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Connecting Sustained Growth With Change Management. Sustained Growth and Change Management. The sustained growth model is a guide for effective decision making and a set of tools for efficient operation. There remains a need to understand changing not only operations but also minds.
Sustained Growth and Change Management The sustained growth model is a guide for effective decision making and a set of tools for efficient operation. There remains a need to understand changing not only operations but also minds. Changing minds is much harder!
The Golden Circle Change Management Theory Simon Sinek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp0HIF3SfI4
What most organizations do What How And some don’t ever get to the “why” Why
Your What-How-Why Experience • Think of an example of when you were a participant in or recipient of a What-How-Why experience. • What worked and why? • What didn’t work and why? • Think of an example of when you led a What-How-Why experience. • What worked and why? • What didn’t work and why?
Example: What most organizations do What We will implement PLCS How Through study and administrative and peer collaboration Why Why are we doing this . . . ?
The Best Laid Plans • Missing the moral purpose (Fullan) • Missing the real motivational element (Pink) • Missing the risk-tolerance supporting change • Missing the necessary discipline
What effective organizations do What How Why The Golden Circle
Your Why-How-What Experience • Think of an example of when you were a participant in or recipient of a Why-How-What experience. • What worked and why? • What didn’t work and why? • Think of an example of when you led a Why-How-What experience. • What worked and why? • What didn’t work and why?
What’s Your Question? It takes a set of directions to lead people to the what. How HowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHow How HowHowHowHowHowHowHowHow What How It takes creativity and strategy to lead people to the why. Why
Schools vs. Consumers Instead of trying to get people to buy goods, we are trying to “sell”: • New ideas • New ways of operating • The acquisition of knowledge and skill Ours is an educational Golden Circle
We use the PLC model towards continuous improvement through … Professional Learning Communities All members mutually accountable for targeted results A Focus on Student Learning We utilize Growth-Minded strategies Resiliency in the face of setbacks We believe that ALL students can learn at high levels. We believe that people can change their behaviors, strategies and thinking Inspiration gained from the success of others A Collaborative Culture Effort is desirable Collective Inquiry into Research-based Best Practices Persistence Embrace challenges The moral imperative to ensure all students learn Learn from feedback Action Orientation The Golden Circle
The Golden Circle and Sustained Growth Why How What How We Know
All students Proficient and Advanced on CST 100% students pass CAHSEE What WhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhatWhat Increased attendance and enrollment We are committed to continuous improvement through … Professional Learning Communities How HowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHow How HowHowHowHowHowHowHowHow Effective thinkers and Problem-solvers We utilize Growth-Minded strategies A Focus on Student Learning Increase A-G completion Resiliency in the face of setbacks A Collaborative Culture Inspiration in the success of others We believe that ALL students can learn at high levels. We believe that people can change their behaviors, strategies and thinking Why WhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhyWhy Effort is desirable Learn from feedback Collective Inquiry into Research-based Best Practices Embrace challenges Moral Imperative Action Orientation Persistence The Golden Circle All members mutually accountable for targeted results
What’s Your Question? How HowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHowHow How HowHowHowHowHowHowHowHow What How What is a major improvement initiative you are currently undertaking? What is the essential question you are asking that is leading to the why? Why
Example: What most organizations do What How In one or two words describe the type of outcome that results from this change management strategy Why
What effective organizations do What How In one or two words describe the type of outcomes that result from this change management strategy Why The Golden Circle