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無機物理方法(核磁共振部分). The Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry (Fall Term, 2004) Department of Chemistry National Sun Yat-sen University. 老師 The Professor Dr. Shangwu Ding 丁尚武 Campus phone : 3917, Office: 理東 4022 ding@mail.nsysu.edu.tw http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/sysuchem/sw_ding_home.htm

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  1. 無機物理方法(核磁共振部分) The Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry(Fall Term, 2004)Department of ChemistryNational Sun Yat-sen University

  2. 老師 The Professor • Dr. Shangwu Ding 丁尚武 • Campus phone:3917, Office: 理東4022 • ding@mail.nsysu.edu.tw • http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/sysuchem/sw_ding_home.htm 志願助教 The Teaching Assistants 吳振,梁文彥,陳彥志 ,李昆達 校內分機:3917, 理東4022 林研詩,巫秀娟,曾彥翰 校內分機:3917, 理東4022

  3. Lecture Hours: • 11:00am-12:00 pm, Mondays; • 10:00am-12:00 pm, Tuesdays. (化4002), begins from Sept 15,2004. • Office Hours:4:00-6:00 pm, Tuesdays (理東4022)

  4. Contents (1) The basic principles of FT-NMR spectroscopy; (2) The mostly used liquid state NMR experiments; (3) The typical solid state NMR experiments; (4) Applications to inorganic chemistry and materials science. • Theory: • 1. Generation of FID, vector model, basic principle of FT NMR • 2. NMR parameters: chemical shift, dipolar and J-couplings, quadrupolar coupling, relation times, exchange rates • 3. Simple 1D NMR experiments • 4. Simple 2D NMR experiments • 5. Basic applications: structure determination • 6. Introductory solid state NMR • 7. Applications of solid state NMR • NMR experiments: • Sample preparation, shimming/lock, basic commands • Single-pulse experiment • T1/T2 experiment • DEPT • COSY • CP-MAS

  5. Purpose • The students will have learnt the elementary theoretical principle and experimental techniques and employ them to assist their respective research projects, particularly in the area of inorganic chemistry.

  6. Schedules • Theory: • 1.Introduction, generation of FID, vector model, basic principle of FT NMR, • NMR parameters: chemical shift, dipolar and J-couplings, quadrupolar coupling, relation times, exchange rates, • Simple 1D NMR experiments • 2. Polarization transfer and spectral editing • 3. Relaxation and exchange • 4. Simple 2D NMR experiments • Basic applications: structure determination • 5. Introductory solid state NMR • NMR experiments: • Sample preparation, shimming/lock, basic commands • Single-pulse experiment • T1/T2 experiment • DEPT • COSY/NOESY • CP-MAS • Total hours: ~21 hours • (Lecture: ~15 hours; Lab: ~6 hours)

  7. Instruction Techniques • 1.Lecture / NMR Lab • 3.Quiz • 4. Discussion

  8. Grading Policy Assignments/Quizzes (35 % each) Experiments (25%) Final exam (40%) One Assignment/Lab Each Week (Deadline: 17:00pm, Fridays)

  9. Reference Books 參考書: • 1. C. Akitt, "NMR for Chemists", Academic Press, New York, 1988. • 2. M. Hunter, "Introdctory NMR Spectroscopy", CFC Press, Guelph, 1983. • 3. M. H. Levitt, "Spin Dynamics: basics of nuclear magnetic resonance", John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

  10. Web Sites • 1.磁共振光譜及成像綜合情報網:http://spincore.com/nmrinfo/ • 2. 電子書 NMR─BASICS (nmr basics亦可由本課程之網頁直接下載壓縮檔,解壓縮後離線閱讀) • 3.本實驗室NMR網上課程

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