INNOVATION By: Hannah Shelton
REFLECTIVE INTRODUCTION Words are an expression of freedom, but often times they are a form of constriction. When an image is viewed without any captions or descriptions, the viewer is open to interpret the meaning behind the image without any guidance. Once a description is given, it is difficult to view the image without thinking of it in that described way. The utilization of graphics are beneficial when examining information forms because it allows the viewer to activate their own imagination and interpretation. I believe it is safe to say that not many people will take a look at something and the first thought that comes across their mind is “That sure is innovative!” They may think that the object is “neat” or “cool,” then move on to other things without taking a minute to comprehend the amount of thought and creativity that went into the object. It is something to deeply appreciate, because without innovation and creativity, this world would be a dull place. Also, a single innovative idea will most likely spark several other innovative ideas. My project contains many pictures that express creativity that was sparked by someone else’s original idea.
When I began to think about what innovation looks like, I thought of remarkable works and fabulous creations. I thought about abstract art pieces and magnificent architecture. However, as I began searching for images, I found that the most innovative and creative graphics were when an individual used an “everyday” item and put their own twist or renovation to it. An idea is never finished. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, it did not stop with his rendition. People continued to remodel, update, and expand the functions and appearance of the telephone until the present day “smart phone.” Thank goodness it didn’t stop with Bell’s model, right?! Creativities and inventions are oftentimes sparked by a problem or inconvenience. An intelligent invention may always be renovated to better accommodate an individual or situation. As an audience, I request that you do not only take the image at face value and accept that it is a neat utilization of a practical item, but instead, imagine how or what you would create from the object at hand. The images may appear “silly” at first, but there is quite a bit of creativity that was put into these everyday life items. The image that was most helpful in learning more about innovation through practical items was the image displaying the timeline of the tire. This is an item that many people, including myself, have not though twice about. An innovative thinker was required in order to get things rolling though. (Did you catch my pun?) Throughout time, other individuals have come along to input their innovative ideas on how to update the tire. Many small changes over time have improved the tire’s function and performance greatly.
Upon analyzing two of my selected images, I found that exploring what prompted the author to post this picture, or how the author is involved with the innovative piece, allowed me to better grasp the meaning behind the image. Knowing, or predicting how the image came about will give an individual great insight behind the meaning of the photograph. As I predicted how the images came to existence, I learned that most ideas were sparked by some sort of problem or inconvenience. At the end of the day, completing this project has exposed me to the wide variety of innovative forms. I also learned that innovation is a way to solve a problem and better convenience individuals. One of the most practical things I have obtained from this project is that I am a structured, organized, and self-motivated student. It was difficult for me to work on this project, never knowing what the next step was going to be or not knowing the deadline in the beginning. I am a student who prefers to budget my time in advance so that I can plan
FOLDABLE BIKE Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Bike Bibliographic Citation: Men's Sportswear & Men's Gear. Digital image. 12 Coolest Folding Bikes. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. <http://www.besportier.com/archives/12-coolest-folding-bikes-urban-folding-bikes.html>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive Found Where: Besportier Found How: Searching on Pinterest Why Select This Image? This image shows a new way to easily carry a bike. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Practical items still have ways to improve to ease life. Why Do You State So? Bikes have been around for a long period of time, but there hasn’t always been foldable bikes. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It is a renovation of a practical item.
BUTTER STICK Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Butter Stick Bibliographic Citation: Japanese Gadgets. Digital image. Butterstick Want to Have a Butter Sandwich But... -. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://japgets.tumblr.com/post/432462717/butterstick-want-to-have-a-butter-sandwich-but>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): persuasive Found Where: Japgets on Tumblr Found How: Searching on Pinterest Why Select This Image? This image while at first humorous, cleverly advertises a new way to spread butter. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovation often starts with simple concepts. Why Do You State So? For years individuals have spread butter the same way…however, an innovative thinker has come up with an “easier” way. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It is a renovation of a practical item.
