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INTRODUCTION Legal practice and even more direct contact with the most humble part of our people, allow us to discover a world still today populated by witches, wizards, evocations and obscure rites as though we were looking through a magic filter into the depth of the centuries. Spells and counterspells, holy and sacrilegious interventions, benediction, exorcisms, antidotes, amulets, talismans and religious briefs. Pazzini1 writes that Man has lived among these things from his birth and still lives among them although he may seem be far from such things. Filters, herbs, strange and mysterious signs, complicated for- mulae or innocent drops of oil which spread out on the bottom of a plate full of water all contribute to create a tragicomic atmosphere which has, however, now and in the past been polluted by the blood of its victims. For example, on the 22nd of November 1966 at CanonicadiT odi a poor woman was killed by a farmer because she had appa- rently put him under the influence of an ’evil eye’. In court the madman confessed that be had been many times to a local 'saint' to obtain an antidote and that he had only felt himself free from the wornan's magic when she had finally fallen down dead in a pool of blood. Also at Todi, on the 20th of March 1428, Matteucciadi Fran- • 1Storia Tradizioni e Leggende nella Medicina popolare. 3
cesco a woman from RipabiancadiDeruta who had been accused ofwitchcraft and who was under all of thirty cbarges, was tried in the main square ofTodiby the 'Court of Malefactors' and condemned to the stake by order of'tbe captain, Lorenzo de Surdis. The sentence was transcribed from the original Latin copy and published for the first time by Dr. Candida Peruzzi2 who furnished an erudite historic-ethnographic preface which was a useful guide for the interpretation of various passages of the document which proved to be particularly difficult. The document referring to the case is formed of 24 sheets with on outside cover which bears the stem of the Captain of the People, Lorenzo de Surdis, Romano. On top of the letter ‘I’ of the first letter of the sentence, (In Dey Nomine), there is a picture of a woman with disheveled hair which perhaps is supposed to represent the 'witch'. The acts of the case are verified by the seal, in tbe form of a cross, of the notary, NovelloScuderijdaVassano, who was acting as chancellor. The document, which is one of the most ancient of its type, is of exceptional historical interest since it proves facts and episodes which only popular ignorance could attribute to the diabolical powers of a witch. A typical part of the case is where complete trust is bestowed on the confession concerning a fantastic cavalcade in which the witch took part with her body completely covered with ointment3and riding on the 'devil' who had previously been invoked and who had turned himself into a goat; in this way she could travel above the water and through the wind (which were also considered to be the means and instruments of infernal doings4) and go to the meeting near the Walnut tree of Benevento5 where there are to meet her ‘very many witches, enchanted spirits, infernal demons and the greater Luciier, who, presiding the meeting, orders her and the others to go around to destroy children and to do other wicked things‘6. 2 In Lares XXI, 1955, pp. 1-17. Leo S. Olshki ed., Florence. 3 Ointment is considered a magic instrument. 4 G. Cocchiara, Il diavolo nella tradizione popolare Italiana. Palermo, 1945. 5 A place traditionally considered the 'parliament' of witches. 6 See below. 4
But the magic arts, today as yesterday, come mostly direct from the field of love relationships where public belief is often aided as well as by ignorance, by the torments of love, by erotic-senti- mental raptus and the ready psychological disposition of the subjects. Matteucciadi Francesco is really masterly in this field. The sentence speaks of a wife living in the castle ofCollemezzowho came to the sorceress complaining that her husband treated her badly and asking for a remedy. SoMatteuccia gave her 'an egg and the herb called Costa Cavallina‘7 telling her to give them to her husband to eat who would 'become infatuated for a few days'; the woman followed the instructions of the witch and 'the man being infatuated was furious for three days'. And again the wife called Caterinaof the district ofOrvietowho was also tormented by the violent nature of her husband who did not even take care of her. The witch had the remedy ready at once: make an image out of wax and bring it to her. When she had it Matteuccia wrapped it in a thread spun by a virgin child and told Caterina to put it under the bed of her husband reciting at the same time the following words: Sta in te come stecte Cristo in sé, stafìxo come stecte Cristo Crucifìxo, torna a me come tornòCristo in sé, tornaallavoluntàmia come tornò Cristo alla patria sua. The spells continue, a woman from the castle ofPoggiodiOrvieto asks for a remedy for her master, a ‘vague' priest and Mat- euccia commands her to make an image of wax and putting it on a hot brick to recite the followingsacramental formula: come se destrugequestacera, cossì se possadestrugere el core dell'amormio, perfìnechefarà la voluntàmia. Matteuccia prescribed to another woman from the castle ofPacciano in the district of Perugia who wanted to subdue the man whom she loved to capture a few swallows and after burning them to give the man to eat and to drink the powder. And again she advised a woman from the castle of S. Martino in the district of Perugia who wanted more amorous favoursfrom her husband to find a small swallow which should be fed on sugar and then be given to her husband together with wine mixed with the water in which she had previously washed her feet. 7 According to Dr. Peruzzi this is the grass called coda cavallina = equisetum arvense. 5
According to the document a very widespread enchantment was to get a holy candle, to light it and to bend it. In this way so long as the bent candle was kept in a safe place, the man or woman against whom the magic was directed could not have sexual inter- course. Ointments, meat or fat from dead bodies, powder made from pagan bones (those who were not baptised), brews formed from herbs and locks of hair, burned and reduced to powder, bird feathers, mice and nails of she-mules, these are the classic ingredients of enchantments which were advised and put together by Matteucciato cure invalides, to spread hatred and to evoke more enthusiasm in tired or deluded lovers. All this is capped by complicated magic formulae that imitate popular religious invocations which are only profaned by a 'diabolic spirit'. The poor woman, crushed under the weight of such 'infamies', self-confessed and not assisted by a defendant, was therefore con- demned to the stake as the laws of the time required, 'so that she may neverhave more glory in her infamy and malice and so that she may not be an example to whoever should want to undertake similar activities'. The sentence, which is perhaps unique of its type, is kept, together with the following record of capital execution in the archives of the Comune of Todi8 and has been translated from the Latin text in the primitive handwriting of the notary. The Italian text has already been published in installments in 'Volontà' 9 in the translation of Dr. Carlo Grondona and also in the 'RivistaGiuridica Umbra' lO preceded by a short introduction by the Author. Finally, it is interesting to note that two people of importance in Italian history are mentioned in the final decision of the magnifi- cent and powerful lord, honorable captain and peacekeeper of the city and district of Todi, Lorenzo de Surdis; S. Bernardino da Siena and BraccioFortebraccidaMontone. The arrival of San Bernardino at Todi put a stop to the Acti- 8Todi, Com. Arch. - Hall VI, Courtcases, no. 21 bis, fol. 21-23. 9 Volontà - Rivista di Vita Cittadina, 1952, nos.: 1-12, 1953, no. 1. lO RIVISTA GIURIDICA UMBRA - XIII - 1968, issue 4, p. 833 and fol. 6
