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Crested Butte U12 Girls And Boys Seasonal Plan. Created by Tom Lewis Challenger Sports Academy Trainer and Soccer Coach. I decided to make a seasonal plan for the U12’s for the 7 weeks I’m in CB. All the sessions are planned out but
Crested Butte U12 Girls And Boys Seasonal Plan Created by Tom Lewis Challenger Sports Academy Trainer and Soccer Coach
I decided to make a seasonal plan for the U12’s for the 7 weeks I’m in CB. All the sessions are planned out but obviously things are most likely to change and therefore these sessions will have to be adapted but I will let you know beforehand if there are any changes in good time. The day before I will email out the session in more depth and easier to understand, any questions email me tlewis4@uclan.ac.uk Not expecting you to read all this! Just wanted to get it all out there so everyone was in the know.
Week 1 Session 1 – Passing And Moving Warm up – Ball Tag 20 x 20 grid depending on amount of players Players working in pairs dribble throughout the area. One player is designated a tagger and must try pass their ball and hit their partner on the knee or below. If successful roles reverse Progression If player is tagged they must do 10 x toe taps or 10 x side to sides or 10 x knees. All down to coaches preference Coaching Points Passing weight and accuracy If pass isn’t on change direction and try intercept partner Placement of non kicking foot Passing with a Friend 20 x 20 grid depending on amount of players. Have more gates than pairs, takes queuing out and makes them dribble and pass more. Players working in pairs dribble throughout the area. Give them 3 mins to dribble around the area passing to their partner through the gates. Hits the cone, no point and not allowed to go through same gate twice in a row. Team with most points choose a ‘sensible’ consequence for other teams e.g. 10 jumping jacks, adds a fun and competitive element into it Progression Try performing skills in-between gates Coaching Points Passing weight and accuracy Placement of non kicking foot
Week 1 Session 1 – Passing And Moving Team v Team 20x20 Have 2 teams against each other. First team to get 5 completed passes through the gates is allowed to take a shot at the goal. Coach goes in goal to provide them with a challenge while shooting. Progressions Can we use both feet to pass with? Coaching Points Communication on field Head up to see opposition Take themselves and/or the ball into space to relieve pressure Scrimmage at the end for 10/15 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session Start with 3 passes before scoring, then move to 5
Week 1 Session 2– Passing and Receiving Warm up Teams of 5 players (can be more or less). Each team has a “target player” who plays opposite his 3 teammates. 3 teammates have a ball each and act as “servers”. The fourth teammate is a spare man. The servers play the balls alternately to the target player who returns the ball with one touch to the spare man. Servers and spare man are continually alternating. Progression Get the servers to deliver the ball (either by passing or throwing the ball) to different body areas for the target player. This encourages the target player to head the ball, take a touch, volley it back etc. This teaches players touch and control and natural reactions. Coaching Points Stay on your toes Use both feet Time the pass Weight of pass Passing and Receiving 20x20 Set up the area with a number of cones/mannequins to act as obstacles/interference. Within the area will be 1 team of 4 (can be more or less) There will be 2 bounce players at each end of the area. Teammates must pass the ball to each other whilst moving from end to end and avoiding the obstacles. When a bounce player receives the ball, he may pass it/ switch the play to his fellow bounce player if he wishes. Or play it back to a different player in the middle Progression Can they do it by just taking 2 touches each? One to control and another to pass Can they do it with one touch? Pass straight away Add 1 bounce player from each end to act as defenders – putting more pressure on the ball. Coaching Points Movement off the ball Body shape to receive the ball (half turn) Pass and move Switch play
Week 1 Session 2 – Passing and Receiving How’s your touch? 40x30 One field split in 2. The drill is carried out by 3 active players and one ‘server’. Play starts with a pass away from goal by Player 1 to Player 2. Player 2 receives the ball ‘side on’, taking it with one or two touches beyond the mannequin/cone (obstacle), then plays a ‘one-two’ with the ‘server’ before sliding in a pass to Player 3 who shoots on goal with his first touch. Rotate players. Progression Shooting game, points awarded for scoring 4v4 game with a floater to be used by the team in possession. Big space with lots of movement and shooting opportunities. Coaching Points Timing/Weight of pass Touch away from ‘defender’ Timing of run Shape/Arch the run to make an angle Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins if time. If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session Start with 3 passes before scoring, then move to 5 then 10 if finding it easy
