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STEM Education

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STEM Education

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  1. STEM Education Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Chou, Hwai-Pwu Senior Vice President for Educaion National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 2015.11.24 5th Taiwan-Thailand Higher Education Forum 23-26 Nov. 2015, Hua-Hin, Phetchaburi, Thailand.

  2. OverviewSTEM in TaiwanSTEM in UniversityFuture Trend STEM EDUCATION

  3. STEM Education Overview STEM is everywhere; it shapes our everyday experiences; it is vital to our future.

  4. STEM Education Overview

  5. STEM Education • STEM generally supports broadening the study of engineering within each of the other subjects, and beginning engineering at younger grades, even elementary school. • Continuing STEM education has expanded to the post-secondary level through masters programs such as The University of Maryland's STEM Program as well as the University of Cincinnati. • It also brings STEM education to all students rather than only the gifted programs. © NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY

  6. STEM Education in Taiwan • STEM education is part of the ‘education for all’ mission, which covers the range of all citizens. • It emphasizes the development of science literacy, individual creativity and innovative ability. enabling every citizen take delight in learning science and understand the application of science, be curious about the profoundness of science and appreciate the beauty of science (MoE & NSC, 2003).

  7. STEM Education in Taiwan Three major education goals (MoE & NSC, 2003): To be rooted in everyday life and culture; To enable the citizen to use scientific methods and knowledge to solve the problems encountered within daily life and to criticize social problems rationally and then to make proper decisions; To improve citizens’ science literacy, in order to make a contribution to the world economic growth and sustainable development. 7

  8. STEM Education in Taiwan © NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY STEM education in Taiwan consists of three components: training scientific research capacity and technological skills; acquiring STEM-related knowledge and concepts; fostering of scientific attitude. 2015/12/1 8

  9. STEM Education in Taiwan The concerns about humanity have been put in a prior place in Taiwan. During the process, students’ creativity and innovative ability could be developed with the concerns about humanity (MoE & NSC, 2003). The focus has transformed from the cultivation of scientists in 1990s to ‘science for all’ and the ultimate purposes are to pursue the welfare of all human beings rather than merely facilitating economic or technological development

  10. Taiwan’s STEM system Taiwan’s STEM system can be divided into the promoting, implementing and assessing organizations. Pomoting organizations: include the Ministry of Science & Technology, Science and Technology Advisory Group (STAG) and other science-related ministries, such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Department of Health, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defense, etc. 10

  11. Taiwan’s STEM system Implementing organizations: mainly consist of actors involved in the four aspects of basic research, applied research, S&T development, and commercialization. The chief implementing organizations for basic and applied research are the Academic Sinica and domestic universities and colleges. The chief organizations for applied research and development are non-profit RIs and higher education institutions (HEIs). Commercialization is chiefly implemented by public and private enterprises.

  12. STEM system in Taiwan Assessment system: includes the stages of project review, implementation control, and results evaluation.outcome based evaluation • The review stage emphasizes the drafting of focal projects. • Control and evaluation are performed during project/program implementation, and • results and review opinions provide a basis for project revision in a feedback process • In order to enhance the efficiency of administrative agencies, the government has restructured the S&T organizational system.  In 2014, the Ministry of S&T was established to develop S&T policies, implement major S&T R&D research programs and control the funding budget for basic scientific and applied S&T research 2015/12/1 12

  13. 1947

  14. 1974 Courage Leadership STEM

  15. Technology Strategy

  16. Taiwan’s Hi-Tech

  17. STEM at Taiwan’s HE Level • HE plays an increasingly important role in Taiwan’s science and innovative system, • The visions for science education at HE level was proposed as cultivating sci-tech manpower who has the abilities to explore and master the operation, transformation and law of development of the nature (MoE & NSC, 2003). • The quality of research and development in universities is undoubtedly the key advancing the standing of a nation within the international community (MoE, 2009)

  18. STEM at Taiwan’s HE Level • The MoE in Taiwan initiated the Development Plan for World Class University and Research Centers of Excellencein 2004 in order to develop first-rate, world-class universities and establish top-notch research centers in distinctive fields through competitive funding and establishing an academic competition environment • This project encompasses two subprojects: • Project to develop first-rate international universities • Project to develop top-notch research centers © NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY

  19. STEM at Taiwan’s HE Level • The MoE in Taiwan initiated the Development Plan for World Class University and Research Centers of Excellence in 2004 (MoE, 2009; NSC, 2012). Itencompasses two subprojects: • Project to develop first-rate international universities  NTHU • Using competitive funding to assist with the creation of research universities with development potential, boost the efficiency of overall university instruction and research, integrate human resources, improve university management strategies, and establish a sound organizational operation system. • This project has invested NT$50 billion over five years in 12 universities (the ‘T12’ universities) to boost their international competitiveness. • The T12 universities include both large comprehensive universities (e.g. National Tsing Hua University) and small, specialized universities—both public and private (e.g. National Yang Ming University, a small university specializing in biomedical research). 2. Project to develop top-notch research centers (distinctive research fields)

  20. Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan • 7 colleges, 17 departments and 18 independent institutes: including the College of Science, Engineering, Nuclear Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Science, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the College of Technology Management. • Moreover, a Tsing Hua College supervise the common curricula for the undergraduates of the entire university. • Over 600 full-time faculty professors. • About 12000 students: 6000 undergraduates, 4000 candidates for the master's degree, and 2000 for doctor's degree. • 80% students are directly related to STEM fields.