vities of Matteuccia as a witch: ' ... before the arrival of FrateBer- tardino ... '; the preachings of the Franciscan saint certainly halted usury and discords and perhaps also magic and superstition. A procession on the 20th of May every year moves from Piandi San Martino and from Piandiporto11 to honour the saint of Siena and arrives on top of the hill to render tribute to the bishop in the cathedral and to honour, in San Fortunato, the tomb of the Patron Saint of the city. This a memory, sent down to us by popular tradition, of the active presence in Todi of San Bernardino and of his work as a preacher. According to tradition the large tree which stands just outside the entrance of the Franciscan convent of Montesanto was planted by the saint himself to remember his visit to the city of Jacopone. A great condottiero is also mentioned in the sentence: BraccioFortebraccidaMontonewho, after capturing Todi and rebuilding the fortress, reorganised the whole life of the city and kept it firmly within his grasp. He was a strong, courageous and rough man, but the soldier who could defeat an army with his strategy and shrewdness, almost certainly was under the influence of Matteuccia, who was able to conquer the 'court' of the military chief. A mercenary of his army · from Cortona helped the sorceress to take the body of a drowned man out of the Tiber so that she could take the fat parts from it for her magic spells. It is evident that this service was in exchange for certain favours made by the witch for the circle of the condottiero. TrinciadiPietro from FrattaTodina (at that time FrattaEpiscopi) had been delegated by Braccio to participate in the works for the reconstruction of the fortress12; being unable to read or write he hired two brothers, Rinaldo and Egidio, to keep the books for him. Trincia forced the two 'accountants' to destroy the register and to make a new one and, halving the entries, he intended to embezzle 42 Florins which he had received from the wife of Braccio, Nico- LettaVarano. l1 Two hamlets in the Comune of Todi, near the city. 12 M. PERICOLI, Braccio Fortebracci da Montone ricostruisce la Rocca di Todi nel 1423, in: Bollettino della Deputazione di Storia Patria per l'Umbria, LI, 1954, pp.111·118. 7
The judge condemned Trincia to pay a fine of 225 CortonaPounds and absolved the two brothers, evidently not holding them responsible for the fraud and the embezzlement. The same Trincia is mentioned in another part of the ma- nuscript but this time as the injured party in a case against the author of attempted arson against his house. The master-builder received from the court an indemnity of 100 Cortona Pounds to be paid by the incautious arsonist. This is the same ‘Justice' that leads the ‘witch' to the stake as can be seen in the following pages. 8
TEXT (f 21v) In dey nomine. Amen. Hec est quedamcondempnatio corporalis et Sententiacondempnationiscorporalislata, data et habita in hiis | scriptis, sententialiterpronumptiata et promulgata per Magnificum et potentemvirumLaurentium de Surdis de Urbe, | honorabilemcapitaneum et conserua- torempacisCiuitatistudertineeiusquecomitatus, fortie et districtus, pro SanctaRomanaEcclesia | ac pro Sanctissimo in Cbristopatre et domino nostro domino Martino, divina 5 providentia papa Quinto sub examineegregij | etjurisperiti viri domini Tomasij de Castiglione Retina, Judicismallefitio- rum prefati domini Capitanej, nec non cumconsensu, | vo- luntate, etdeliberatione generosi legumdoctoris domini Pe-trj de Ricchardinis de Urbe, collateralisdicti domini capi- taney. | Etscripta, lecta, uulgarizataetpublicata per me NovellumScuderij de Vassanopublicamnotariumetnuncnotariumetojfitialem | mallefitiorum prefati domini capi- tanei ad dictumoffitium per ipsumdominumcapitaneuminter aria deputatum, sub anno domini Mo | cccxxuiiio.Indic-tioneVIa, tempore Sanctissimi in Christopatriset domini nostrjdominjMartinj, diuinaprouidentiapape Quinti, die 10 et mense | infrascriptis. | NosLaurentiuscapitaneuspredictussedentes pro tri-bunali ad nostrum solitumbanchumjudicismallefitiorum, in fra positumet | confinatumubisimilescondempnationescorporalesetsententiecondempnationumcorporaliumdarjet proferrjsolent, infrascriptamcondempnationem | corpo- ralem contra infrascriptamMactheutiamFrancisci pro infra- scriptismallefitiorumculpis, excessibus et delictis per ipsamfactis | et commissis et perpetratisdamus et in hijsscriptissententialiterprojerimus in huncmodum, videlicet: | 15 MactheutiamFrancisci de castro Ripabianchecomitatus Tuderti, popularemet pro popularihabitametreputatam se- lO
(f. 21v) cundumformam | Statuto rum communisTuderti, feminam male conditionis vite et fame,publicamincantatricem, factu-rariametmaliariametstregam, | contra quam per modumetviaminquisitionisformaliterprocessimus, in eo, de eo, et super eoquod fama publica, precedente et | clamosainsi-nuationerejerente, non quidem a malivolisetsuspectissedpotius a veridiciset fide dignis | hominibusetpersonis, non semel tantum sedsepesepius ad auresetnotitiam prefati 20 domini capitanejeteius curie auditum | pervenitquoddictaMactheutiadeumpreoculis non habendo, sedpotiusjnimi-cumhumani generis sub Moccccoxxvjo | xxvijo, xxviijoet ultra usque per tempus sue vite quo discretionemhabuitpluriesetinfinitisuicibus, incantavitcorporis | ac capitisetaliorummembrorumpatientes, tampersonaliterquametiamsignasibi portata proutsunt zone, cappelle et | cumsimilia, pro supradictisetalijsinfirmitatibus, cumspandismensu-randodictaszonasetsuasincantationes dicendo | pluribusetdiversispersonisdiversorumquelocorum. | 25 Jtem non contenta predictis, set mala malis addendo, diabolico spirituinstigata, sub Moccccoxxvjoet a dicto tempo re citra, ultra | vigintivicibusincantavitspiritatos ac fantasmatababentesipsospersonaliterexistendocoramipsa, velipsis |absentibuszonasvelsignaipsorum, istaverba dicendo, vi- delicet: - Omne male percussiccio, Omne male straualcaticcio, | omne male fantasmaticcio (correctedfrom: stravalcaticcio) decchoeltogla et la terra la recoglia et non noccia ad cristiano. Queverbaterpatienti | dicitveltercumspandismen-surandozonam, qua mensuraia, si esse t magna, per tresspan-30 das in unam | redit. Etsupradictisverbisdictis, tenendo quan- dam candelam in manibusaccensam, in terramexpuitter. |Jtem non contenta predictis, diabolico spirituinstigata, set mala malis addendo a. Moccccoxxvjo,citrausque in pre- 11
(f. 21v) sentem | diem, quamplurimos et plurimosincantavitdolores patientesmembrorumistaverba dicendo,videlicet: - Nel nome sia del | padre, del figlio et de lo Spiritusanctoet de Madonna Sancta Maria con omnesanctoet de sancto Pietro, • che omne male torni adreto | et de sanctoBenedecto • che fu medico de Christoche medicò • et non rencapitò • non tolse medicatura • 35 per la Sancta Scriptura, • per la luna | et per lo sole, per Dio nostro Signore, • che tu muccimaledecta • et non ti folcere in carne benedecta, uanne in fondo de mare | • che questa anima non po' più sufferireet ne durare ne mondeschi, • né cima non ce mecti, • né dogla né piume | • né più vitio non cogla. Queverbasuprascriptaterdicit. | • Item non contenta predictis set mala malis addendo su pradictoMoccccoxxvjoetcitra,quamplurimosdolorescor-porispatientes | incantavit, dicendo istaverba, videlicet: - Lumbrica, lumbricaia che tieni coreet anima, che tieni polmoncelli, che tieni fecatelli, 40 che | tieni mena naso, che tieni mena capo, che tieni mena piedi, che tieni omne bene, 12
(f. 21v) Santa Susanna deiore li nne manda, | Sancta Jolecta de fore li nne gecta, Sancta Bruna torna al cielo deiore li nne gecta ad uno ad uno finché ce ne sta | niuno. Amen - Queverbater dicendo proiecit tria grana salis in igne. | • Jtem non contenta predictis, set mala malis addendo, diabolico spirituinstigatafantasmatichosseuspiritoshaben-tes ad | ipsam pro remedijsaccedentesquampluriesdocuituthaberentossumpaganum, boe est sepultorumsinebacti- | • 45 smoetportarent ad quoddamtriviumetibi ponendo illudos dicendo novem pater nostercumnovem | lave mariisetetiam dicendo istaverba, videlicet: - Osso pagano ad questo eltolliet tu la recoglj - • Quo facto sic peragens, | stet per nouemdies ante quamredeat per viamillametquod si ibiinfraillosdiesrediretfantasma illa ad ipsam | rediret. Quod sic fecitcuidam de [Sancto] Martino comitatusPerusi] qui semijatuuserat, nam saper quadamsepultura | dormiendoinfantasmatuserat, quodfecit in Moccccoxxvjo, uel circa. | 50 Jtem non contenta predictis set mala malis addendo ante adventumfratrisBernardinj, mullisacdiversispersonis |diversisquevicibusdeguastavit facturas seumalias. || (f. 22r) Jtem non contenta predictis set mala malis addendo dia- bolicospirituinstigataquamplurimos ad ipsameuntes ex mulieribus | filocacthosinstruxit ac remediumprebuit, ipsisdando herbamvinchamincantatamincantationibussuisut 13