Week 1 Session 3 – Passing, Moving and Receiving Warm up 20x20 2 teams of 5 1 x ball per team. Maintain possession trying to pass to team-mates in boxes adjacent to yours. No passes allowed to anybody in the same box Progression Encourage use of give and go’s and 1-touch play Coaching Points Weight and timing of pass/passing selection Passing and Possession 20x20 6 vs. 4 (or 7 vs. 3) Nobody can pass to somebody in the same box Blues seek to keep the ball from the reds, whom if gaining possession keep themselves For reds, a split pass (played between 2 blues) scores. Blues score every complete pass made. Progression Make into a competition, first to 10? Coaching Points Weight and timing of pass/pass selection Movement off the ball Communication
Week 1 Session 3 – Passing, Moving and Receiving • Target zone • 2 teams of 4/5 + 2 support players on the side • Play into end zone for team-mate to run onto to score – offside can apply in end zone • Use yellows to support keeping possession and setting up attacks • Progression • Certain amount of passes becomes a point as well e.g. 10 • Coaching Points • Weight and timing of pass/pass selection • Movement off the ball • Communication Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins if time. If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session Start with 3 passes before scoring, then move to 5 then 10 if finding it easy
Week 2 Session 1 - Turning and Receiving Warm up – Team Tag and Turn - 20 x 20 or bigger depending on number of players Players split into pairs and have one player in the middle and another on a cone with a ball. Players in the middle must run around and tag each other, if they get tagged they sit down and their partner must dribble to the 1st of 4 cones (diagram shows 3) and perform a turn and dribble back. Once back player in middle can stand up and carry on tagging If tagged 2nd time player runs to 2nd cone and so on. After being tagged 4 times team is out. Last team in wins. Rotate so every player gets to tag and turn. Dribble and Turn Place 6 pairs of cones 1 yard apart randomly throughout the area to make ‘gates’. Players must work in pairs (or 3s) and each pair must start the practice from a central position on 1 of the 4 sides of the pitch (see diagram). 1 ball per pair/3. The aim of the practice is for a player from each pair to dribble around the area from gate to gate. Upon going through a gate the player must complete a quick turn back through the gate before dribbling to another gate. Once the player has completed 5 turns he must play the ball to his teammate waiting on the side of the pitch. Progression Add 1 defender to the practice who just has to get a touch on the ball to score a point. He is allowed to challenge any player with a ball. Coaching Points Different types of turns Close control Awareness to know what is around you – play with head up Accelerate away from the defender
Week 2 Session 1 - Turning and Receiving Receive, Turn and Shoot 20x20 Split the pitch into 2 areas of 20x10 with a goal at the end of each area. Use a pair of cones in each area to mark a halfway point. Split the players into 2 teams. Each team has a few balls at their disposal. 1 player (the attacker) from each team stands between the cones with his back to goal. The rest of the players from each team form a queue opposite the goal on the outside of the area facing the attacker. The first player in each queue passes the ball into the attacker who has their back to goal who completes a turn around the cone (cone acting as a defender) before shooting into the empty goal. Players should rotate and replace the player in front of them (attacker joins the back of the queue, the ‘passer’ becomes the attacker). Coaching Points Movement to receive – don’t just wait for the ball to arrive Quick turns Control Accuracy in the shot 1 2 Progression Add a defender into each sequence who has to defend the goal (cone is removed but is shown on the diagram), his start position is near the goal. The defender only becomes ‘live’ once the attacker has had his first touch. If the ball goes out of play another sequence begins. Allow the defender to start ‘higher’ up the pitch putting more pressure on the attacker. Scrimmage at the end if there is time. But repetition of the turning and receiving the ball from previous week would hopefully be instilled by now
