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Robotic process automation Project
RPA simulates anemployee. The software robot has access to diverse applications with an ID or a password. The robot can gather information or changedata. Consequently, business andadminis RPA issoftware. rativeprocesses canbe fully automated. RPA is a computer software that runs repetitive, rule-based processes. The software is trained based on functional specifications and can be adjusted at anytime.
ATTENDED VS UNATTENDEDrobots ATTENDED UNATTENDED A robot that runson users desktop –one robot peruser. Useful for automation of repetitivetasks. < 100%automation. Partially documentedprocesses. Front officeoperations. A robot that runs in a server room. One robot 022 per virtual desktop. 100%automation. Fully documentedprocesses. Back officeEhsaas Program.
What are the CHARACTERISTICS of a process suited toRPA? Prone to humanerror? 01 Limited humanintervention? 02 Requires access to multiplesystems? 03 Executed frequently, in largenumbers 04 Can be broken down into unambiguousrules? 05
What are the CHARACTERISTICS of a process suited toRPA? OperationalEfficiency CostOptimization ProductivityImprovement
Robotics Process Automation- PilotApproach RPA PILOTAPPROACH SPRINT1 • Identify UsesCases • Design and Configure automation throughRPA. • Test and Implement Pilotprocesses. • Evaluateoutcomes. • Model FP&A ReportGeneration Freight InvoiceVerification Gold Paks ProcessAutomation HR &Payroll PILOT USECASES • GovernanceModel. • Organizational OperatingModel. • Identification andprioritization. • Playbookmethodology. • Communication. SPRINT2 Intercompany Goods inTransit CashApplication Vendor MasterMaintenance BravoAwards • Roadmap forRPA • Determine Wave 2opportunities • Develop roadmap andpipeline
3 elements of Designing the RPACoE • Design the initial target operatingmodel • Define the operating model across constructsi • ncluding Organisation Design, People,Process • , Policies,Resources • Design the CoE organisation andinteractions DesignOperati ngModel DesigningtheRPACoEServic e Model to institutionalize au tomation capability and susta in value • Identify theteam • Conductboot-camp • Shadow Consultants on Pilotinitially • Training andCertification Stand-upthe CoE • Develop toolkit and methodology for CoEexecution • Identify elements for theframework Develop Met hodology
RPA is business led transformation drivingvalue Accuracy Doubledigitreductionsinerror rates Costsavings Ranging from 20-60% ofbaseline FTEcost Lowrisk Non-invasive technology Overlaid on existing systems and integrated with existing data minimizingdisruptiontoITstrategy and architecture. RPA technology can begin with simple rules based tasks and scale to more sophistic ated algorithms and machine-lear ning functions as the organization matures. RPA often “fills thegaps” between existingsystems Consistency Identicalprocessesandtasks, eliminating outputvariations Productivity Freed up human resourcesfor higher value-addedtasks. Rightshoring Geographical independence red uces need to offshore jobs while still delivering costsavings Opportunityfocused RPA can be focused on only those areas where significant opportunity exists. Does not require enterprise adoption. Reliability No sick days,services are provided 365 days ayear Retention Shiftshumanefforttowardmore stimulatingtasks Scalability Instantrampupanddownto match demand peaks and tr oughs ROI Typical RPA projects include mu ltiple functional “pilots” but the pr ogram is completed in 9 to12 mo nths with an ROI < 1year Audittrail Fullymaintainedlogsessentialfor compliance
Seven mantras ofPresentation 1 Getsponsorship,definestrategyandsetdesiredoutcomes& targetsearlyintheprocess 2 Performtheproperanalysisupfronttotargetandprioritizetherightprocesses 3 Startsmallandbuilduponautomatedprocesseswithscaleinmind 4 Involve IT early understanding processesto be automated and applications involved 5 Improveprocessesoreliminatebeforeapplyingautomation 6 Establishtherightgovernancemodelandmonitorprogress 7 Establish&executeastrongchangemanagementplanandbenefitsrealizationtracking