(f. 22r) comedere | darentamansiisipsorum ac etiamutacciperentloturammanuumet (a) vultusipsorumetipsispotuidarent si | voluntatemipsarumoptinerevellentetamoremipsarum in ipsosdirigerent, quodpluries a tempore quattuor anno- rum citrausque in presentemdiemfecit. | 5 Jtemquod non contenta predictis, set mala malis ad- dendo, ante adventumfratrisBernardinjj ad civitatemtuder-tinamet in Mocccco | xxvjoetMoccccoxxvijopluribusetplu-ribusvicibus ac diversispersonisdiversorumquelocorumfacturasfecitcumcapillis, | petijsinvolutis, mietendo sub hostijs ac lectisutuxoresdeligerentur a uiriset e converso, dicendo hecuerba, videlicet: | - lo non te vego ma veduto ta chi elcore del corpo furatota: sta folto, come stecteChristo nel sepulcro, sta fisso | come stecteChristocrucifisso, torna a la patria mia come tornò Christo a la madre sua -. lOQueverbaoperanturut | viri faciantvoluntatemmu- lierumet e converso. | Jtem non contenta predictis set deumpreoculis non habendo diabolico spiritu istigata, sub Moccccoxxvjocum qui- dam annegatus | esset in Tiberj, convenitcumquondamsti-pendiarioBracchij qui nominabatur Cortona, de civitateCor- tona, utipse | Cortona accederet ad dictumhominem in Tiberjsubmersumet de carnibuscum pinguedine dìcti sub- mersiacciperet | et ad ìpsamportaretutipsiscarnibus de- coptislicoremfacerent, qui Cortona sic fecitet ad ipsam por- 15 tavit | et de licorevelolio ex dictiscarnihusfecerunt, quod oliumoperatum fuit pro doloribus et vulneribus perso- narum. | Jtem non contentapredictis set mala malisaddendo, quod sub Moccccoxxvio cum quedamfeminacuiusdampresbi- (a) There was added: pedum, afterwards corrected. 14
(f. 221r) teri | de castroPodijcomitatusUrbeveterisaccessixet ad dictamMactheutiamdicendo quod dictussuuspresbiteripsam non | diligebatnecrem cum ipsadiuhabuerat, jmocotidie 20 verberabat, et rogassetipsamMactheutiamutremedium | ali- quod preberetut in amoremsuumconverteret, ipsaMacthen- tia dixit utfaceretquandamimaginem | cere et ipsiporta- ret; quefemina, sic peracto, dictamimaginem ad dictamMactheutamportavit. Qua imagine | habita per ipsam Mac- theutiamuna cum dicta feminaposuerunt super quodam la- terejgneo et ipsaymagopaulatim | consumabatur, et ipsaMactheutiadicebatdictefemine quod infrascriptaverbadi- ceret, videlicet: - | Como se distruge questa | era cossì se possa di- strugereelcore dell' amor mio perfino che farà la volon-tà mia. - 25 Quo facto, aliquo tempore | pertransacto, dictafemina ad dictamMactheutiamredivit dicendo quodquicquid a dicto suo presbitero volueratoptinuerat | etquodipsum in amoremsuumreconverterat. | • Jtem non contenta predictis set mala malis addendo sub • Moccccoxxovjocum quidam viretuxor de castro Collismedij |comitatustudertini, accessixent ad castrumRipebianche, dictauxoraccessit ad dictamMactheutiam, conquerendo | de suo viro et dicendo quodipse male pertractactabateam, ipsam • 30 Mactheutiam rogando utdaretsibialiquod re- | medium utviro suo muneraretribueretpropter tot et tanta vilipendiaquesibicotidieinjerebat, etipsaMac- | theutiadeditpre-dictemulierjanumovumetherbamquevocatur costa cavallina et dixit simul | coqueretetdaret ad comedendumdicto suo viro etinfatuaretur per aliquosdiesetita dieta mulier I fecitetdictusinfatuatustanquamfuriosus per tresdiesextitit. | Jtem non contenta predictis, set mala malìs addendo, 35 diabolico spiritu in Moccccoxxvijocumquedammulier, | no- mine Caterina, comitatusUrbeveterisaccessixet ad dictamMactheutiam dicendo se haberevirumparumipsam | dili-15
(f. 22r) gentemetcotidieipsamuerberantem, rogavitipsamMac-theutiamutremediumpreberet, queMactheu- | tia dixit utquandamymaginem cere faceretet ad ipsamportaret, quamymaginem per dictamMactheutiam | habitaipsamymaginem, dieta Mactheutiacircumdauitcumacciapuellevirginis, et dixit ipsiCatarine | quoddictamymaginemponeret sub lectodicti sui viri, dicendo istauerba, videlicet: 40 - Sta in the come stecteChristo | in sé, sta fixo come stecteChristocrucifixo, torna ad me come tornò Christo in sé, torna a la voluntà mia, | come tornò Christo a la patria sua --. Queverba dixit terdicendaforeetdictamymaginem poni debere ad | capudlectidictisujvirjetipsumreduceret ad omnemsuumamoremetvoluntatem. | Jtem non contenta predictis, set mala malis addendo sub Mccccxxvijo de mense martiicum ad ipsamMactheutiam | ac-cessixet quidam iuvenisdiligensquandamjuvenemamansiam 45 suamquamdiu in uxoremhabere | optaueratet non valensipsambabere, cumconsaguinej diete amansie sue nolebant consentire set alterj in | coniugem dare volebant, quesivitremediumabipsaMactheutiautpossetitaettaliter opera- rj | utpredictisponsusetsponsanumquaminsimulbonumhaberepossentnecetiaminvicemvalerent se coniunge- re, | queMactheutia, spiritumdiabolicumpreoculishaben- do, dixit prelato juveniuthaberetquandamcandelam | be-nedictamaccensametipsamretineret in quodam trivio et 50 dum dictasponsairetnuptiis, ipsamcandelam | exstingueretetpiegaret dicendo infrascriptaverbaetaliapeiora diabolica, videlicet: 16
(f. 22r) - Come se piega questa candela in | questo ardore cossì lo sposo et la sposa non se possa mai conjungere in questo amore -. Quo facto | dixit illamcandelam sic piegatam re poni debere in loco tutoet quanto tempore sic piegata dura- ret, | tanto tempore viretuxorstarentquodnumquamsimulconiungipossent , quamfacturampluribusetdiversisvici- bus | fecit ac pro aliis operata fuit. | 55 Jtemjneo, de eoct super eo, quod non contenta pre- didictis set mala malis addendo, in Moccccoxxvijo de mense maij | cumquedammulier de castro Paccianj, comitatusPe-rusi, ex quodamfilocacto ad ipsamMactheutiam | accessitquerensabearemediumfaciendiut ex illoquemdiligebat, quicquidvelletoptimereposset, | prefata Mateutiasibi dixit quodarundinescaperetetarderetet de pulvereipsarum da- ret ad bibendum | il conmedendumcuicuiquediligeretetoptineretquicquidvelletab ipso. || (f. 22v)Jtem non contenta predictis set mala malis addendo, sub Moccccoxxvijo de mense decembris, cumquedamJohan-na | de castro Sancti Martini, comitatusPerusij, accessixet ad ipsamMactheutiamcumipsaconquerendo de viro suo quem | concubina retineredicebat ac insuper rogando dictamMacthutiam ex eoquoddictussuusviripsamJohan-nam | non diligebat set male pertractabatutconsiliumsibidaret ad integrandumamoremdicti sui viri, dictaMactheu- 5 tia | sibi dixit uthaberetquendamarundininumetcumçuc-charonutritum ad conmedendumdaretdicto suo viro | ac etiamlavaretipsisibipedesetaquamillam in vino mistampotuisibidaret. | Jtempredictis non contenta, set mala malis addendo dixit cuidammulierj de Merchatellopetentiabipsa | reme- diumutvirumsuumipsamparumdiligentem, set magiscum. alijsmulieribusconversationemhabebat, | ut de suismetca-pillisacciperetetcombureretet in pulueremredactosdaretl O in potuvel in cibo | viro suo, quo facto abeodiligeretur, 17
(f. 22v) quod fecit in Moccccoxxvijo de mense octubris. | Jtem in eo de eo et super eo, non contenta predictis, set mala malis addendo, ipsaMactheutiaprebuitmultis | et infinitismulieribus ab ipsorumvirisverberatis ab ipsare- medium quarentibus ut ipsasdiligant | et voluntatemipsa- rumfaciant, silicet ut accipiantherbam que vocaturcostacavallina et pulverizent | et potuivel ad conmedendumviri- bus ipsarum dent, ista verba dicendo,videlicet: 15 - lo te do ad bevere questo al nome de fantasma | etdelli spiriti incantati et che non possa dormire et ne posare perfincbé facci quello che te vo- | glo comandare -. Quod fecit in pluribus et diversislocis et maxime de comitatuPerusij, subMoccccoxxvijo de mense junij. julij, augusti, sectembris et octubris. | Jtemjneo de eo et super eo, predictis non contenta set mala malis addendo, Moccccoxxvijo de mense decembris cum quidam | de castroPanicaliscomitatusPerusij, accesserint 20ad ipsamMactheutiam portantes pennam in quadampetia | li- gatamquamdicebant in venisse in quodampiumacio et dicen- tes sibi ut videret si erant facture nam | dicebant se haberequendamnepotemipsorum in dictocastroPanicale quem credebantfacturatum quia fatuando | ibat et in piumacio super quo ipsedormiebatdictampennam sic involutamre- perierant, dietaMactheutia | dictampennam in manibus suis accipiendoacincantando, dictas facturas destruxit et illispre- cepit ut | ad dictum castrum Panicalisreportarent et ibiar- derent. | 25 Jtemjneo de eoet saper eo, predictis non contenta in Moccccoxxvijo de mense nouembrisquedammulieruxorcuiu-sdam qui | vocaturel poverello de Castro Diruteaccessit ad ipsamMactheutiam dicendo quodhabebatquandam | suamfiliaminfirmam ex qua infirmitateliberari non poteratetquodcredebatquodetiam sue filieessentfacte | facture a quadam 18