Week 2 Session 2 - Turning and Receiving Warm up 2 Circles with 4 teams of 3. Players on outer circle pass ball (not shown on diagram) into team mate in the smaller circle. They must turn and find the 3rd partner Recognize space and make sure touch is towards the 3rd partner Progressions Players on outside can move around the outer circle Receive the ball between the two circles and take the touch into the middle circle Coaching Points Awareness of time and space Good first touch, close to body due to congestion or into space? Good firm pass Receive and LookAs technique practice but yellow team defend. One defender active, the other two are target for active player if he wins possession (swap places) Turning players score every time they play across to third player and backRotate defending teamEverybody passes at the same time ProgressionsOnly 2 teams pass to make it easier for defender and harder for turners Coaching PointsAwareness of time and spaceFirst touch away from defender
Week 2 Session 2 - Turning and Receiving End zones Non directional game. Floaters in end zones (yellow) pass to a team who pass between themselves and try get the ball to another yellow They then give the opposite team the ball and they repeat. Swap teams out so all get to be floaters Progressions 3 passes before passing to floater All team mates must touch the ball Coaching Points Awareness of space, dribble or pass? Communication Firm passes to partners/Floaters Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins if time. If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 2 Session 3 – Consolidation Just a scrimmage that will involve whole-part-whole coaching and lots of interventions to help the kids but also to show us what they have learnt and how they apply it
Week 3 Session 1 – Shooting Warm up – Handball Players can throw and catch the ball. Player in possession is only allowed 2 steps. Other players can have as many steps as they want. Teams can only score with a header or a volley. No self-setups Coaching Points Get into space quick and throw pass quick Communication Pass and Shoot Set-up a pitch with two small goals at the end. Place a mannequin about 8-10m ahead of each goal and then use coloured markers to indicate some starting positions for players. Split group in to two team. Each team plays down one side of the field. The server plays a pass out wide, the first receiver turns and passes down the line, the next receiver plays the ball inside to the striker. The striker should make a move away from the mannequin to receive, then use a good touch to get behind the 'defender' and finally shoot on goal. Every player follows their pass (so they are in the next position along for the next ball). The striker gets their ball and dribbles it back to the start. Coaching Points Quality of passing - accurate weight and direction. Receiving and turning - awareness of space and 'opponent' (mannequin). Movement - to create space and to receive. First touch - drive into space or take away from opponent.
Week 3 Session 1 – Shooting Now there is a goalkeeper teams should take turns so that only one attacker is shooting at any time. Coaching Points Quality of passing - accurate weight and direction. Receiving and turning - awareness of space and 'opponent' (mannequin). Movement - to create space and to receive. First touch - drive into space or take away from opponent. Finish - power or accuracy? Good technique. Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 3 Session 2 – Combinations to Create Chances Warm Up – 30x30 Using the full pitch mark out a total of 4 squares of 7x7. Divide the players into 2 teams. 1 ball in each team. To begin the session there must be either 1 or 2 players from each team in each of the 4 squares. The aim is to pass from square to square around the pitch. 1 team must play clockwise, the other anti-clockwise. Once a player has played his pass he must follow that pass. Players must receive the pass inside the square. Use a maximum of 2 touches if possible. Progression Allow players to play with a bit more freedom. In other words they can come out of the square to receive and can play little combinations (one-twos) with teammates. Coaching Points Spatial Awareness, there is a lot of interference so always check Play the pass in with pace Close control Divide the pitch into halves. 2 players start the practice inside the area. 2 players must be positioned on each corner. 1 ball in play. The ball must travel from corner to corner around the pitch. Players must follow their pass or move to the next corner in the same direction as the play. In this case, anti-clockwise. Players on the outside have the option to play combinations with the 2 players on the inside. Players on the inside can choose to play a combination between each other before playing the ball to the waiting player in the corner. Progression Add a defender into the middle to create pressure and for other player to find space when not on ball Coaching Points Decision-making, when to play to the players in the middle Follow your pass Movement of the 2 players inside the area – can they support each other? Be aware of a teammates movement – can you make space? Encourage players inside the area to use the players on the outside.