WATER HAMMOCK Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Hammock Bibliographic Citation: A Hammock Boat! Sure, Why Not. Digital image. Gizmodo Australia. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/09/hammock-boat/>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive Found Where: Gizmodo Found How: Searching on Pinterest Why Select This Image? Who doesn’t like the relaxation of a hammock and water? Why not combine them?! What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? While it may not always be the most practical idea, it can still be innovative! Why Do You State So? The hammock contraption does not look the sturdiest and definitely not the safest, but it is creative! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Combines 2 enjoyable items.
ICE CREAMLOCK Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Ice cream lock Bibliographic Citation: Smith, Kevin. Ben & Jerry's Now Sells A Lock To Protect Your Pint Of Ice Cream. Digital image. Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 23 May 2012. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.businessinsider.com/keep-pesky-fingers-away-from-your-scoops-with-this-gadget-2012-5>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Business Insider Found How: Search on Pinterest Why Select This Image? It is humorous and captures what we all think about our ice cream at one time or another! What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovation often starts with a problem or issue. Why Do You State So? This idea was sparked by someone wanting to protect their ice cream from being eaten…as it must have been a problem in the past. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Humorous
GENRE MORPH #1 • http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/7587816/Ice_cream_lock Genre Morph Explanation Form ~ Image Title: Ice Cream Lock Original Genre: Image Revised Genre: Wordle Description of New Genre/New Piece: Wordle has organized words I have used to describe my image into a unique pattern. Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: I have chosen wordle as my new genre because it puts every emotion behind the picture into visible words. It says what the viewer thinks upon seeing the ice cream lock picture. Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The original image simply shows what one has done to prevent someone getting into their ice cream; whereas the wordle has shown the words that one might feel causing them to put a lock on their ice cream. Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: No, the message does not change…only the delivery of the message. Both genre’s express a silly way of protecting their ice cream for selfish reasons.
LAPTOP CARHOLDER Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Laptop Holder Bibliographic Citation: Latest Coolest Gadgets – Cradlevue In Car Laptop Holder – New High Technology Gadgets – Electronic Gadgets | Sclick. Digital image. Sclick RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://sclick.net/electronic-gadgets-2/latest-coolest-gadgets-cradlevue-in-car-laptop-holder-new-high-technology-gadgets-electronic-gadgets.html>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Sclick Electronic Gadgets Found How: Searching on Pinterest Why Select This Image? This image shows how sometimes you have to do what you gotta do! What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovation is often sparked by a problem. Why Do You State So? The parents of a child needed a way to entertain the kid while on the road…using the tools at hand, they found a way! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Problem Solving
PIZZA FORK Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Pizza fork Bibliographic Citation: ThisIsWhyImBroke.com. Digital image. ThisIsWhyImBrokecom. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/pizza-slicer-fork>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: This is Why I’m Broke Found How: Search engine Why Select This Image? It is humorous and creative! What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovative ideas are often humorous but clever! Why Do You State So? This is an item that would most likely not sell well, but clever none the less. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Humorous
SODA MACHINEUPGRADE Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Soda Machine Bibliographic Citation: Coca-Cola Freestyle. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 July 2014. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca-Cola_Freestyle>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): persuasive Found Where: Wikipedia Found How: Search engine Why Select This Image? This item has become a popular convenient item in many restaurants. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovation often brings convenience. Why Do You State So? The soda machine allows for more drink options and takes up less space. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It is the renovation of a Practical item.
CHILDREN’S TOOTHBRUSH Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Toothbrush Bibliographic Citation: Toothbrush For Missing Front Teeth. Digital image. SunnyLOL. Funny Pictures, Epic Fails. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://sunnylol.com/toothbrush-for-missing-front-teeth>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Sunny lol Found How: Search engine Why Select This Image? It is humorous but creative. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovation is sometimes humorous, but clever! Why Do You State So? This item is in no way necessary, but it is funny and creative! How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Humorous
GENRE MORPH #2 http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/7587776/TOOTHBRUSH Genre Morph Explanation Form ~ Image Title: Toothbrush Original Genre: Image Revised Genre: Wordle Description of New Genre/New Piece: Wordle has organized words I have used to describe my image into a unique pattern. Explanation of New Genre Choice/New Piece: I have chosen wordle as my new genre because it allows a way to express what a parent or caregiver might be thinking. I believe that “Whatever Works” stated on the wordle is a perfect way to sum up this image. Explanation of How New Genre/Piece Differs from Original: The new genre differs from the original because it not only shows the humorous side of the image, but also the problem solving side of this renovated practical item. Message Changes? Yes or No? How so?: Yes, the message changes because it goes from being a seemingly silly image(original) to noticing how it may be a practical way to solve a slight inconvenience.