(f. 22v) aliamulierecumcuius viro dicta sua filiapluriesconcubue-ratetipsaMacthe- | utia dixit sibiquod in domo sue filie, sub limitare hostijperquireretetibiinveniretfacturaset | 30ipsasarderet. Quo facto, paucisdiebuselapsis, predictamu-lier una cum viro diete sue filie ad | ipsamMactheutiamac-cesserunt ac dixeruntquod sub dicto limitare hostij in vene- rant tria animalia | nigrautmures in stuppa lini etcanapis involuta etipsaarseruntproutdictaMactheutia | dixerat. | • J tem in eo de eo super eo, predictis non contenta set mala malis addendo, diabolico spirituinstigata, Mocccco | • 35 xxvijo de mense decembris, cum ad ipsamMactheutiamac-cesseritquedamcomitatina, dicendo prefate | Mactheutiequoddiligebatquondamvirumetquod, si sibiposibileesset, libentercommicterevellethodium | utdictusuir, relictauxore, ipsamdiligeretetutpossitquicquidvelletoptinere prefata | Mactheutia dixit ipsimulierjutsibiipsilavaretmanusetpedesretrorsumcumipsis | reversatisetgenibusflectispedesretrorsorumrevolutiset sic lotis, acciperetaquam • 40 illametproiceret | ubiviretuxorpertransirent animo, pro- positoet fide hodiumgenerandiinteripsumvirumetuxo- rem. | Quemulier sic fecitetipsiMactheutieretulitquod dieta aquahodiumintervirumetuxorem | generaveratadeoquodinfraterminumabipsapositumnumquaminvicem vi- dere se potuerunt set hodio se habuerunt. | • Jtem in eo, de eoet super eo, non contenta predictis set mala malis addendo, in Moccccoxxvitjode mense sectembris prefata | Mactheutiaaqua de coctionetrigintaherbarum ex 45 quibussusurrumfeceratcuidam infirmo | qui de tota perso- nadeperdito ambulare non valenti, ad ipsamMactheutiamportato utipsumliberaret, | proiecit in strata in dicto castro Ripebiancheutaliquis, super dieta aquapertransiens, dictaminfir- | mitatemcaperetet ex ipsainfirmitateaffligereturetabillo infirmo cui ex illacoctionefecerat | susurumillainfir-mitascessaret. Quod scienter, appensate et dolosefecit et animo no- cendi et ex lucro | percepto. 19
(f. 22v) 50 Jtem in eo, de eo, et super eo, predictis non contenta, dicta Mactheutiapluries et plures, diuersistemporibus, | de diversispersonisdiversislocisincantationesfecitcausis su- pradictis et pluribus et pluribushominibus et | feminabusdiversorumlocorum, diversisquetemporibus facturas ac ma- lias fecit, animoipsisnocendi et | pravaintentione, jnimicumbumani generis preoculishabendo. || (f. 23r) Jtem in eo, de eo, et super eo, quod non contenta pre- dictissedmala malis addendo quod dicta Mactheutia, spiritudiabolicoinstigata, deum | preoculis non habendo, in Moccccoxxvijo de mense maij cum quedammulier nomine Catarina de castroPIe bis accessisset ad ipsam, | ut remediumdaret ne possetingravidari, cum nondumnuptaesset et plu- ries concubuerat cum quodampresbitero de dietocastro, | et sperabatcotidieeum ipso habere et timebat quod si casus contingeretipsamingravidari, ne vituperaretur et ne ad no- 5 titiam | suorumconsanguineorumperueniret, prefata Mac- theutia dixit ut acciperetungulam mule acipsamcombureret et in pulverem | redigeret, et dictumpulverem cum vino bi- beret, dicendoistaoerbavidelicet: - lo te piglo nel nome del peccato et del demonio maiore che non | possa mayappicciare più -. | Jtemjneo, de eo, et super eo, predictis non contenta. set mala malis addendo, diabolicospirituinstigata, quampluries et pluriesivitstregatum | infantes devastando, sangui- nem ipsorumloctantiumsucandopluribus et dioersislocisac lOtem poribus, acetiampluries accessit una | cum alijsstregbis ad nocemBeniventi et ad alias noces ungendo se cum quodamunghuento facto ex pinguedineultoris, san- | guinenoctule et sanguine puerorumlactantium et alijs rebus, dicendo: - Unguento, unguentomandame a la noce de Benivento, supra acqua etsupra ad vento etsupra ad omne maltempo - 20
(f. 23r) ac insuperpostquam se unsit invocando Luciferum, dicendo bea verba, videlicet: | — O, Luci- | bello, demonio dello inferno po(i)ché sbandito fosti, él nome cagnasti etay nome Lucifero maiore, vieni ad me a manda | uno tuo servitore —. • Et immediate coramipsaapparet quidam demon in for- • 15 mamjrcietipsa in musipulam conversa, super | ipso jrcbo • equitando ad dictamnocemsemper per fossatoseundo, vadit • ut fulgursufflando et ibiinvenitquamplurimas | stregas • et ipsosincantatosacdemones infernales et Luciferummaio- • rem, qui presidendoprecipitipsi et alijs ut vadant | circum- • quamque ad infantes destruendos et alia malafacienda, et • tuncMactheutìa, post preceptumsibi factum, pluribus et • dIversisvicibusquotiensibiadfuit ab ipsisdiabolisinstigata • et informata accessit ad quamplurtmosaniculos | et aniculas • destruendo, sucandosanguinemipsorum per gulamet in • 20 nasumipsiusdictumsanguinem portando utsupra | dictum • unghuentumfacerepossit. | ]temjneo, de eoet super eoquodpredictis non con- • tenta set mala malis addendo etjnimicumhumano generis • preoculishabendo in M°cccc°xxvijo | de mense sectembris, • dieta Mactheutia, utsupra strega effecta, accessit ad castrum • MontisFalcj ad domumcuiusdammu- | lierìsquevacatur • l'Andreutiaexistentem in burgodicti castri et unum suum • filiumnondumanniculumsucavit | et percussit, ex qua per- • cussione et sucaxione, dictusanniculusinfirmatus est et con- • sumptusparumcrevit. | 25 Jtem in eo, de eo et super eo, quod predictis non con- • tenta set mala malis addendo, in Mocccc°xxvijo de mense • maij, ipsaMactheutia, | strega effectautsupra in forma mu- • sipule una cumquadam sua sotia strega, accesserunt ad ca- 22
(f. 23r) strumCandiSjcomitatus | Tuderti, ad domumcuiusdam mulieris nomine Andrellina que habebat unum suumfilium • nondumsexmensium et ipsum | sucaverunt et percusserunt • prout supra solitesuntfacere. | Jtemjneo, de eo et super eo, quod predictis non con- • tenta set mala malis addendo, quo millesimo predicto, de • 30 mense augusti adcessit | ad quandamvillamexistentem pro- • pecastrumAntrie, comitatusFerusij, ad domumcuiusdam • Angelini de dicta villa et, | utsupra strega effecta, sucavit • quendamsuumfiliumoctomensiumvel circa. | ]tem in eo, de eoet super eo, quodpredictis non con- • tenta, set mala malis addendo, de anno proxime preterito de • mense augusti ut | supra strega effectasucavitetpercussit • quandamfiliammensiumsectemvel circa cuiusdamAndreu- • tijetCata- | rine de castroRotacastelli,comitatusUr- • beuteris. | 35 ]tem jneo, de eo et super eo, quod predictis non con- • tenta, in Moccccoxxvijo de mense maij in diejouis, accessit • Stregatum | ad villam Rotelle, comitatusUrbeveterisetibi • ingressafuitdomumcuiusdamMecharelli de dicto loco in • qua in- | venitquandamfiliamdictiMecharellidormientem • in quadam culla existentepropelectumdictiMecharelli | et • ipsamsuamfiliampercussit ac sucavitproutipsa solita est • facere. | Jtemquod dieta Mactheutiasupraproxime dieta facit et ad dietamnocemBeniventivaditdumtaxat sex mensi- 40 Bus | anni silicei, de mense aprilis, maij, augusti, sectembris, martijetdecembris, et in tribusdiebus in edomoda sili- cet, | in die jovis, sabati et in die dominico. | Et predictaomnia et singula, singulisreferendo, com- missa et perpetratafuerunt per supradictamMactheutiam | supradictislocis et temporibus et in dictocastroRipebianche, comitatustudertini, contra voluntatempersonarumquibus nocuit et in earum grave | dampnum et preiudicium et in obbrobrium et vilipendium dey et omnium Sanctorum, et 23