Week 3 Session 2 – Combinations to Create Chances Set up a goal in 2 corners diagonally opposite each other. 1 GK in each goal. Pitch is effectively split into 2 lengthways channels. On the halfway line of each zone place 2 mannequins or obstacles to act as interference. There are 2 teams of attackers (3 per team). Attackers play lengthways through their channel. Place 2 cones 7 or 8 yards/meters into the channel, slightly offset from each other. These are the start points for 2 attackers. 1st attacker plays the ball into 2nd attacker who beats the defender with a pass to 3rd attacker. 3rd attacker then advances to goal and shoots to score. Whilst the 2nd attacker is receiving the ball, the defender should be putting him and/or 3rd attacker under pressure. The defender cannot retreat back beyond the halfway line. Once the 3rd attacker has made his shot, he should retrieve the ball and join the queue and become the server to come back down the other channel. Repeat and rotate so that everyone gets to defend and attack. Coaching Points Body shape to receive – get side on if possible Movement off the ball Decision-making – pass to feet or into space Weight of pass When through on goal can you hit the target Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 3 Session 3– Finishing Warm up 4 players – 4 servers and 2 GK’s. (can be modified on numbers) Server plays the ball into one of the attackers, who either shoots or plays the ball into their partner Rotate regularly Progressions Challenge them to a competition of how many they can score Coaching points Can they hit the top or bottom corners? Can they do everything in a fluid motion? 2 vs. 2 + 4 servers + GK’s Servers play into area and reds attack to score (can use servers to help if required). If blue’s win the ball, play back to server and swap roles – if reds score, they get another go Rotate servers for players Coaching points Pass and MoveAim for the cornersQuick attacks
Week 3 Session 3– Finishing 2 teams of 4. + 2 GK’s (can also be modified if more players) Directional – score in oppositions goal, Scoring in the end zones gets more points. Goals outside the end zones are worth 1 goal, inside are worth 2 ProgressionSwap it around, outside worth 2 inside worth 1. Practise long and short range finishing Coaching PointsPass and MovePlay ball into feet or into players path?Find the SpaceCommunication Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 4 Session 1 – Possession – Playing under Pressure Warm up There are 2 teams. Blue team has possession of only 1 ball. The players in red team have a ball each. Blue team players pass the ball to each other and retain possession. Red team players dribble their balls inside the area with lots of touches and turns, trying to interfere with blue team The aim is to prepare for the rest of the session. Get warm and get familiar with the ball. Progression Blue team players (passing team) may use 2 touches (max). Coaching Points Play with head up Movement off the ball/angle to receive Move ball quickly 3 teams with 1 ball per team. Players must pass to their teammates across at least 1 full box. Progression Pass across 2 boxes. 2 teams in possession, 1 team defending/tackling. Introduce a ‘safe-zone’ to help relieve pressure and give defending team a target should they win possession. Coaching Points Quality/Tempo of pass Movement to receive Timing of run
Week 4 Session 1 – Possession – Playing under Pressure 2 teams with 1 ball per team. Ball starts with GKs. GKs are used as “bounce players”. Teams play from end to end, switching (transferring ball) between channels. A member of the team must touch the ball in each channel before playing a ‘one-two’ off the GK. Players must move into another channel after passing the ball. Progression Introduce a spare man (or ‘playmaker’) who must always touch the ball at least once before the team completes each passage of play. At the same time they now have the option to tackle other team. Also introduce a shot on goal rather than the ‘one-two’ with the GK. Coaching Points Awareness to spot teammate in a channel Weight/timing of pass Movement; make the pitch big by spreading out wide whilst still offering depth (or angle to receive) Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 4 Session 2 – Maintaining Possession Warm up 25x20 4 Boxes with 4 different teams, one in each box. Players must pass the ball and dribble around in their own box. On the coaches command, one player from each team goes clockwise to try and steal the ball from the other box and take it back to their own to maintain possession After 30 seconds the team with the most balls (2 max) gets more points Progression Players run anti-clockwise Players can run into any square Coaching Points Move around box Shielding of the ball Pass and move Team in possession aim to score by running the ball into the end zone. Once they have scored the team must leave the ball in the end zone so other team can attack. Once in end zone they can’t be tackled. Combine with team mates to create through ball chances or just maintain possession Give one team the numerical advantage and keep swapping round. If team with lesser players score they get double points Progression Create 2 end zones Coaching Points Move into space Good first touch on receiving ball? Draw defenders away to create space for team mates
