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Globalization testing

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Globalization testing

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  1. This presentation is solely for the use of Patni personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution without prior written approval from Patni Computer Systems Ltd.

  2. Globalization testing Getting your software ready

  3. Introduction • It is very difficult to survive in the current world if you are selling your product in only one country or geological region. Even if you are selling in all over the world, but your product is not available in the regional languages, you might not be in a comfortable situation • Products developed in one location are used all over the world with different languages and regional standards. This arises the need to test product in different languages and different regional standards. Multilingual and localization testing can increase your products usability and acceptability worldwide

  4. Globalization, Internationalization, Localization Can best be thought of as a cycle rather than a single process. Globalization is the complete process of making your application available in multiple languages. Pseudo -Localization Process of designing and coding a product so it can perform properly when it is modified for use in different languages and locales. Abbreviated as I18N. Process of customizing the software product for each language that is to be supported. Abbreviated as L10N.

  5. Pseudo localization • Pseudo localization is a softwaretesting method that is used to test internationalization aspects of software. • Spots the potential difficulties of localization by replacing the pseudolocalized text • Provides a cheap but effective sanitytest for localizability in the early stages • No real text translation is needed. • Most effective way to find localizability problems before translation • Helps to reduce project cycle time.

  6. I18N Process • I18n process typically involves the following tasks: • Externalization of strings to resource files Example: Before Internationalization: print (“The Text in English”) After Internationalization: print (get_resource (MSG_TEXT)); • Date and Time Formatting: Month, Day, Year formats supported as to which comes first? Example: Date format- varies in the order, number of digits and separator character

  7. I18N Process (Contd..) • Numeric and Currency formatting: Currency symbols and how grouping the Numbers differ in each country? Example 1: Number format- The thousands separator and “decimal point” characters vary in different countries Example 2: Money format- Different monetary unit symbols are located at different positions • Collation /Sorting Order: Sorting order will change depending upon the native language. Specific rules will be defined for sorting process, based on the code-page used

  8. I18N Testing

  9. L10N Testing

  10. Globalization Case Study • Leading product company plans to provide Localization support on management UI, Command line interface, and other client components. • The localization includes 3 languages – Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Korean

  11. I18N Case Study – Test Approach • Validate edit boxes – • entering single byte, multi byte, special characters and combination of all the characters • Validate all dialog boxes – • Verify tree structure, list boxes, other controls – Fitment in various resolutions • Verify Logs / Events - Fitment on the screen and correctness of language • Verify Visual layout of each screen • Compare the layout with native edition’s layout • Verify accelerators – for Menu and dialog boxes • Validate edit boxes – • Maximum allowed number of single byte, double byte and multi byte characters. • Verify Installer – • Language, registry entries, short cuts, icons, Add-Remove program entries, Start program entries, logos

  12. Globalization Case Study – Test Strategy • Project execution was done in two phases

  13. GLobalization Case Study (Contd..) • Project Challenges: • Testers were not the language experts. • Translated resource files were received in phases • Compatibility of various modules was breaking in almost all area because of incapability of handling multi byte strings • Many Non English OS specific issues were found • Tools and Technologies used: • Pseudo localizer Tool – To create pseudo localized test data • Google Translator – For language specific help / translation during setup/execution on Japanese / Simplified Chinese and Korean language OS

  14. Globalization Case Study (Contd..) • Defects/Bugs found during I18N testing: • Communication of backend processes or services with localized UI was not happening. • Functionality issues in localized OS. • Functionality issues with localized entities. • Pop-up messages with combination of different locales due to wrong reference in resource files.

  15. Thank You!

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