(f..23r) contra jus divìnum et bonos mores | et contra fermamjuris 45 Statutorum, et àrdinemcomunisTaderti. Et quia constat nobis et nostre curie, predicittomnia et • singula in dieta in- | quisitionecontenta, vera esse etfuisse • locis et temporibus in ipsainquisitionecontentis per veras et • legitimasconfessiones diete | Mactheutie inquisite coram no- • bis et nostracuria, in judieiosponte et legitimefactas. Et sic sponte confessa fuit, | dixit se carereomnidefen- sione ac termino renuntiavit. Cui tamenMactheutieinquisitedatus et assignatus fuit certus terminus | iamelapsus ai omnemipsiusdefensionem faciendam de predictis. Et nullamfecitipsanee alter per ea 50 prout hec et alia in actisnostris et nostre curie plenius et latiuscontinetur, jdcirco: | NosLaurentiusCapitaneuspredictus pro tribunali se- dentes ut supra, sequentes et sequiuolentes in predictis et circhapredicta et | quolibet predictorumformamiurissta- tutorum et ordinamentorumcomunisTuderti et arbithrium nobis in hac parte coneessum, per formamdictorum Statu- torum, | quodpredietaMactheutia, coramnobispersonaliter constituta, ne de eiusmalitiauelnequitiaualeatgloriariet aliis | cupientibussimilia tentare, transeat in exemplum, mi- 55 trìa suo capiti imposita ac manibussuis post terga | ligatis, ponatur super quodamasino et ducatur et ducidebeat perso- naliter ad locumpublicumiustitieconsuetumuhisimiles iustitiefierfconsueveruntvel ad quemcumquealiumlocum dietecivitatisintusvel extra, prout videbitur et placebit | no- bili viro serJohanni domini Antonij de SanctoNazario de Vapia, nostro sotio militi et ibidem ignecomburatur | itaet taliterquodpenitusmoriatureteius anima a corporesepa- retur in hijsscriptissententialitercondempnamusomni me- Liorj | modo, via, jureet forma quibusmelius de jurepos- sumus et debemus. || (f. 23v) Et quia parumprodessetsententiasfierjnisidebite executionimandarentur, jdcirco: | NojLaurentiusCapitaneuspredictus pro tribunali se 24
(f. 23v)denies, ut supra commictimusitnponimus et mandamus rer Johanni domini | Antonij de Papia, nostro sotto militijpre- senti, audientietjntelligentiquatenusvadat una cum nostra familia | etdictamMactheutiam, mitria suo capiti imposita acmanihus post tergaligatisponat, nelponifaciat super 5 quodamasino, | ducat et ducifaciatpersonaliter ad locum publicumjustitieconsuetiimubisimilesjustitieconsueverunt vel ad quem- | cumquealiumlocumdietecivitatis, intusvel extra, prout videbit et placehitdictoserJohannimilitj et ibidem | ignecomburaturita et taliter quod penitusmoriatur et eius anima a corporeseparetur ad banc nostrumsenten- tiam | exequendam, de cuiusexecutionenobisfidemfaciat per publicumjnstrumentum et omnia alia dicat et faciat | que dicere et faceretenetur et debetursecundumformam Statu- torum et ordinamentorumdietecivitatisTuderti. | 10 Lata, data et in hijsscriptissententialiterpronumptiata • et promulgata fuit dieta condempnatiocorporalisetSententia • condempnationiscorporalis | per supradictumdominumCa- • pitaneum pro tribunali sedentem ad eiussolitumbanchum • iurismallefitiorum, ut moris est ubi | similessententie cor- • porales solent dari et proferri, positum et collocatum in sala • magna inferiorjpalatij novi residentiedicti domini capita- • nei, quod pala- | tiumpositum est in civitateTuderti, in re- • gioneSanctePrasedisetparoeda Sanati Laurentifiuxta pia- • team comunis, palatiumdominorumPriorum | etalialatera, • in publicoet generali Consilio diete civitatis, sono campane • vocequepreconisemixa, more solito convocato, congrega- • 15 to | etchoadunato in dictopalatio, etscripta, lecta, vulga- • rizataetpublicata per me, NouellumScuderij de Vassa- • no | publicumnotarium et nuncnotarium et ofjitialemmalle- • fitiorum prefati dominjcapitanej,per ipsumdominum capi- • taneum, interaliaoffitialem | specialiterdeputatum sub anno • domini M°cccc°xxvijo, indictioneVIa, tempore Sanctissimi • in ChristoPatriset domini nostrjdominj | Martinj, diuina • prouidentiadignissimipape quinti, die XX, mensismartij, • presentibusSerPolidoroTodini, notario Camere | cum quo • dictamcopiamascultavietsimilemcopiam dimisi, Ser Latino25
(f. 23v) Ser Corradtnij Ser Gaspare Ser Johannis, Str Andrea | Lau- 20rentij et CostantioMannuiijefMacteutiotubatore de Tu- dertotestibushabith, vocatis, et rogatila. | Et ego Novellus Scuderij de Vtissano, publicusImpe- rialiauctoritatenotarius et ùffitìalismaliefitiorum | prejati dominiCapitaneyper ipsumdomittumCapiluneutu ad dic- tumoffititim inter alia exercetidvmspecìditerdeputatum, | predictis omnibus et singulisinterfui et earogatusscribere, scripsilegi et publicavi, de mandatodictidominicapìta- ney, | signumquemeumapposuiconsuetum. | 25 SignummeyNouelli (S.T.) notarìjpredictì. | (b) EodemMillesimo, indiclitiue, et die xxmartij, supradictus Ser Johannes, sotiuì miles supredictidomini ca- Pitanai | statim post commissionemsibi, ut supra factam a dicto domino capitaneo, jens et rediensreitditsupradicto do- minocapitaneo | se ivisseunacumsuìsoftialibus et fami- liaribus et dìctamMactheutiamcondemprtatam, mitriasuo capitiimposita | ac manibussuis post tergaligatis, posuisse et ponifecisse super quodamasino, duxisse et ducifecisse 30 ad locum | publicumjustitiecousuetum et ibidem in perso- namdieteMactheutiecofidempisatefecisse et fierifecisse Dictam | executionemcorporalemprout supra a dicto do- minocapitaneohabuit in mandatis, in suacommissione pie- nius et latius | continetur, rogons me Novellumnotarium infrascriptumut de predictis et quolibetpredictorumpubli- cum conficereinstrumentum. Que | executiocoi�pordisfacta fuit per dictum militem, presentibusAluistoRaynaldi de regioneNidole et paroecia Sancti | Felicis,GelielloMarcutij de regioneVallis et paroecia Sancti Saluatoris, Petra Simonis 35 de regioneYallìs et paroecia | Sancti Quirici et Petra Johan- nis de regioneCamuccie et paroeciaSanctè Marie, testibus ad hechabitis, vocatis et rogatis. | (b) In the document here is the seal of the Notarius. 26
Ego NouellusScuderij de Vassano, publicusjmperialj auctoritatenotarius, et nunc notarius et offitìalismallefitio- rum | prefati domini Capitanei, ad dictumoffitium per ìpsum dominumCapitaneuminteraliaspecialiterdeputatumpre- dictis omnibus et singulisinterfui, | et, earogatusscribere, scripsi et publicavi et, de predictis, ut supra dictum est, ro- gatus a dictoSer Johanne milite predicto, ut supra patet, Signum- | quemeumapposuiconsuetum. | 27
TRANSLATION (f. 21 v) In the name of God, Amen. This is the corporal punishment and the sentence of corporal punishment which was ratified, decreed • and published by the Magnificent and Great Lord, Lorenzo de Surdis, • Captain and peacekeeper of the city of Todi and its district, through • the Holy Roman Church and through our Holy Father and Protector, • 5 Pope Martin V. This decree is drawn up with the help of Tommaso • di Castiglione Retino, Doctor-of-Law and Judge of malefactors under • the above-mentioned Captain and with the approval and deliberation • of Pietro de Riccardìnis, Doctor-in-Law and counsellor of our Cap- • tain. It was written, read and published by me. NovelloScuderijda • Vassano, public notary and now also notary dealing with the male- • factors of our Captain in the year of our Lord 1428 (indiction VI) • in the time of our Holy Father, by the will of God Pope Martin V • 10 on the day and month below mentioned. Presiding in the court of malefactors and sitting in our usual seat from which we pronounce corporal punishment and sentences of corporal punishment. We, Lorenzo, condemn the below mentioned Matteucciadi Francesco for her misdeeds, excesses and crimes which she herself prepared and committed, we sentence her in the following way: 15 Matteucciadi Francesco of the castle of Ripabianca (*) in the district of Todi has, according to the spirit of the laws of Todi, been universally recognised as a woman of bad ways and habits, a public enchantress, sorceress and witch. Through interrogations, informa- tion and public speculation, coming not so much from malignant and suspicious people, but rather from honest and truthful citizens, more (*) Ripabianca: part of the Comune of Deruta in the Province of Perugia, but within the Diocese of Todi, 28