Week 4 Session 2 – Maintaining Possession 40 x 40 3 different team with everybody involved. One ball between 3 teams, Coach chooses which team defend first. In diagram blues are defending. So yellow and reds can pass to each other to maintain possession. Whichever team loses the ball then becomes the defending team trying to win the ball back. Coaching Points Find the Space Pass and Move Communication Range of passes Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 4 Session 3 – Consolidation Just a scrimmage that will involve whole-part-whole coaching and lots of interventions to help the kids but also to show us what they have learnt and how they apply it
Week 5 Session 1 - Defending Set-up a simple square area. Place two cones/markers to form a gate in one corner. One defender in the area. Remaining players outside area, on corner opposite the gate. One attacker at a time tries to get past the defender and through the gate to score a point. If the defender can tag the attacker then they gain a point for themselves. Coaching Points Force them out of square Hold them up/slow them down Show onto weaker foot Set up a wide area in front of the goal with a narrow channel leading into it. Defending team set-up halfway along the channel. Attacking team set-up at the end of the channel. The coach feeds a ball into the first attacker and the first defender moves into the channel to defend the goal. The defender is trying to protect the area as a first priority. However, if the attacker gets into the wide area, the defender can still make a recovery run and try to prevent a shot on goal. Coaching Points Can we force the ball carrier wide and cut his partner off? Keep them as far down channel as we can Communication
Week 5 Session 1 - Defending Set up a wide area in front of the goal with a narrow channel leading into it. Defending team set-up halfway along the channel. Attacking team set-up at the end of the channel. The coach feeds a ball into the first two attacker and the first two defenders move into the channel to defend the goal. The defenders are trying to prevent the attackers from scoring; keeping shape, communicating, pressing together to reduce the space available and recovering quickly if they are beaten. Coaching Points Can we force the ball carrier wide and cut his partner off? Keep them as far down channel as we can Communication Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 5 Session 2 – Defending and Defending as a Team Warm Up – End Zone Tag – 25 x 25 Designed to get the players moving and working as a team Split players into even teams, one team tags the other team as many times as they can in 2 minutes, after 2 minutes they swap roles. End zones are safe area where people being tagged can go into for 5 seconds and can’t be tagged, can’t use the same safe zone twice in a row. Progression Add soccer balls to end zones so once tagged they have to go to the end zone and perform exercises for 10 seconds e.g. toe taps, step overs, scissors. Coaching Points Communication Find the space 1 1 v 1 Defending Near enough the same drill as Session 1 on slide 15 but this time progresses on, due to them hopefully understanding the drill/game a lot more Repetition to hopefully groove defending into them This time it progresses on differently as seen on next slide
Week 5 Session 2 – Defending and Defending as a Team Progression 2v2 attack and defend, designed to help them work as a team and incorporate passing and teamwork along with communication Keep swapping roles so both get to attack and defend Make it into a competition to see who can score/block the most 1 point for a goal 2 points for blocking a goal/stopping a goal – No GK Coaching Points Communication Use team mate to create space 2 Progression 4v4 attack and defend, designed to help them work as a team and incorporate passing and teamwork along with communication Keep swapping roles so both get to attack and defend Make it into a competition to see who can score/block the most 1 point for a goal 2 points for blocking a goal/stopping a goal – No GK Coaching Points Communication Use team mate to create space 3 Scrimmage at the end of there is time, but this drill is long with lots of progressions to they will stay interested plus it helps reinforce defending
Week 5 Session 3 – Defending and Defending as a Team Warm Up – End Zone Tag – 25 x 25 Designed to get the players moving and working as a team Split players into even teams, one team tags the other team as many times as they can in 2 minutes, after 2 minutes they swap roles. End zones are safe area where people being tagged can go into for 5 seconds and can’t be tagged, can’t use the same safe zone twice in a row. Progression Add soccer balls to end zones so once tagged they have to go to the end zone and perform exercises for 10 seconds e.g. toe taps, step overs, scissors. Coaching Points Communication Find the space 1 1 v1 Defending Get players to understand how to defend properly in 1v1 to start with Each pair has their own channel to ‘try’ stay in. At U10 I’m not expecting this to happen every time, so maybe make the channels wide Once they have had a go they swap roles Get players to stand and not dive in Progression Make channel slimmer Add another attacker to give a 2v1 situation Coaching Points Run to half way to give attacker more to do Do you run and tackle straight away or hang back and wait for opportunity?
