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COMP171 Data Structures and Algorithm

COMP171 Data Structures and Algorithm. Huamin Qu Lecture 1 (Sept. 1, 2005) http://www.cs.ust.hk/~huamin/COMP171/index.htm. Lectures. Instructor: Huamin Qu Time: Tuesday & Thursday 16:30 – 17:50 Place: Rm 4334 Office Hours: - Tuesday & Thursday 14:00 – 16:00 - Rm 3508

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COMP171 Data Structures and Algorithm

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  1. COMP171 Data Structures and Algorithm Huamin Qu Lecture 1 (Sept. 1, 2005) http://www.cs.ust.hk/~huamin/COMP171/index.htm

  2. Lectures • Instructor: Huamin Qu • Time: Tuesday & Thursday 16:30 – 17:50 • Place: Rm 4334 • Office Hours: - Tuesday & Thursday 14:00 – 16:00 - Rm 3508 • Newsgroup http://www.ust.hk/cgi-bin/ccst/dnews/dnewsweb?cmd=xover&group=hkust.cs.class.171&from=&utag=&sub=y

  3. Tutorials • TAs - Ming Yuen CHAN - Yihai SHEN • Section 2A Monday 12:00 – 13:50 1511 2B Wednesday 12:00 – 13:50 1511 2C Friday 12:00 – 13:50 1511

  4. Textbook • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss - New version will come out soon - Source code available online - Available at library for 24-hour loan

  5. Grading Policy • Two Written Assignments 8% (4% each) • Three Lab Assignments 27% (9% each) • Midterm Exam 25% • Final Exam 40%

  6. Plagiarism Policy • 1st Time: both get 0 • 2nd Time: one full grade lower • 3rd Time: F • Midterm or Final: F You are encouraged to collaborate in study groups. But you cannot directly copy or slightly change other students’ solutions or code

  7. Course Overview • A fundamental computer science course - Essential for programming - Essential for advanced courses like 271 • A challenging course - Intensive programming - Intensive (mathematical and logic) thinking

  8. Course Prerequisite • COMP103 or COMP104 • Need to know C and C++ • Visual Studio or other PC programming environment • Good programming skills • Translate pseudo-codes into codes • Speedy review in the 1st week • COMP151 • Not essential • Highly recommended to be taken concurrently • Basic mathematical skills • Solving recursive equations, manipulation of symbols, etc. • Computer architecture • Pointers, storage, memory access, etc.

  9. Course Outline • C++ Review • Algorithms and Analysis • List, Stack, Queus • Trees • Hasing • Sorting • Graph

  10. Challenge “Over the years, there has always been a gap between the logical thinking and programming ability of the students and the expectation assumed by COMP 171. … And I don't mean mathematical thinking, I mean turning ideas into codes. ” - Dr. Siu-Wing CHENG

  11. Lecture Format • Feel free to interrupt to ask questions • Lectures: • Slides are available one day before the lecture • It is important to attend the lectures (Not all materials are covered in slides) • If you miss any lectures, learn from your friends • Tutorials • Supplement the lectures • Some important exercises • Welcome to attend other labs if you miss the your signed session • Programming and homework assignments • More rigorous problems to consolidate your knowledge

  12. Assignments • Written homework • Due by time specified • Contact TAs directly for re-grades • Re-grade requests will only be entertained within 1 week after the homework are handed back • Programming assignments • Submit it yourself • Run on PCs • We will not handle porting problems

  13. Assignment Schedule • Lab Assignment 1    Sep. 20 • Written Assignment 1    Oct. 4 • Lab Assignment 2    Oct. 18 • Written Assignment 2    Nov. 1 • Lab Assignment 3    Nov. 15 

  14. Late Policy • For written assignments, 20% will be deducted for one day late submissions. Assignments later than 1 day will not be accepted. • For programming assignments, you are allowed to submit ONE assignment late (up to 1 week) among the three assignments.

  15. Midterm and Final • Midterm: Oct. 22, 2005 • Final: TBA • Closed-book, closed-notes • No calculator • No make-ups will be given • Unless under very unusual circumstances, with letters of proof • Instructor informed beforehand

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