(f. 21v) 20 and more often news came to the ears and knowledge of Captain • and his Curia about the activities of the above-mentioned Matteuc- • da. Ignoring God but rather following the Enemy of Mankind, she • often enchanted in the years 1426, 27 and 28 and until she was • definitively stopped, those who were suffering in theix bodies, heads • or other parts of their bodies. This she did either directly or through • belts and vests which were brought to her and which she measured • with the span of her hand while making sorceries for different • people of different origins. 25 Furthermore, not content with this, but adding evil to evil and aided by a satanic spirit she enchanted, in 1426 and previously, on mo- re than twenty occasions persons affected by spirits. She made her sorcery either on the spot or elsewhere and she recited the following words over the patient's belt or other object: — Omne male percussiccio, Omne male stravalcaticcio, | omtte male fantasmaticcio (correctedfrom: stravalcaticcio) decchoeltogla et la terra la recoglia el non noccia ad cristiano. She recites these words three times over the patient or else she measures the belt with the span of her hand; if it is too big 30 she reduce it from three spans to one and saying the above words she spits onto the ground, holding a lighted candle in her hand. (f. 21v) Furthermore, not content with this, but adding evil to evil and aided by a satanic spirit from 1426 to the present day she enchanted many patients suffering from pains in their limbs repeating the followingwords: — Nel nome sia del | padre, del figlio et de lo Spiritu sancto et de Madonna Sancta Maria con omnesancto et de sancto Pietro, che omne male torni adreto | et de sanctoBenedecto che fu medico de Christo che medicò 29
et non rencapitò non tolse medicatura 35 per la Sancta Scriptura, per la luna | et per lo sole, per Dio nostro Signore, che tu muccimaledecta et non ti folcere in carne benedecta, vanne in fondo de mare | che questa anima non po' più sufferire et ne durare ne mondeschi, né cima non ce mecti, né dogla né piume | né più vitto non cogla. She recites these words three times. Furthermore, not content with this, but adding evil to evil, in the same year,1426, and previously, she enchanted many persons suffering from pains in their bodies, reciting the following words; — Lumbrica, lumbricaia che tieni coreet anima, che tieni polmoncelli, che tieni fecatelli, 40 che | tieni mena naso, che tieni mena capo, che tieni mena piedi, (f. 21v)che tieni omne bene, Santa Susanna defore li nne manda, | SanctaJolecta de fore li nnegecta, Sancta Bruna torna al cielo deforelinnegecta ad uno ad uno finché ce ne sta | niuno. Amen — Repeating these words three times she throws three grains of salt into the fire. 30
Furthermore, not content with these things, but adding evil to evilFurthermore, not content with these things, but adding evil to evil and aided by a diabolic spirit, she often advised people possessed by a spirit to obtain a pagan bone (of those buried without baptism) 45 and to take it to a cross-roads. There they should put it down and say nine Pater Nosters and nine Ave Marias and also recite the following: — Osso pagano ad questo eltolli et tu la recoglj — After they have done that they should wait for nine days before returning to the place; after that the spirit would return to the bone. A man from San Martino in the district of Perugia who was half mad because he had slept on top of a tomb did this in c. 1426. 50 Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, before the arrival of Frate Bernardino (*) she made incantations against various people in various places. (f. 22r) Furthermore, not content with these things, aided by the devil and adding evil to evil, she instructed many lovers who came to her and gave them remedies. She gave them a herb which she had enchanted and instructed them to give it to their lovers together with the water with which they had washed their face and hands. In this way they could obtain their favours and turn their lovers' love towards themselves. This she did for more than four years until the present day. 5 Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, in 1426 and 27 before the arrival of Frate Bernardino (*) in many places and for many persons she made charms from hair which she wrapped in a piece of cloth and put under the door or under the bed to make husbands love their wives and viceversa, reciting the followingwords: — Io non te vego ma veduto ta chi elcore del corpo furatota: sta folto, come stecteChristo nel sepulcro, sta fisso | come stecteChristocrucifisso, torna a la patria mia come tornò Christo a la madre sua —. (*) Referring to the preaching of San Bernardino from Siena at Todi. 31
10 Not content with these deeds, aided by an infernal spirit and10 Not content with these deeds, aided by an infernal spirit and disregarding the will of God, in 1426 she met a man who was under Braccio, known as Cortona from the city of Cortona. She told him to take some meat and some fat from a man who had drowned in the Tiber and to bring it to her so that she could cook it and make 15 a brew. He brought what she asked for and out of this meat she made a brew and some oil. This oil was used to cure people's pains and wounds. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil in the year 1426 a woman of a certain priest of the castle of (f. 22r) Prodo in the district of Orvieto came to Matteuccia, telling her that her priest did not look after her and have intercourse with her 20 but rather beat her every day. She asked Matteuccia to give her a remedy so that he would love her again and so Matteuccia told her to make a certain image out of wax. When she had done so and brought it to her, they put it on a hot brick and Matteuccia told the woman to recite the following words: — | Como se distruge questa | cera cossi se possa distrugere elcore dell'amor mio perfino che farà la uolontà mia. — 25 When she had done this and some time had passed, the woman returned to Matteuccia and told her that she had obtained what she wanted from her priest and that he had returned to loving her. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, a husband and his wife arrived at the castle of Ripabianca from the castle of Collemezzo (*) in the district of Todi and the wife went to Matteuccia complaining of her husband, saying that he 30 treated her badly and begging her to give her a remedy for the many humiliations he caused her. Matteuccia gave her an egg and a herb called Costa Cavallina and told her to cook them together and give them to her husband to eat so that he would become infatuated for a few days. The wife did this and the man was violently infatuated for three days. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to (*) Collemezzo or Coidimezzo, a castle near Casalata, now ruined. It is on the old boundary between Todi and Assisi, the country of "MonnaVanna", wife of Jacopone da Todi. Ceci G., Alla ricerca di Fra Jacopone. Todi, 1932, p. 31. 32
(f. 22r) 35 evil, she went in 1427, aided by an internal spirit, to a certain wife called Caterina who lived in the district of Orvieto and who had a man who did not look after her and who beat her every day. She begged Matteuccia to give her a remedy and so Matteuccia told her to make a certain image out of wax and to bring it to her. When she had done so Matteuccia wrapped it in a piece of thread spun by a virgin child and told Caterina to put it under the bed of her husband, reciting the following words: 40 — Sta in the • come stecteChristo | in sé, • sta fixo • come stecteChristocrucifixo, • torna ad me • come tombChristo in sé, • torna a la volunta mia, | • come tornò Christo a la patria sua —. She told her to repeat these words three times after she had placed the image at the head of the bed. In this way her husband would return to her love and submit to her will. Furthermore, not content with this and adding evil to evil, in the year 1427 a young man who loved a woman whom he wanted 45 to marry for a long time came to Matteuccia. Not being able to marry the girl because her parents would not consent and wanted to give her to another, he asked Matteuccia to see to it that the couple would never have any peace and never be able to live together. So Matteuccia, aided by an infernal spirit, told the young man to obtain a lighted holy candle and, holding it at the junction of three 50 roads by which the girl was passing to be married, to put it out and bend it, uttering the following words and others worse and more diabolic: • — Come se piega questa candela in | questo ardore • cossi lo sposo et la sposa • non se possa mai conjungere in questo amore —. When he had done this, she told him to put the bent candle in a safe place. Thus so long as the candle was bent the couple would33