Week 5 Session 3 – Defending and Defending as a Team 2 This is just the same drill as previous slide but while in motion Try promote speed while attacking and the defender to make the attacker choose then make the challenge instead of diving straight in and maybe missing the ball
Week 5 Session 3 – Defending and Defending as a Team Attack or Defend? Fun game that can be made competitive but teaches while having fun Ball gets rolled out by the coach and they must run to the ball. Player that gets there first attacks while other defends. If the defender steals the ball from the attacker they now attack and other player defends. Doing it this way puts their back to goal and encourages shielding and the use of turns Progression Get 2 or 3 players from each team to run for the ball, to work as a team attacking and defending Coaching points Can we beat the defender and score? Can we defend the attacker and stop a goal? Scrimmage at the end for 10/15 mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Week 6 Session 1 - Overloads Warm Up Set up a smaller 8x8 (meter/yard) area forming a diamond shape in the middle of the pitch. Place 2 additional cones to use as left and right start points on the side of the pitch close to the point of the diamond (see diagram). Form 2 equal (if possible) queues of players. Players from each team will set off to the first cone simultaneously. The idea is to do a short sprint to the 1st cone.; a sideways skip/step to the 2nd cone (left or right depending on start point) and then an alternate sideways skip/step to the last cone before turning to the outside of the diamond and jogging back to the start. Players next in line can set off when the teammate in front passes the 1st cone. Progressions Introduce a ball to each player. The aim now is to get lots of little touches of the ball to get some ball familiarity. Set the players challenges, like going through the entire area just using the soles of their feet. This is not a race. Introduce a mini goal, with a defender, next to each starting point/cone. When the players turn back towards the start they now have a 1v1 against the defender. The attacker gets a point for scoring. The defender gets a point for making a tackle and dribbling out of the area. Coaching Points Quick Feet Change of pace and use skill to beat defender
Week 6 Session 1 - Overloads 25x25 grid 2 mini goals/targets. Across the width of the pitch mark an ‘end-zone’ approximately 7 yards/meters out from the goal line. Place a defender in the end zone to begin the game. At the opposite end, create a 5x5 area The 2 teams line up at this end of the pitch opposite goals. Each player has a ball. The aim of the game is for the attackers to attack the “end-zone” and score in the goal diagonally across the pitch, having beaten the defender. The attacker can only score once inside the ‘end-zone’. Once the attacker has scored, he becomes the defender for the next sequence. If the defender wins the ball from the attacker he can dribble or pass the ball into the 5x5 area to also score a point(one of the attacking queue of players should move into the 5x5 area to receive the ball). Each time the ball goes dead i.e. a goal is scored, the ball goes out of play or the defender gets the ball into the 5x5 area, the next player can begin the sequence again. The defender must be alive to that fact. Teams take it in turns to attack. Progressions Allow the attackers the choice of which goal to score in. Points system: 2 points for scoring in the diagonal goal or 1 point for scoring in the goal directly opposite; 5 points if the defender can get the ball into the 5x5 area. Coaching Points Exploit space with a big touch. Use little touches when close to the defender. A change of pace / a trick to beat the defender. Defender – think about body position in relation to the goal, show the attacker the direction you want him to go in. Defender – think about a recover run towards the goal rather than the attacker if caught out of position.
Week 6 Session 1 - Overloads 30x30 grid Large goal at 1 end of the pitch with 2 smaller goals/targets in either corner at the opposite end. Slightly set back from the 2 smaller goals – mark out a 2x2 meter/yard ‘holding area’. Mark out a “curved line” from 1 side of the pitch to the other with the start and end points being approximately 12 yards/meters from the goal line. GK’s take it in turns to go in goals. 2 defenders start on the goal line with 1 on each post. 2 defenders start in the ‘holding area’. 3 attackers start on the edge of the “curved line”. Play begins when 1 defender passes the ball to an attacker. Both defenders on the posts need to rush out to close the attackers down. 1 defender from the “holding area” can join in and help defend once the attacker has his first touch. Rotate the players including GK’s if you have more than 1. Coaching Points Movement – think of the runs to create space Tempo – break quickly Decision-making – make the most of the overload Try to ‘break lines’, i.e. try to get beyond a defender, don’t always play in front of them Scrimmage at the end for 5/10mins If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session
