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Human Resource Management Chapter 3:Personnel Planning and Recruitment . Ass. Prof. Ipek Kalemci TUZUN. FIGURE 5 – 1 Steps in Recruitment and Selection Process. The recruitment and selection process is a series of hurdles aimed at selecting the best candidate for the job.
Human Resource ManagementChapter 3:Personnel Planning and Recruitment Ass. Prof. Ipek Kalemci TUZUN
FIGURE 5–1 Steps in Recruitment and Selection Process The recruitment and selection process is a series of hurdles aimed at selecting the best candidate for the job.
Steps in Recruitment and Selection Process • 1. Decide what positions you’ll have to fill, by engaging in personnel planning and forecasting. • 2. Build a pool of candidates for theses jobs by recruiting internal or external candidates. • 3. Have applicants complete application forms and perhaps undergo an initial screening interview. • 4. Use selection techniques like tests, background investigations, and physical exams to identify viable candidates. • 5. Finally, decide who to make an offer to, by having the supervisor and (perhaps) others on the team interview the final candidates.
EMPLOYMENT PLANNING AND FORECASTING Definition • Employment or personnel planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them. • Personnel planning covers all the firm’s future positions, from maintenance clerk to CEO. However, most firms use succession planning to refer to the process of deciding how to fill the company’s most important executive jobs.
Developing Personnel Plans requires three forecast; • 1. Forecasting personnel needs • 2. Forecasting the supply of outside candidates • 3. Forecasting the supply of inside candidates
1.How to Forecast Personnel Needs • Staffing plans also must reflect: • 1.Projected turnover (as a result of resignations or terminations) • 2. Quality and skills of your employees (in relation to what you see as the changing needs of your organization) • 3. Strategic decisions to upgrade the quality of products or services or enter into new markets • 4. Technological and other changes resulting in increased productivity • 5. The financial resources available to your department
ForecastingTools Trend Analysis Ratio Analysis Scatter Plotting Forecasting Personnel Needs
Trend analysis Trend Analysis Trend analysis means studying variations in your firm’s employment levels over the last few years to predict future needs. Ratio Analysis Another approach, ratio analysis, means making forecasts based on the ratio between (1) some causal factor (like sales volume) and (2) the number of employees required (for instance, number of salespeople). Methods to Predict Employment Needs
Cont. • The Scatter Plot A scatter plot shows graphically how two variables.such as a measure of business activity and your firm’s staffing levels.are related. If they are, then if you can forecast the level of business activity, you should also be able to estimate your personnel requirements. • Managerial Judgment Whichever forecasting method you use, managerial judgment will play a big role. It’s rare that any historical trend, ratio, or relationship will simply continue unchanged into the future. You’ll therefore have to modify thehe forecast based on factors.such as projected turnover or a desire to enter new markets.you believe will be important.
Using Computers to Forecast Personnel Requirements Definition • Computerized forecast • Determination of future staff needs by projecting sales, volume of production, and personnel required to maintain this volume of output, using software packages
After getting the answers of “how many employees needed”, next, the supply- both internal and external must be estimated. Qualification inventories can facilitate the supply of internal candidates Qualifications inventories Manual or computerized records listing employees’ education, career and development interests, languages, special skills, and so on, to be used in selecting inside candidates for promotion 2. Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates Definition
Qualification Inventories Manual Systems and Replacement Charts Computerized Information Systems 2Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates
Personnel inventory & development record help track employee qualifications Personnel replacement charts are often used for filling a company’s top positions Personnel replacement chart;Company records showing present performance and promotability of inside candidates for the most important positions Position replacement card; A card prepared for each position in a company to show possible replacement candidates and their qualifications There are several types of manual systems used to track employee’ qualification
Work experience codes Product knowledge Industry experience Formal education Training courses Foreign language skills Career interests Performance appraisals Skills Computerized Information Systems
Foreknowledge of candidates’ strengths and weaknesses More accurate view of candidate’s skills Candidates have a stronger commitment to the company Increases employee morale Less training and orientation required Failed applicants become discontented Time wasted interviewing inside candidates who will not be considered Inbreeding strengthens tendency to maintain the status quo Internal Candidates: Hiring from Within Advantages Disadvantages
Finding Candidates within • Job posting • publicizing the open job to employees and listing its attributes like qualifications, supervisor, work schedule, and pay rate
Require forecasting general econonomic conditions, local market conditions and occupational amrket conditions “Outside sources of candidates” 3. Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates
Outside Sources of Candidates • Advertising • Recruiting via the Internet • Employment Agencies (public and private) • College recruiting • Internships • Referrals and walk-ins
Campus Interview Report Name of person interviewed Applying for position Department Qualifications Excellent Satisfactory Poor Communication Education Related Experience Interpersonal Skills Problem Solving Skills Adaptable to change Comments: Completed by
Internet Recruiting • While monster.com may have 5 million online resumes there may be 2-3x that on the internet • Go to • Conduct searches for specific areas and talents • Tripod and Yahoo also search resume databases for locating possible employees
FIGURE 5–12 Best Recruiting Sources Percentage of employers reporting best-performing sources for hiring without regard to cost, 2004. Note: Survey of 2,294 organizations. Source: Workforce Management, December 2004, p. 98.
Developing and Using Application Forms Uses of Application Information Applicant’s education and experience Applicant’s progress and growth Applicant’s employment stability Applicant’s likelihood of success
Developing and Using Application Forms • Application forms provide 4 types of info Does candidate have the necessary education or experience ? Provides applicants previous progress and growth Provides previous work record to assess the applicants suitability Application data can determine if applicant will succeed
Education Achievements Arrest Record Housing Arrangements Areas of Personal Information Notification in Case of Emergency Marital Status Physical Handicaps Memberships in Organizations Application Forms and the Law Must NOT have questions in an application form to be EEO compliant
Applications to Predict Job Performance • Much like screening, some firms use job applications as a tool to predict future performance • They conduct statistical studies to find relationships between responses and success