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Camp Comer Mentone, AL 1-7 July 2012

Summer Camp 2012. Camp Comer Mentone, AL 1-7 July 2012. Camp Comer. 16490 County Road 89 Mentone, AL 35984-2323c. “The main attractions for Camp Comer are the cool summer temperature, beautiful Lake Republic, rocks, and a mountain atmosphere.”. Weather. Be Prepared for Everything!

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Camp Comer Mentone, AL 1-7 July 2012

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  1. Summer Camp 2012 Camp ComerMentone, AL1-7 July 2012

  2. Camp Comer 16490 County Road 89Mentone, AL 35984-2323c “The main attractions for Camp Comer are the cool summer temperature, beautiful Lake Republic, rocks, and a mountain atmosphere.”

  3. Weather Be Prepared for Everything! Cool Nights - Blanket Heat & Humidity – Drink Water!!!!! July Temperatures: Normal High: 89°F Normal Low: 67°F Very Important to Stay Hydrated! - Each Scout Should Carry a Water Bottle - Coolers Located at Each Pavillion

  4. Camp Comer

  5. Camp Fees Camp Costs: $245 (includes transportation costs) Payment Schedule $75 due by 6 Feb 12 $75 due by 9 Apr 12 $95 due by 21 May12 • Some Programs Have Additional Costs: • Mountain Man: $40.00 (must be 13 yrs old by 7/1/12). • Comer HD $ 40.00 (must be 13 yrs old by 7/1/12). • Shotgun Merit Badge: $15.00 • Whitewater Rafting $60.00 (Must be 12 yrs. and BSA Swimmer) • Leatherwork*: Under $10.00 (kit) • Basketry*: Under $20.00 (kit-round, square baskets & seat) • Woodcarving*: Under $10.00 (kit) • Archery* Under $ 10.00 (arrow kit) • Space Exploration*: $15.00 for rocket kit • * Scouts in these merit badges may select and purchase their kits at the Trading Post.

  6. General Camp Information • Typical Camp Day Format • 3 Merit Badge class periods in the morning • 2 Merit Badge class periods in the afternoon • Twilight period for waterfront, other activities, or additional Merit Badge work • Evenings generally reserved for Scout open program opportunities and troop time

  7. MB Schedule and White Water Trip • If a Scout goes on the Whitewater trip, he may receive partials in one or more merit badges. • Many merit badges will or may finish on Thursday, but some require all 5 days, while others depend on the Scout's skill/ability, such as the shooting sports merit badges. •  If only 3 Scouts sign up for a MB class, it will likely finish on Thursday. If the class is full, it will finish on Friday. The shooting sports merit badges (rifle/shotgun/archery) will all finish instruction by Thursday, but if the Scout hasn't completed the requisite firing rounds, he will have to attend on Friday. The aquatic merit badges are very dependent on the weather; if lightning shuts down the waterfront for any appreciable time, then Friday classes will be required. •  The merit badges that have the highest probability of completing in 4 days (based on previous years) are those in the Handicraft and Sci-Tech/Humanities areas (such as Woodworking, Indian Lore, Photography, Computers, etc) but even that is dependent on class size. •   The bus from the White Water Trip usually returns Friday afternoon ~ 4:15 pm.

  8. Eagle Bound Program • “Eagle Bound” – Program for First Year Scouts • Eagle Bound is designed to help first-year campers learn basic outdoor skills and the patrol method. Participants meet Monday-Thursday for all 5 sessions. Patrol-oriented instruction on orienteering, knots, lashings, axe-yard use, first aid, basic camping skills, and flag etiquette will occur every morning and some afternoons. On Monday afternoon, all Eagle Bounders will perform a conservation project and learn the basics of Safe-Swim Defense and Safety-Afloat. All subsequent afternoons, the participants will be divided by patrol to attend Eagle Bound Aquatics during fourth or fifth session. The entire program will hike the entire 5-mile Thunderbird Trail by patrol. Scouts and Adult Leaders who successfully complete the entire hike are eligible to purchase a patch from the Camp Office.  Many requirements, but not all, will be met for the Tenderfoot through First Class ranks. • Scouts will be able to earn their Firem‟n Chit and Totin‟ Chit on Friday morning. •  Scouts in the Eagle Bound Program who attend Eagle Bound Aquatics will be introduced to Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat. Scouts who are “Swimmers” by the end of the week will complete the Second Class and First Class rank swim requirements. If they are strong enough swimmers, they will also complete the Swimming Merit Badge. “Non-swimmers” and “Beginners” will be taught and allowed to practice reaching and throwing rescues. “Swimmers” will be taught and allowed to practice reaching rescues, throwing rescues, and line and tender rescue. The troop‟s board of review will be responsible for confirming the advancements for these scouts and for conferring the appropriate ranks. • A special session of Fingerprinting MB just for Eagle Bound Scouts (optional) is provided on Friday.  No additional registration required.