(f. 22r) not be able to join together. She made this enchantment for many(f. 22r) not be able to join together. She made this enchantment for many people on many occasions. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to 55 evil in the month of May of 1426 a woman of Pacciano in the district of Perugia came to Matteuccia, asking her for a remedy to make the man that she loved do anything that she wanted. Mat- teuccia told her to catch some swallows and, after burning them, to give them to eat and to drink to whoever she preferred so that she could obtain whatever she wanted. (f. 22v) Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, in the month of December of 1427 a certain Giovanna of the castle of San Martino in the district of Perugia came to Matteuccia complaining that her husband lived with another woman and did not treat her well. She asked for advice on how to reconquer the 5 love of her husband and Matteuccia told her to find a small swallow and after feeding it on sugar to give it to her husband together with wine mixed with the water in which she had previously washed her feet. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, she advised a woman of Mercatello who had complained that her husband was not treating her well and preferred the company of other women to her‘s to burn a lock of her hair and to give it to 10 him to eat. After this he would turn his favours to her again. This she did in the month of October of 1427. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, Matteuccia advised many women who were beaten by their husbands and who wanted a remedy to make their husbands care for (f. 22v) them and submit to their desires. She told them to find a herb called Costa Cavallim and, after reducing it to powder, to give it to their husbands to eat or drink, reciting the following words: 15 — Io te do ad beverequesto al nome de fantasma | • et dellispiritiincantati • et che non possadormire et ne posare • perfinchéfacciquellochetevo- | glocomandare —. This she did in many and various places, but particularly in the district of Perugia in the months of June, July, September and October of 1427. 34
(f. 22v) Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to(f. 22v) Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, in the month of December of 1427 some people from the castle of Panicale in the district of Perugia went to Matteuccia showing 20 her a feather tied to a piece of cloth which they had found in a pillow and asking her whether it was a charm. In fact they said that they had a nephew in the castle of Panicale whom they thought had been bewitched since he was deranged and since that feather had been found in the pillow on which he usually slept. There- upon Matteuccia took the feather in her hands, and, making enchant- ments, she destroyed the spell ordering them to take it back to the castle of Panicale and burn it there. Furthermore, not content with these things a certain woman, 25 wife of a man called IlPoverello from the castle of Deruta came to Matteuccia saying that she had an infirm daughter who could not be cured. She thought that she had been bewitched by a woman with whose husband her daughter had often lived. So Matteuccia advised her to look in the house of her daughter and told her that she would find the charm under the doorstep. This charm should (f. 22v) 30 be burnt at once. A few days later the woman returned with the lover of her daughter and said that under the doorstep they had found three black animals like mice wound up in a piece of linen and that they had burnt them at once as Matteuccia had advised. Furthermore, not content with these things, adding evil to evil 35 and aided by an infernal spirit in the month of December of 1427 a certain woman of that territory went to Matteuccia and, after con- fessing that she loved a certain man, said that she would like to spread her hatred so that her man would abandon his wife and loving only herself, do everything that she wanted. Matteuccia told the woman to wash her hands and feet facing backwards and with her 40 knees bent and when she had done so to take the water and throw it where the man and woman were going to pass, with the spirit, intent and belief that this would generate hatred between them. The woman did this and referred to Matteuccia that the water had gene- rated hatred between the man and the woman as she had intended, so that they could not meet, but instead hated each other. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil, in the month of September of 1427 Matteuccia threw some water obtained from the cooking of 30 herbs into the road of the 35
(f. 22v) 45 castle of Ripabianca for the benefit of someone suffering from para-(f. 22v) 45 castle of Ripabianca for the benefit of someone suffering from para- lysis. The latter suffering and unable to walk had been taken to • Matteuccia to be cured. So she prepared the water so that someone • passing over it should take the disease and be afflicted by it and so • that the paralysed man should be cured. This she did consciously, • purposely, criminally and with intent to harm and make profit. 50 Furthermore, not content with these things, Matteuccia made • enchantments on many different occasions, in various places and on • various people and she also made spells and charms against very • many men and women with the intent of harming them and with • wicked scopes having in front of her eyes the enemy of Mankind. (f. 23r) Furthermore, not content with these things, adding evil to evil • and not having God in front of her, but rather an infernal spirit, • in the month of May of 1427 a certain woman called Caterina of • CastellodellaPieve went to her to ask for a remedy to prevent • her from becoming pregnant. She wanted this because she was not • yet married, but she had lived with a priest of the same town and • still wanted to visit him every day. She feared public rebuke and • 5 she did not want this news to reach the ears of her family, Mat- • teuccia told her to take the hoof of a she-mule, to burn it and to • drink it after mixing it with wine, repeating the following words: — Io tepiglonelnome del peccato et del demoniomaiore che non | possa may appicciarepiù —. | Furthermore, not content with these things, adding evil to evil and aided by an infernal spirit, she often went to Stregato to ruin the health of children by sucking their blood. She also sucked the blood of babies on various occasions and in various places and in 10 the company of other witches she often went to the walnut tree of Benevento and to other walnut trees anointing herself with an oil made from the fat of vultures, the blood of bats, the blood of babies and other ingredients, saying: — Unguento, unguento mandame a la noce de Beniuento, | supra acqua et supra ad uento et supra ad omnemaltempo —. 36
