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To Add a Little Zing, Use a Ning!

To Add a Little Zing, Use a Ning!. How Technology Can Support Professional Learning Communities and Classroom Teaching. Presented By: Mary Christine Dion, Deb Kwiatek, Laura Nichols and Elise Spang. Professional Learning Communities. An Example of How Nings Can Connect People and

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To Add a Little Zing, Use a Ning!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. To Add a Little Zing,Use a Ning! How Technology Can Support Professional Learning Communities and Classroom Teaching Presented By: Mary Christine Dion, Deb Kwiatek, Laura Nichols and Elise Spang

  2. Professional Learning Communities An Example of How Nings Can Connect People and Bring Teachers Together

  3. Why a Ning? • More convenient for teachers • Can reach more people • Closed site, makes people feel safe • Dynamic tool • Teachers have their own pages/blogs • Comment and discuss with others • Can post photos, videos, websites, etc. • User-friendly

  4. Who, What? • Who: • 43 Reading Teachers, K-12 • What: • A professional discussion of the book Strategies that Work on Ning • Members respond to discussion questions posted on the Forum • Members blog on their thoughts and impressions • Members do a final project (chapter summaries, lessons, etc.) • Other resources (ReadingTeacherABC’s Delicious page)

  5. Where, When? • Where: • That’s the beauty of it- members can be anywhere as long as they have an internet connection! • When: • 1 initial meeting to preview the Ning and listen to a podcast on how to navigate the site • 3 Blog entries (1 per week) • 1 final meeting to discuss and present final projects

  6. Active Teaching and LearnNING How Teachers Use Ning To Expand the Boundaries of Their Classrooms and Connect Students

  7. Getting Started • www.ning.com • Inviting Members • Sending invitations • Sending messages to members • “Broadcast Message” • Setting up the tabs • How to • Struggles and frustrations

  8. Questions, and Comments

  9. Sample Classroom Ning Sites http://tinyurl.com/classroomnings

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