  9. Uniforms • Travel to and from camp: Full field uniform (a.k.a. Class A). • Scout shirt, neckerchief, scout shorts or pants (or blue jean shorts or pants), Scout socks, etc. • During the camp activity day and most nights after dinner, the activity uniform (a.k.a. Class B) is appropriate. • This is shorts and a scout related t-shirt of some type. • If the scout does not have enough scout t-shirts, then any appropriate t-shirt is OK. • Uniform for dinner and campfires is always Class A • Footwear • Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times at camp. • Shoes must not be open at the toe or sides. • Sandals are allowed only at the showers, the aquatics area, and motor boating . • Water shoes/Crocs are recommended for White Water Trip

  10. Trading Post • Camp Comer has a fully stocked Trading Post, carrying: • Clothing • Personal & camp equipment • Merit badge pamphlets • Handicrafts • Gift items, logo items, and lots of neat stuff. • The Trading Post also offers a full line of snack items, fountain drinks, ice cream and more. • Send some spending money with your Scout ($50 or so) • An adult leader will serve as the “Money Man” to retain and disperse money like an ATM

  11. Packing • Wear Scout Class A — Complete including shirt, shorts, belt, socks, and t-shirts • Turn in Medical form including insurance information and parent’s signature • Turn in Money for crafts, Trading Post items, and snacks ($50-60) • Bring in Daypack • Swim Suit • Towel • Scout Handbook, pens & pencils, notebooks, and merit badge books • Other items such as camera, compass, pack, flashlight, insect repellent, sunblock, etc. • Pack in Duffel bag, Footlocker or pack • Extra clothing — socks, underwear, shoes, etc. • Light Rain Jacket • Sleeping bag or blanket/pillow • Soap, comb, toothbrush, towel…

  12. What Not to Bring to Camp • Cell Phones, leave them at home! • You don’t need them for one week • We will confiscate them for the week if we see them • Electronic Music Players and Tablets • We will confiscate them for the week if we see them • Guitars, harmonicas, etc. are encouraged! • Game Boys, PSPs, Nintendo DS, iPod, iPad, Kindle Fire, etc. • We will confiscate them for the week if we see them

  13. Medical Forms • Health forms are required for all campers and leaders and MUST be signed by a licensed physician. Anyone who does not have a current and properly signed health and medical record will not be permitted to depart with the troop for camp!

  14. Trips to the Hospital • Campers requiring the attention of a doctor or the services of a hospital • Unit leadership will provide transportation for the unit member(s) requiring attention from a doctor or a hospital • One adult leader from the unit, and one additional adult leader (two-deep leadership), will accompany the Scout or unit member requiring services • He/she must obtain the Scout’s health form from the Health Lodge before going to the doctor or hospital. • Parents or guardians will be notified immediately of any serious illness or injury • If parents will not be at home while at camp, please leave detailed instructions on how you can be contacted • Unit leaders are responsible for providing proof of insurance upon arrival at the Hospital or Doctor’s Office • Each camper and leader should have his or her personal health/accident insurance carrier, company, and policy number printed on his or her health form. • The Boy Scouts of America - Council Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan provides secondary coverage for all registered Scouts (covers any copays or deductibles)

  15. Prescription Medications • Any required medications will be administered by the Medicine Man • All medication should be in a container issued by a pharmacist with the medication name and strength, and the dose and dose frequency clearly marked on the container. • Parents should clearly indicate the type of medication and dosing requirements in writing • Place written instructions and medicines in a Zip-Loc baggie and turn in on the day of departure • Medication will be kept by Troop leaders • Medication requiring refrigeration or injection may be kept in either the Camp Health Lodge or at the unit campsite. This medication may be dispensed by the Camp Health Officer or the unit leader. • It is the responsibility of the unit leaders to assure that the scout is present at all of the appropriate times to receive his medication. • Important Note: If a health form indicates that an individual must have an inhaler, EpiPen® or similar medical device • The Troop must confirm that the individual has the required item(s) in their possession. • If the items are not in possession of the camper or leader, they must either obtain the items indicated on the form or the individual will be required to leave camp Please do not send the medicine cabinet! Only send those prescriptions necessary to ensure the health of your Scout while at camp as we have a lot of scouts attending and typically a lot of prescriptions to attend to multiple times per day.

  16. Movement Schedule • Sunday, 1 July • 9:00: Check-in at BJHS Parking Lot • Parents Sign Scouts in • Medical Check-in, turn in meds • Scouts Stage Gear • Patrol Organization • Roll Call • Scouts load gear to trailers • 10:00: Departure for camp • 2 hr trip, plus 1 hr stop for lunch/bio break • 1300 arrival for camp check-in • Saturday, 7 July • 0900 Check out and departure • Email notifications along the way for time estimation • 1100 arrival to SJCC • Troop gear returned • Individual gear staged • SPL dismisses Scouts

  17. A Parent must be present! • Meet in the Bob Jones High School south parking lot at 0900 on 1 July • 5 in processing tables will be set up • Scout sign-in and parent permission/emergency contact info verification • Physical check and verification • Prescription medication drop-off • Spending $$ drop-off (available if parents do not want scouts carrying their own spending $$) • COPE / CLIMBING / WHITE WATER WAIVERS • Parents and scouts should leave gear in the car or set aside until the in processing flow is complete • Once parents and scouts have checked through each station, gear can be placed near the trailers for loading • Diagram on the next slide shows the in processing set-up and flow • PROCESS ENSURES EFFICIENT MOST INPROCESSING OF SCOUTS • PROCESS ENSURES ALL SCOUTS HAVE THE REQUIRED FORMS TURNED IN AND THE TROOP LEADERS HAVE ALL REQUIRED MEDICATIONS AND INFORMATION • GOAL: NO SURPRISES DURING INPROCESSING AT SUMMER CAMP Day of Departure Process

  18. Parking Plan Inprocessing Parent Parking Bus

  19. In processing Area and Flow Start Here and follow in order Table 1 Sign-in and Permissions Table 2 Physical Form Verification Table 3 Prescription Medication Drop-off Table 4 Spending $$ Drop-off Table 5 COPE/Climbing Merit Badge Permission Slips Gear to trailers For loading DRIVERS

  20. Campmasters Paul Lubeski: paul.lubeski@adtran.com; 256-682-7038 Brad Gass: wbgass@knology.net; 256-721-5608

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