yourself or this game of life so seriously. Amber Consulting

  35. Summing upGUIDING PRINCIPLES • As you work with new, conscious awareness, you begin to look not only at your financial balance sheet, but also at your social balance sheet. • You ask yourself: • Am I supporting a healthy ecological environment with my business or professional or home management practices? • Are my business or professional or home management activities supporting the society within which they take place? • Am I remembering that what happens inside is reflected outside? Amber Consulting

  36. Summing UpGUIDING PRINCIPLES Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, the way great spiritual giants are produced. – Swami Vivekananda Live in the vital present, leading and guiding its flow into the future glow.– Swami Chinmayananda A narrow vision is divisive, a broad vision is expansive. But a divine vision is all-inclusive. – Swami Tejomayananda Amber Consulting

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