(f. 23r) And also, after anointing herself, she called to Lucifer, re-(f. 23r) And also, after anointing herself, she called to Lucifer, re- peating the following words; | — O, Luci- | bello, demoniodello inferno po(i)chésbanditofosti, el nomecagnasti et ay nomeLuciferomaiore, vieni ad me o manda | unotuoservitore —. 15 And there appears immediately in front of her a certain demon and she, taking the form of a fly, rides this demon who is in the shape of a goat over ditches and hissing like a thunderbolt until she arrives at the walnut tree. There she finds many witches and enchanted spirits and the greater Lucifer, who, presiding the meeting, orders her and the others to go and destroy children and to do other wicked deeds. After hearing the order Matteuccia attended the meetings many times and instigated and informed by the devils she 20 went to children aged about one year to suck their blood from their throats or noses so as to be able to make the ointment. Furthermore, not content with these things, adding evil to evil and having before her eyes the Enemy of Mankind, in the month of September of 1427 she transformed herself into a witch as above and went to the house of a woman called Andreuccia of the castle of Montcfalco. There she sucked the blood and beat the child who was not yet a year old. After this the child grew ill and pined away. Furthermore, not content with these things, but adding evil to 25 evil, in the month of May of 1427 Matteuccia took the form of a fly as above and with another witch she went to the castle of Canale in the district of Todi to the house of a certain woman called An- dreuccia. There they sucked the blood of her son who was not yet six months old and beat him. (f. 23r) 30 Furthermore, not content with these things, but adding evil to evil, in the month of August of the same year she went to a certain village situated near the castle of Andria in the district of Perugia to the house of a certain Angelino and, in the form of a witch as above, she sucked the blood of the son of about eight months. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil in the month of August last year she transformed herself into 37
a witch and sucking the blood beat the daughter of about sevena witch and sucking the blood beat the daughter of about seven months of a certain Andreuccio and Caterina of the castle of Rota- castelli in the district of Orvieto. Furthermore, not content with these things and adding evil to evil on a Thursday in the month of May in 1427 she went to the villa of Rotelle in the district of Orvieto to make enchantments. There she entered the house of a certain Mecarello and finding his daughter sleeping in a cot next to the bed she beat and sucked the blood of the daughter as it is her usual custom. Furthermore Matteuccia does the things above mentioned and 40 goes to the walnut tree of Benevento during six months of the years; i.e. in April, May, August, September, March and December and on three days of the week; Monday, Saturday and Sunday. The above mentioned things which are enumerated singly, were committed and perpetrated by Matteuccia in the places and on the occasions stated and above all in the castle of Ripabianca in the district of Todi. They were committed against the will of the people harmed by them, causing damage and prejudice to them and causing abuse and insult to God and all the Saints, against the Holy Laws {f. 23r) 45 and good customs and against the spirit of the statutary laws and ordinances of the City of Todi. We and our Curia have seen that all these things singly and as a whole contained in this indictment are true in relation to the time and places in which they were committed and also through the true and legitimate confessions made spontaneously by the above- mentioned Matteuccia who has been interrogated by us and by our Curia. She has therefore confessed spontaneously and saying that she has no defence, she has renounced to her term. A certain term, which has already elapsed, was presented to Matteuccia so that she could present some defence against the accu- sations listed above; but neither she nor others have done anything 50 about the things which are contained more fully in our acts; therefore: We Lorenzo, Captain, sitting in our court and wanting to keep to the aforementioned things within the spirit of the laws of the statutes and codes of the City of Todi and with the authority con-38
ceded to us by these statutesj condemn the above-mentioned Mat-ceded to us by these statutesj condemn the above-mentioned Mat- teuccia, who has appeared personally before us, that she may not glory in her malice and wickedness and so that she may not be an example to all those who would like to carry on similar activities. We condemn her to be put on a donkey with her hands tied behind 55 her back and, with a paper hat on her head, to be taken to a public place where one usually administers punishment or to any place inside or outside the city by choice of the noble man Ser Giovanni di Ser Antonio di S. Nazzaroda Pavia and there she should be burnt so that the guilty one dies and her spirit be separated from her body. (f. 23v) And since the sentence would be of little avail if she were not sent at once to execution: We Lorenzo, Captain, sitting in the court as above, delegate, send and orderSer Giovanni di Ser Antonio da Pavia, whoispresent here and who has the faculties of sight and hearing, to go with our 5 court and to put or to have put this Matteuccia on a donkey with a paper hat on her head and her hands tied behind her back. Then to take her or have her taken to the place where one usually admi- nisters justice or to any other place inside or outside the city by choice of Ser Giovanni and there she should be burnt by fire until the guilty one dies and her spirit be separated from her body. All this is in execution of our sentence for which execution he is respon- sible to us as a public instrument of justice, and he has to say and do all the things that he has to say and do according to the spirit of the statutes and ordinances of the City of Todi. 10 This corporal punishment and sentence of corporal punishment has been drawn up, ratified, pronounced and published by out Cap- tain sitting in his usual seat in the court of malefactors where such corporal punishments are usually given and pronounced. The court is convened in the lower great hall of the new residential palace of the Captain which is in the region of S. Prassede and the parish of S. Lorenzo near the Palace of the Priors. It was pronounced in public and in the General Council of the city which was convened as usual by the sound of the bells of the city and by the summons of the 15 heralds. It was written, read and published by me, NovelloScuderij daVassano, public notary and now also notary dealing with the male- factors of our Captain. I was, in particular, delegated to hear this case in the year 1428 (indiction VI), in the time of our Holy Father, 39
Pope Martin V, on March 20 when the witnesses were called andPope Martin V, on March 20 when the witnesses were called and (f. 23v) interrogated in the presence of Ser PolidoroTodino, notary of the court, with whom I heard and published this copy, and Ser Latino di Ser Corradini, Ser Gasparedi Ser Giovanni, Ser Andrea di Lo- 20 renzo, CostanzodiMannuccio and Matteuccio, trumpeter of Todi. And I, NovelloScuderijdaVassano, public notary and notary and judge of the malefactors of our Captain, being delegated by the latter to excercise this office, was present at all the above-mentioned things and asked to write them, I wrote, read and published them by order of our Captain. Upon these things I put my usual seal as it 25 is prescribed. In the same year and indiction on the 20th of Match the above- mentioned Ser Giovanni, soldier at the dependence of our Captain, went and carried out the order received and then returned to refer to the captain. He said that he went with his officials and, when he had put a cap on the head of the guilty Matteuccia tied her hands behind her back and put her on a donkey, he took her to a public 30 place where one usually administers Justice and executed the corporal punishment as he had been ordered by our Captain and as it is contai- ned in greater detail in his report. He also asked me, Novello, notary of our Captain, to make the above-mentioned news public. The corporal execution was carried out by that soldier with the following people present: AlvisiodiRinaldo of the quarter Nidola and the parish of S. Felice, GaiellodiMarcuccio of the quarter della Valle and the parish of S. Salvatore, Pietrodi Simone of the quarter della 35 Valle and the parish of S. Quirico and Pietrodi Giovanni of the quarter Camucia and the parish of S. Maria. And I, NovelloScuderijdaVassano,byimperialauthority public notary and now notary of the Judge of the Malefactors of our Captain and in particular allowed to excercise the other office of our Captain, was present at at all these things and being told to write them, I wrote and published them also by request of Ser Giovanni. Finally I sealed them as is laid down. My seal Novello (S.T.) notary. 40