Weeks 6 Session 2 – Overloads and Creating Space Warm Up 1 ball per player. Each player moves around the area using different parts of both feet and the body to dribble the ball. Such as, the insides of the feet, the soles of the feet; and dribbling then stopping the ball with their knee. Players can use ‘step-overs’ and other dribbling techniques whilst they move with the ball. Coaching Points Lots of touches, plenty of ball manipulation Can you create space for others Awareness of other people Change direction 20x20 Player in the middle must receive the ball from an outside player and take a touch around the defender and play the ball to a player without one. Repeats and beats defender in different ways. To start with the defender is a cone. Coaching Points Movement Body shape to receive Quality passing Communication
Weeks 6 Session 2 – Overloads and Creating Space Progression 1 Same as before but now the cone has been replaced with a real defender. Now player in the middle must work to find space and create space themselves. Players on the outside can move up and down their line to help player in the middle out. Coaching Points Movement Body shape to receive Quality passing Communication Awareness of defender 1 Progression 2 Now the 2 squares get made into one big rectangle 20x30. 2 players in the middle need to be un selfish and try drag the defenders away from the ball to create space to pass for the outside players. But also try get the ball played into the middle as well. If ball is in the middle player needs to release the ball fast or turn defender like previous drills Coaching Points Movement Body shape to receive Quality passing Communication Awareness of defender 2
Weeks 6 Session 2 – Overloads and Creating Space 30x20 At both ends of the pitch create an end zone across the width of the pitch. If a player has the ball in the end zone he cannot be tackled. In the center of the pitch set up 2 goals, back-to- back, facing opposite ends of the pitch. Surrounding the goals mark out a circle 3 yards/meters from the goals. This is a safe zone – only the GK is allowed in here. On each side of the pitch and level with the goals have 2 extended areas to the pitch. In the rest of the area have a team of 5 players and a team of 2 players creating a 5v2. Rules of the practice are: The team of 5 has to complete 3 passes between each other before they can score in either goal. The team of 2 has to complete 1 pass before they can score, again, in either goal. The first team to score 5 goals wins the game. Coaching Points Create space for teammates Make the pitch big Awareness Quick passing
Week 6 Session 3 – Consolidation Just a scrimmage that will involve whole-part-whole coaching and lots of interventions to help the kids but also to show us what they have learnt and how they apply it
Weaknesses? I have put these in as you can never stick to a plan totally, so if there is a certain weakness or an area that needs better understanding then these consolidation sessions are made to provide the extra work. These would take over a full session hence why there is only 6 weeks planned. And the session they replace would be done the following session. Therefore the topics each week could get displaced, but as said I will email and make sure everybody is in the know in good time. These could vary depending on what is needed but I have just made a turning, receiving and moving session to show an example with this possibly changing due to difficulty or type of practices needed
Consolidation – Turning, Receiving and Movement Warm up Each player inside the area has a ball at their feet. Dribbling around, avoiding each other. Lots of turns, skills and ball familiarization. Progression Introduce a point scoring system where players can score by driving through the middle and then make a turn on the outside. Drive between 2 players and turn on outside to score 2 points. Coaching Points Recognize space Drive into space Quick turns Identify quickest route Red team have one ball for the team. The players must pass the ball to their teammates within the square. Yellow have a ball for each player. The players must dribble their ball inside the square. Blue team have one ball for the team. The players stand on the outside/perimeter of the square and pass the ball to each other. Progression Give Team 3 (on the outside) the added aim of scoring points by passing through the players on the inside. Will develop movement to receive and passing accuracy. Coaching Points Awareness Pass, move forward and replace Receive on the move Support the player on ball Weight of pass
Consolidation – Turning, Receiving and Movement Triangle game Area/Pitch divided into 4 triangles. Red team have 5 players and plays end to end. There is a GK at each end. Blue team have 4 players and plays side to side (width-ways across the pitch). There is a Target Player on each side. This is a game of 5v4 within the designated area. Only 1 ball is in play between both teams. The team in possession of the ball must reach the other side of their area (end or side of the pitch respectively) to score a point. The team without the ball must try to win the ball back. Encourage players to move from triangle to triangle when passing and receiving the ball and replace the player that has just left the space in another triangle. Progression Add target players to main area. Now ask both teams to play from GK to GK. Making the area tighter with more pressure on the ball. Coaching Points Pass and move/replace Movement/Body shape to receive Time run to create space Scrimmage at the end for 5/10 mins if time. If odd numbers then add a floater in to play for the team who has possession Encourage them to try everything they have been doing in the session