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Tuesday/ Wednesday. Quick News…. 6 weeks to review for the CST!!! Between my class and Mr. Harry’s class, you will go over every single thing you have learned this year… get excited and you’re welcome!!!!! 65 days until the end of the school year 46 school days
Quick News… • 6 weeks to review for the CST!!! • Between my class and Mr. Harry’s class, you will go over every single thing you have learned this year… get excited and you’re welcome!!!!! • 65 days until the end of the school year • 46 school days • 27 more times that you have to go to each class • Monday Roots you will get three new roots and create a root diagram for each one where you will find words that contain the root • CST Mini-Quiz every other Thursday/Friday • Vocab Quiz every other Thursday/Friday (same day as CST mini-quiz)
Agenda • Roots • Outlining and Note Taking • Info Text Jackie Robinson • The Giver Ch 1-12 Recap
24R -Root Diagram • Root: BENE- • Meaning: good • Examples: benefit; benefactor • Root: AUDI- • Meaning: hear • Examples: audience, audible • Root: MAL- • Meaning: bad • Examples: malevolent; malicious
24L – Root Diagram--Assignment: Working with a partner you will have 10 minutes to chart out the roots AUDI- and MAL---Use a dictionary to help you find words that contain your root.
Note taking!! • Note taking is a skill you need when taking class notes, so that they are organized and neat. This way, you can review and study better!! • Note taking is also useful while reading, in order to improve reading comprehension. If you take effective notes while you read, you will understand the story better, and be able to identify the main idea!! • Let’s take a look at what it should look like…
Effective Note taking • Title • One main point- • Detail of the main point • Detail of the main point • Another main point- • Detail of this main point • A more specific detail • Another main point As you can see, the notes are very organized. They are not just one continuous sentence, nor are they just written down wherever there is room on your paper!! Details get more specific as they are indented. Make a space between your main points, so you can read them more clearly!!
What note taking should not look like Do Now 1.) noun 2.) noun 3.) verb The main idea is the most important point that the author is writing. You must find the important details. For example: The main idea of the story Twilight is that a human falls in love with a vampire, but the relationship can be dangerous. How to find main idea read the passage carefully, identify the topic, ask what big ideas the author is trying to tell you based on the topic, see if the rest of the passage refers to the big idea. This may have all the information, but it is not organized. It is much easier to read bullet points, than to read one long paragraph. It should look like this…
Main idea • The main idea is the most important point that the author is writing. • You must find the important details. • For example: The main idea of the story Twilight is that a human falls in love with a vampire, but the relationship can be dangerous. • How to find main idea- • 1.) read the passage carefully • 2.) identify the topic • 3.) ask what big ideas the author is trying to tell you based on the topic • 4.) see if the rest of the passage refers to the big idea. This is much more organized and easier to read/study!!
Always add the title!! This outline gives you the main points from the story in an ORGANIZED way!! It makes it easier to go back and re-read for the main idea, rather than reading the whole story again. Also, it is clear enough for someone, who has not read the story, to understand what it is about!! The Lady and the Spider • The narrator’s neighbor, who is a lady- • She comes out of her door • Screams loudly because she sees a spider web • Freaks out, then runs to the back door of her house • The spider’s view- • A lady spider, who has been working on her web for a while • Everything is going well, until her web is torn loose, and something is making a loud noise • The spider realizes she has caught a human being • The lady believes the spider is huge- • Will probably take a shower to make sure the spider is gone • Spiders as creatures- • They have been around 350 million years • There are a lot of them around • There ability to make webs is amazing • The eensy-weensy spider song- • Many people know the song • The song puts the spider’s adventures in simple terms • Living things are survivors
Outlining!! • Outlining is used as a prewriting activity when you are about to write a paper. • Outlining is very similar to note taking. The structure is almost identical!! • When you outline, you organize your ideas from the main ideas to the specific details. • Let’s take a look at an example…
Title (Theme) • I. Main Idea #1 (Broad) • A.) Topic A (General) • 1.) Sub Topic A (Specific) • a.) Detail A (Very Specific) • 2.) Sub Topic B • II. Main Idea #2 Notice that with each indent, your information becomes more specific. -Some outlines may have different numbering techniques, but the idea is still the same. -You have your most general idea at the top, then write more specific details the more you indent!! -This method is the same for note taking!!
Brainpop • http://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/outlines/
(page 25L) After you read about Jackie Robinson, you will take notes in an outline format. I. Early Life A. B. C. II. Breaking the Color Barrier A. B. C. III. Baseball Hero A. B. IV. A Voice for African-American Athletes A. B. V. Causes and Legacy A. B.
THURSDAY/ FRIDAY • VOCAB PRACTICE • Info text • Chapter presentations • The Giver-chapter 15-16 • Superlatives
Vocabulary Practice (page 26L) • You will work in pairs to create sentences with your vocabulary words and the sentence strips particles. • Each sentence strip particle must be used once and only once. • When you think you have all of the sentences constructed correctly, raise your hand to have to check your sentences. • Once I have checked your sentences, write the complete sentences in your interactive notebooks on page 26L.
Informational Text Practice (page 27L)Answer the following questions based on the two articles about Jackie Robinson. • What is JR best known for? • How old was JR when he died? • Why was JR forced to leave UCLA before he graduated? • When was JR’s debut game with the Dodgers? Why was this game so important? • Why was JR considered a baseball hero? Cite evidence from the text. • What marches did JR participate in? • How did JR help black business owners? • “JR was an important civil rights activist.” Cite two pieces of evidence to either support or disprove this quote.
Chapter 1-12 Recap (page 26R) • You will work in groups of 3 or 4 to summarize one of the chapters from The Giver. • You will fill in your chapter’s box and then present the box to the class and everyone will fill in their box. • You will fill in the rest of your boxes as your classmates present their chapters. • You will have 15 minutes to fill in your box, and 1 minute to present it to the class. • Chapter Box Requirements • 3 bullet points outlining the main points • 1 quick drawing/symbol with a 1 sentence explanation.
Superlatives (page 27R) • You need to create a comparative or superlative for the following adjectives based on our class novel, The Giver. • You can compare people of things from the story. • The first one is done for you below… • Jonas is the most honest person in Sameness. • Honest • Curious • Quiet • Pretty • Happy • Hard • Confusing • Comfortable • Beautiful • Serious