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Network Description Language: Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

Network Description Language: Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks. Paola Grosso Universiteit van Amsterdam SNE group. Outline of presentation. Hybrid networks and lightpaths Semantic Web and RDF NDL - Network Description Language Current status: The schemas The applications Future work.

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Network Description Language: Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

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  1. Network Description Language:Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks Paola Grosso Universiteit van Amsterdam SNE group Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  2. Outline of presentation • Hybrid networks and lightpaths • Semantic Web and RDF • NDL - Network Description Language Current status: • The schemas • The applications • Future work Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  3. Hybrid networks In the NREN world we see: Hybrid networks: IP services and dedicated optical connections on the same infrastructure; Suited for the new e-Science applications in need of guaranteed network services (think of Tier structure for CERN/LHC experiments). Lightpaths: Dedicated optical connections; Static or dynamic; User-controlled. Provisioning: Development of control plane and management planes. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  4. SURFnet6 and StarPlane Example of lighpaths close to us: • CPL - Common Photonic Layer - in SURFnet6; • StarPlane network Which (level of) topology overview does an application need? On StarPlane see Cees de Laat talk tomorrow Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  5. GLIF The Global Lambda Integrated Facility (www.glif.is): Multi-domain, multi-vendor international lightpaths. How do domains exchange information on network topologies? Which topology? Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  6. A common network description Topology information is needed to provision lightpaths: By user/applications to describe the type of lightpaths suiting their needs, to understand what are the possible connections By control plane and provisioning systems to exchange information at domain’s boundaries to extend paths The idea: NDL - Network Description Language - an RDF based network description provides the common vocabulary to users/applications and providers/control planes. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  7. Predicate Subject Object Semantic Web and RDF Semantic Web organizes data so that is contains ‘meaning’ that can be understood by machines and applications. RDF - Resource Description Framework - provides a way to categorize information: - resources are described by URIs; - triplets define the relations between resources: Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  8. Domain A NDL Domain B NDL seeAlso() RDF in hybrid networks Concept of indendently maintaineddistributed information fits the hybrid networking world and its different administrative domains. References between resources, both internally to a document and externally with the use of URIs. Leverage existing RDF tools. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  9. NDL schemas • Topology schema describes devices, interfaces, links and connections between them on a single layer. • Layer schema describes specific network technologies and the relation between network layers. • Capability schema describes device capabilities. • Domain schema describes administrative domains, services within a domain and how to give an abstracted view of the network in a domain. • Physical schema describes the physical aspects of network elements. • Plus nine technology schemata. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  10. Topology schema A vocabulary for defining network topology on a single layer. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  11. Layer schema The multilayer problem A vocabulary for defining network layers and interrelations between layer networks. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  12. Domain schema A vocabulary for defining administrative network domains, and abstracted views of devices in a domain. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  13. Tools Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  14. NDL file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rdf:RDFxmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#” xmlns:ndl="http://www.science.uva.nl/research/sne/ndl#” xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#"> <!-- Description of Netherlight --> <ndl:Locationrdf:about="#Amsterdam1.netherlight.net"> <ndl:name>Netherlight Optical Exchange</ndl:name> <geo:lat>52.3561</geo:lat> <geo:long>4.9527</geo:long> </ndl:Location> <!-- TDM3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net --> <ndl:Devicerdf:about="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net"> <ndl:name>tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net</ndl:name> <ndl:locatedAtrdf:resource="#Amsterdam1.netherlight.net"/> <ndl:hasInterfacerdf:resource="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:501/1"/> <ndl:hasInterfacerdf:resource="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:501/2"/> <ndl:hasInterfacerdf:resource="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:501/3"/> <ndl:hasInterfacerdf:resource="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:501/4"/> <ndl:hasInterfacerdf:resource="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:502/1"/> <ndl:hasInterfacerdf:resource="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:502/2"/> <ndl:hasInterfacerdf:resource="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:502/3"/> > <ndl:Interfacerdf:about="#tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:501/3"> <ndl:name>tdm3.amsterdam1.netherlight.net:501/3</ndl:name> <ndl:connectedTo rdf:resource="http://networks.internet2.edu/manlan/manlan.rdf#manlan:if1"/> <ndl:capacity rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float">1.244E+9</ndl:capacity> </ndl:Interface> <ndl:Interfacerdf:about="http://networks.internet2.edu/manlan/manlan.rdf#manlan:if1"> <rdfs:seeAlsordf:resource="http://networks.internet2.edu/manlan/manlan.rdf"/> Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  15. Applications: maps Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  16. Applications: path finding Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  17. Applications: monitoring Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  18. Future work Policy integration Each lightpath needs to be authorized. Provide pointers from NDL to AAA policies for each hybrid domain Domain abstractions Which level of insight into topology is needed when crossing domain boundaries? Provide abstractions of domain, collapsed views of internal Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  19. NML-WG To exchange ideas with other group developing similar schemas and to work toward a a common/standardized schema: Network Markup Language Working Group in OGF. Chairs: Paola Grosso (UvA) and Martin Swany (U Delaware) https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/projects/nml-wg Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  20. The bigger picture The advantage of a semantic approach: an answer to the end2end problem where service integration requires multiple resources coordination. Orchestration of ontologies: distribution of on-demand video. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  21. Conclusions Lightpath finding, provisioning and troubleshooting are central issues in hybrid networks. NDL provides solutions for: • Interdomain topology exchange • Network maps • Lightpath monitoring • Lightpath provisioning Based on RDF, NDL is extensible and integrates with other independent ontologies. Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

  22. References Detailed information available on NDL web page: http://www.science.uva.nl/research/sne/ndl/ NDL mailing list: ndlt <at> science.uva.nl (contact vdham <at> science.uva.nl> We thank our colleagues Andree Toonk and Ronald van der Pol from SARA and Franco Travostino from eBay (formerly NORTEL). This work is supported by SURFnet, the BSIK GigaPort project and TNO. Questions? Network Description Language - Semantic Web for Hybrid Networks

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