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Welcome To The Pearl Restaurant Bar & Lounge

<br>The Pearl Restaurant Bar & Lounge is located at 119 Manchester Road in Audenshaw, Manchester, United Kingdom. It is described as a spacious, clean, and elegant restaurant with a modern twist. The restaurant is suitable for parties, events, and intimate meals for two. The menu is available on the restaurant's website.<br><br>Set on 6 acres of land The Pearl is one of the premier dining destinations in Tameside, Manchester presenting a state-of-the-art, multi-faceted dining facility suited to the needs of any occasion and offering a world-class experience for essential dining services and facilities,

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Welcome To The Pearl Restaurant Bar & Lounge

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  1. ThePearlRestaurantBar&Lounge ThePearlResľauranľBar&Loungeislocaľedaľ119ManchesľerRoadinAudenshaw, Manchesľer, Uniľed Kingdom. Iľ is described as a spacious, clean, and eleganľ resľauranľ wiľh a modern ľwisľ. The resľauranľ is suiľable for parľies, evenľs, and inľimaľemealsforľwo.Themenuisavailableonľheresľauranľ'swebsiľe. Seľon6acresoflandThePearlisoneofľhepremierdiningdesľinaľionsinTameside, Manchesľer presenľing a sľaľe-of-ľhe-arľ, mulľi-faceľed dining faciliľy suiľed ľo ľhe needs of any occasion and o ering a world-class experience for essenľial dining servicesandfaciliľies,includingfulldisabledaccess WhaľeveryourevenľrequiremenľsareThePearlisľheplaceľobe.Weoerallmanner of seľľings, from ľhe lavish ľo ľhe inľimaľe, underpinned by The Pearls famous hospiľaliľyandfaciliľaľedbyourexperľmanagemenľľeam. wiľh 250 spaceonsiľesecurecarpark,youcanarrivewiľhouľanyhassle,wheľheryou are dining indoors or ouľdoors we have you covered wiľh al fresco dining, Ouľdoor ľerraces, Seperaľe lounge area ľo relax and have a drinks wiľh friends, before & afľer yourmeal. whynoľdanceľhenighľawaywiľhourSeperaľediscoareaandResidenľDJonfriday &saľurdaynighľ.

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