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Green Transistor for 10X Lower IC Power ?. Chenming Hu University of California, Berkeley Supported by: DARPA STEEP, FCRP-MSD. the world enabled. electronic systems. IC chips. fabs. transistors. Electronics Infrastructure. $. 6/2009 Chenming Hu. Expectation: ICs will be even more.
Green Transistor for 10X Lower IC Power ? Chenming Hu University of California, Berkeley Supported by: DARPA STEEP, FCRP-MSD
the world enabled electronic systems IC chips fabs transistors Electronics Infrastructure $ 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Expectation:ICs will be even more.. • Affordable (size reduction..): manufacturing, device physics limit,… • Useful (speed, density..): natural human interface, bio-medical sensing… • Usable (low power): heat management, portability, global energy conservation… 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Power Consumption Problems • Thermal management/package issues may limit integration density. • IC usage of electricity at an inflection point. • ICs use a few % of world’s electricity today and growing exponentially. • Power per chip is growing. • IC units in use also growing. • Need to reduce IC power consumption with architecture and circuit innovations, and a low voltage transistor. 6/2009 Chenming Hu
IC Power Consumption Rising Much Faster Than Past Trend • Because power consumption Vdd2 • and Vdd (operation voltage) scaling has slowed. High Performance ITRS Roadmap 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Why Vdd scaling slowed • We used to control power by scaling Vdd and maintain good speed by reducing Tox. • But,Tox can not be reduced much more, not even with high-k dielectrics. • But new materials will raise the mobility, μ Speed transistor current μ ( Vdd – Vt ) / Tox 1.2 nm SiO2 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Gate Source Drain 3nm Ge film Oxide Silicon New material, e.g. Ge film on Si substrate Industry is also funding InGaAs, InAs, and graphene MOSFET research. 6/2009 Chenming Hu
How to Reduce Power by 20X • Two steps to reduce Vdd to 0.2V for 20x power reduction? • Reduce Vdd – Vt to < 0.15V with high-mobility-channel material (Ge, III-V, graphene...), etc. • Reduce Vt to 50mV. But, there is the fundamental 60mV/decade turn-off limit ….. 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Ioff Limit - 60mV/decade Swing Source: Intel Corporation m) m Lower Vt -3 (A/ 10 Vt DS -5 10 -7 10 Drain Current, I -9 10 -11 10 Gate Voltage, V (V) 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 GS Lowering Vt by 60mV increases the leakage current (power) by 10 times. 9 6/2009 Chenming Hu
The “fundamental” 60mV/decade Limit VG COX Ec Ev Source Channel Drain Electrons go over a potential barrier. Leakage current is determined by the Boltzmann distribution or 60 mV/decade, limiting MOSFET, bipolar, graphene MOSFET… How to overcome the limit: Let electrons go through the energy barrier, not over it tunneling 10 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Semiconductor Band-to-Band Tunneling EC EV A known mechanism of leakage current since 1985. J. Chen, P. Ko, C. Hu, IEDM 1985 Called Gate Induce Drain Leakage (GIDL) because the current depends on the gate voltage. 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Basic Tunnel Transistor Structure P - N+ Source P+ Drain Some references W. Reddick, G. Amaratunga, Appl. Phys. Letters, vol. 67, 1994. W. M. Reddick, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 67(4), pp. 494-497, 1995. C. Aydin, A. Zaslavsky, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 84(10), pp. 1780-82, 2004. WY. Choi et al., Tech. Dig. Int. Electron Device Meet, pp. 955-958, 2005. K. K Bhuwalka, et al., Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys., vol. 45(4B), pp. 3106-3109, 2006. Th. Nirschl, et al., Electron Device Letters, vol. 28(4), p. 315, 2007. ~100X less current than MOSFET Need a more optimal tunneling transistor structure. 12 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Green Transistor (gFET)--Simulation P+ Pocket P+ Pocket Gate P - N+ P+ Buried Oxide Hole flow Electron flow P+ Drain N+ Source Simulated carrier generation rates G C. Hu et al, 2008 VLSI-TSA, p.14, April, 2008 S D Energy band diagram Large field, good capacitive coupling between gate and pocket, abrupt turn-on due to over-lap of valence/conduction bands, adjustable tun-on voltage. 13 6/2009 Chenming Hu
gFET vs Basic Tunnel FET-simulation EOT= 1 nm VDD=1V Lg=40nm EOT= 4.5 nm VDD=4V gFET Drain Current, IDS (A/µm) Basic Tunnel FET * Gate Voltage, VGS (V) C. Hu et al, 2008 VLSI-TSA, p.14, April, 2008 * K. K Bhuwalka, et al., Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys., vol. 45(4B), pp. 3106-3109, 2006 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Drain Current, IDS (µA/µm) Drain-Source Voltage, VDS (V) Simulated Id-Vd of 0.5V Ge gFET EOT=0.5nm • Good output resistance and DIBL. Lg = 40nm C. Hu et al, 2008 VLSI-TSA, p.14, April, 2008 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Vdd (Power) Scaling Path: Reduce Band Gap 1E - 02 Eg=0.36eV, Vdd=0.2V, EOT=5 Å, CV/I=0.42pS 1E - 03 1E - 04 1E - 05 Eg=0.69eV, Vdd=0.5V, EOT=7 Å, CV/I=2.2pS Drain Current, IDS (µ/µm) 1E - 06 Eg=1.1eV, Vdd=1V, EOT=10 Å, CV/I=4.2pS 1E - 07 Ids (A/um) 1E - 08 Eg=0.36eV (InAs) 1E - 09 Lg=40nm Eg=0.69eV (Ge) 1E - 10 Silicon 1E - 11 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Gate Voltage, VGS (V) C. Hu et al, 2008 VLSI-TSA, p.14, April, 2008 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Hetero-tunneling gFET Gate P+ Source N+ Drain A B Substrate Gate Oxide Egeff Gate B A • In lieu of low Eg semiconductor, a heterojunction can provide a very small effective tunneling band gap, Egeff. EC EV Egeff is 0.3eV for Si/Ge hetero-tunneling gFET. A. Bownder et al., 8th International workshop Junction Technology, Extended Abstracts , p.93, 2008. Also IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, 2008. 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Compound Semiconductors Egeff • Wide choices of heterojunction materials, band engineering and strain engineering. • Example: InAs-AlGaSb provides tunable Egeff from positive to negative values. • Very low voltage gFET may be possible. 18 6/2009 Chenming Hu
Ge-Source Tunnel Transistor Source Gate Drain P+ Ge N+ Si Si SiO2 Es = |VGS+Vtunnel|/(Toxege/eox) VD=0.5V LG=5mm W=0.33mm Vtunnel ~ 0.6V S [mV/dec] ID [A/mm] ID [A/mm] Experiment Model VGS [V] S. Kim et al., VLSI Tech Symp., 2009
Green’s Function Based Simulation Sayeef Salahudin
Summary • ICs use of world’s electricity is several % and growing fast. • A low voltage transistor can slow the growth. • Green Transistor may potentially provide orders-of-magnitude IC power reduction. 6/2009 Chenming Hu