  21. Interdisciplinary Programs in Tsing Hua U., Taiwan • In order to adapt to today’s social diversity, the university has made efforts to integrate resources across relative fields. A program with double emphases was proposed based on the knowledge of science. This interdisciplinary program of science frees from restrictions regarding education and learning exclusively in one department. The program was launched in 2006. • All 7 colleges has the interdisciplinary program • 15% undergraduate students are in the seven interdisciplinary programs..

  22. 7 Interdisciplinary Programs in Tsinghua U, Taiwan The Bachelor’s programs with Double-Emphases Design free from restrictions regarding education and learning exclusively in one department. • Sciences • Engineering • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) • Humanities and Social Sciences •  Life Science •  Nuclear Science •  Management and Technology

  23. Tsing Hua Exploratory Program • Students will participate in an interdisciplinaryinter-college wide program designed to help students sample a wide range of courses, make progress on completing the general education requirements and clarify the interests to help students decide on a major. • Career Discovery Groups program designed to help students with career planning. Participants are paired with a mentor and take a cluster of two classes during their freshman year—including a class that explores a major-related topic and a career discovery seminar led by the campus Internship and Career Center.

  24. International Intercollegiate Ph.D. (iPhD) Program • A Tsing-Hua’s pioneering interdisciplinary Ph.D. program brings together Tsing-Hua’s faculty in diverse research areas to explore new knowledge, educate leading bright students, and approach global excellence. • Be an interdisciplinary program with faculty from different colleges at NTHU. This program accepts both native and foreign students. • Professors from such as University of Liverpool and Indian Institute of Technology at Madras are invited to offer lectures on campus for this program.

  25. STEM Learning Support and Research Planning in NTHU To help NTHU students learn more effectively and to create a collegial atmosphere of group learning on campus. To provide academic counseling through programs and also strive to create a more innovative and vivid learning environment through workshops, consultations, the incorporation of technology into teaching, and, additionally, through research on curriculum reform. Curriculum and Teaching Innovation Minimal Project Curriculum and Teaching Research Program Additional Basic Course Program Individual Teaching Improvement through Consultation and Videotaping Learning and Career Planning Lectures and Talks Group Study : Study Group Project To take the quality of teaching at NTHU to a higher level by encouraging faculty members to participate in activities. 27

  26. Alumni Tsinghua Entrepreneur Network

  27. WE School Learning Commons Co-working Space

  28. Implementation and Commercialization Classroom Activity

  29. Commercialization Advisory Board

  30. Gogolook Confirms Its Acquisition By Naver, The Owner Of Line $17.6 million USD spam callers detection

  31. VMFive is a Taiwanese startup company specializing in cloud technology with its world's largest cloud virtual mobile platform.

  32. Center for Teaching & Learning Development The mission is to help faculty and teaching assistants achieve excellence in teaching and also strive to create a more innovative and vivid learning environment through workshops, consultations, the incorporation of technology into teaching, and, additionally, through research on curriculum reform. 34

  33. Faculty Development and Teaching Assistants Training for STEM in NTHU The mission is to help both NTHU faculty and TAs improve their STEM teaching skill in order to enhance the quality of education. In addition to holding orientations for incoming faculty, the division also periodically conducts TA training seminars throughout the year. Orientation for Incoming Faculty Mentor & Mentee Program (M&M Program) Faculty Workshop Teaching Assistant (TA) Training Seminar Teaching Assistant (TA) Assessment Trial Project One-on-one Tutoring of Required Courses Tutors from the Provost’s Honor Roll Learning Passport 35

  34. Center for STEM Regional Teaching Resource The Center for Regional Teaching Resource is a shared platform for STEM learning/teaching resources, improving the quality of STEM education and learning environments, and organizing STEM workshops for faculty professional development. NTHU, as the center of the Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli region, strive to enhance the overall quality of STEM education and to provide an innovative learning environment in the region. 2015/12/1 36

  35. STEM Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) STEM courses are opened for undergraduate students as well as high school students. 2015/12/1 37

  36. STEM Learning @ Cloud Classroom for HS Students Talented high school students can take on-line courses before going into college and take an evaluation test to get a certificate for credits © NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY 2015/12/1 38

  37. Interdisciplinary Science Education Center Come to Tsing Hua, Fun Science! Butterfly Garden delight in learning science and understand the application of science, be curious about the profoundness of science and appreciate the beauty of science © NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY 2015/12/1 39

  38. Tsing Hua Weekend STEM Touring Train © NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY 2015/12/1 40

  39. Lean Startup Crowd Sourcing

  40. Innovation Moonshot Thinking Show, don’t tell Visualization

  41. Renewing Growth from R&D

  42. Global Trend

  43. Summary of STEM in Taiwan In the last three decades of the 20th century, Taiwan made the transformation from an agricultural economy to a silicon economy.  This transformation had given Taiwan one of the highest living standards in Asia, In the 21st century, with the rapid rise of regional and global challenges and competition, in order to cope with the changes and keep pace with the development of modern knowledge-economy, Taiwan’s government has initiated a series of large reforms at all levels of sci-tech education in recent yearssince qualified sci-tech manpower plays a decisive role in maintaining the prosperity of the national economy and improving national competitiveness. 46

  44. Summary of STEM in Taiwan An major measure to enlarge the sci-tech talents pool is to upgrade technical colleges to offer more practical and application-oriented coursesto students. With both of the traditional academic and vocational education, a comprehensive science education systemhas emerged in Taiwan. Since the development of high-tech industry is highly reliant on the quality of sci-tech manpower, in the future, the STEM education system will continually draw attention from the central government and related departments. It could be foreseen that educational reforms will last and more strategies will be developed to further promote STEM education and benefit the national economy ultimately. 47

  45. Thank you for your attention!

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