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Nutritional Needs during Pregnancy

Nutritional Needs during Pregnancy. Pregnancy. It is a period of great physiological and stress for the woman-birth to a foetus Foetal development is accompanied –physiological , biochemical and hormonal changes in the maternal body –nutrients and efficiency

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Nutritional Needs during Pregnancy

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  1. Nutritional Needs during Pregnancy

  2. Pregnancy • It is a period of great physiological and stress for the woman-birth to a foetus • Foetal development is accompanied –physiological , biochemical and hormonal changes in the maternal body –nutrients and efficiency • Increases basal metabolic rate , gastrointestinal changes ,hormonal changes ,changes in the body fluid ,altered renal function

  3. Risk factor- Onset of Pregnancy • Age less than 15 yrs or more than 35 • Frequent pregnancy • Poor obstetric history /poor foetal performance • Poverty • Bizzare food habits • Abuse of caffine,nicotine,alcohol or drugs • Inadeguate wt

  4. Risk Factor-During Pregnancy • Low/ HP-Less than 12.0 g per 100 ml blood • Inadequate wt gain • Any wt loss • Wt gain less than 1 kg per month after 1 trimester • Excessive wt gain

  5. Diet and feeding pattern • Basic principle is same as normal adults Early 3 mths- suffers from vomiting,nausea • Physiological and hormonal changes occur • Small amt of food with increased frequency • Give -Biscuits, bread ,fruit etc • Avoid-Rich,fried ,strongly flavoured and highly spiced food

  6. Things to keep in mind • 1st trimester-nutrient intake need not be increased • 2nd and 3rd trimester-extra food like snacks to be given in between meals-increase the frequency of feeding-5 meals a day • Protein food like milk,meat,egg,fish ,pulses,groundnuts,soyabean etc • Calcium and iron need-whole grains , pulses ,leafy vegs, dried fruits etc

  7. Due to foetal pressure constipation is common • Large quantities of dietary fibre-fresh fruits and vegs ,whole grain cereals ,plenty of fluid • Full of nutritious and well balanced diet • Need of Iodine increases due to stress

  8. Diet of Lactating Mother • Lactation period is the duration when mother breastfeeds her child • Nutritional dietary intake shd be enough –milk production for the baby • Inadequate intake –reduces milk secretion and change the composition • Reqt:550 cal more than pregnant woman • Whole grain, juices, soups, veg and plenty of water

  9. Diet in an infancy –birth to 1 year • Infant-rapid growth and development • Infant is completely dependent –develops fair degree of physical and mental ability, motion deve, walks,hold objects along with emotional and psychological –near and dear ones

  10. Breast Feeding • Natural method of feeding-Breast feedingProvides all the nutrients – • Contains Fats – is highly emulsified so easy to digest • Lactose-Natural sweetness-Calcium and iron absorption • Protein –Low amt –reduces pressure on kidney to excrete extra nitrogen • Vit C content is retained

  11. Anti –infective • Breast feeding is very hygienic –straight from mother’s breast to child’s mouth • No chance of contamination and infection • Contains antistaphylococcal factor –prevents growth of bacteria in the infants intestines • Gastric juice of breast milk is acidic and hence destroys micro-organisms that enter stomach

  12. Source of natural immunity • First 2 -3 days mothers milk is yellowish known as colostrum • Contains antibodies- natural immunity in the child-protects from various infectious disease • Colostrum is very rich in nutrients – shd not be discarded at all • Anti –allergic properties does not affect the infants

  13. Psychological advantages • Healthy, happy and emotional relationship –mom and child • Infants grow well on exclusively breast feeding • Baby does not even need water supplements

  14. Weaning • Is the art of gradually introducing food other than breast feeding • Mothers milk + additional food • Cereal porridge soaked in milk or water • Modified food-mashed rice-dal,dal-roti –sabji • Traditional Food-Khichedi,idli,upma,sujji • Home based instant food-roasted cereals and pulses • Mashed fruits and cooked mashed veg

  15. Intro new foods • One food to be introduce at a time • Consistency of food as per child’s age-liquid-semi-solid-solid • Small quantities ,gradually increase • Never force to feed the child • No spicy food or oily food • Include variety to make food appealing • To attract attention –consider colour, flavour, texture and shape of the food • Don’t show personal prejudice towards food

  16. Day’s Diet-Pregnant • Breakfast • •½ cup (125 mL) cottage cheese•½ cup (125 mL) berries (fresh or frozen)•1 cup (250 mL) whole-grain cereal with skim or 1% milk•1 cup (250 mL) coffee or tea • Snacks • 1 tbsp (15 mL) peanut butter•4 to 6 whole-biscuits•1 cup (250 mL) skim or 1% milk

  17. Lunch: • Chana Curry,StuffedTindas,MintRaita,Salad,Rice/Chappatis • Snacks: Banana Shake,Poha • Dinner: Pea Paneer Curry, Mix Veg(dry),Chapattis/Rice,Fruit Custard • Age: 25 Activity : Moderate Food Habit: Vegetarian

  18. Day’s Diet for Lactating Woman • Breakfast: Tea,BesanRoti,Onion,Chutney,Jaggery • Mid Morning Snacks: Butter milk ,Dalia • Lunch: • Roti,Sproutedmoong,Salad,BesanLaddoo • Snacks:Tea,Groundnut roasted • Dinner: Dal,Potato Onion Veg,Rice/Chapattis • Bed time: Milk

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