1. Modeling the Earth’s History Lesson 2.2
2. Vocabulary Deep time:
the time span of earth’s geologic history
a simple system that mimics a more complex system
3. How long ago and what sequence? First dinosaurs
Formation of Rocky Mountains
First hominids
First life (bacteria)
First modern humans
First oxygen in atmosphere
First land plants
4. Estimates…? Explain whether they were guesses or logical conclusions based on evidence.
Why did your team’s estimates differ from those of other teams?
5. Major Events in History Which times or sequences of occurrence surprised you?
What is the difference between inference and evidence?
6. Analysis 1. Describe the following patterns on the timeline
a. Between biological and geological events
b. Between plant and animal events
c. Describe one additional patterns that you see on the timeline
7. Analysis cont. 2. Is it likely that these patterns occurred separately, or do you think they might be related?
3. Are the patterns that you chose to describe evidence, or were there inferences involved in finding and describing the patterns?
4. What did the timeline (a model) help you understand about the earth’s history?