TELEPHONE DEVELOPMENT Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Phone Development Bibliographic Citation: A Mobile Phone Dilemma. Digital image. The Savvy Scot.N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://savvyscot.com/a-mobile-phone-dilemma/>. Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): graphic Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): informative Found Where: Savvy Scot Found How: Search engine Why Select This Image? It shows how a single item can change over time. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovation is sometimes a reformation of an old idea. Why Do You State So? The telephone has been around for years, but it has kept changing form and function. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It is a renovation of a practical item.
PHONE DEVELOPMENT TRACE: primary elements in considering an argument’s rhetorical situation Text – What is kind of document is it? What is unique about this text? What is special about this text? What is it about? • This is a digital image that is special because it shows how the cellular phone has developed over time. Reader – Who would be the intended audience? Are you part of this intended audience? In what regards? Do you and the author share any commonalities, and if so, what? Are you as a reader open to change offered by the text? In what fashions? • I believe the intended audience would be younger generations that may not know exactly how far the phone development has come in just a short period of time. I am part of this generation because I am only familiar with the phones shown closer to the end of the development line. • I am open to change as the reader by not complaining as much when I do not enjoy some features of today’s modern phone. Seeing where it has come from, I can be much more appreciative.
Author – Who wrote the text? What prompted the author to write the text? What credentials does the author possess? • The author is unknown, however this image was published first on the savvy scott website. Credentials are unknown. Constraints – What limitations and characteristics influence the author? What limitations and characteristics influence the reader? Do these limitations have noticeable indicators in the text? If so, how are they shown? Consider constraints to be viable as refutation/ rebuttal. • The author is limited because the image is displayed and communicated through technology…which is the matter of the subject. Readers may be influenced and limited by the image because they do not necessarily see the work that has gone behind the telephone development, only the results. Exigence – What caused the argument, or more recently, what is the author’s involvement in this argument? • It cannot be sure, but my guess would be that the argument was caused by ungrateful youth who complain about how outdated their technology is. The author may have children herself.
TIRE DEVELOPMENT Visual Rhetoric Examination Form ~ Image Title: Tires over Time Bibliographic Citation: Support | Identify Zipp Products | Wheel Timeline | Zipp - Speed Weaponry. Digital image.Support | Identify Zipp Products | Wheel Timeline | Zipp - Speed Weaponry. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.zipp.com/support/identify/wheel_timeline.php> Topic: Innovative Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): graphic Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): informative Found Where: Zipp Found How: Search engine Why Select This Image? This image shows how a practical item has developed over time. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Innovation often brings improvement. Why Do You State So? The tire has improved function over time because of individuals’ innovation. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Renovation of a practical item.
Tire Development TRACE: primary elements in considering an argument’s rhetorical situation Text – What is kind of document is it? What is unique about this text? What is special about this text? What is it about? • This is a digital image that is special because it shows how the tire has developed over the years, but yet remains relatively the same. Reader – Who would be the intended audience? Are you part of this intended audience? In what regards? Do you and the author share any commonalities, and if so, what? Are you as a reader open to change offered by the text? In what fashions? • The intended audience would be anyone who owns a car or has ridden in a motor vehicle. Yes, because I both own a car and have ridden several times in a vehicle. The author and I have both had experiences with vehicles. • I am open to change by this digital image by appreciating the improvements that have been made to this everyday necessary item.
Author – Who wrote the text? What prompted the author to write the text? What credentials does the author possess? • We do not know who the author is, but this image was originally published on the “zipp” website. Author was most likely prompted to publish this photograph in order to encourage buying a product because the image is associated with a website that is involved with selling tires for bicycles. • We do not know what credentials this author possesses. Constraints – What limitations and characteristics influence the author? What limitations and characteristics influence the reader? Do these limitations have noticeable indicators in the text? If so, how are they shown? Consider constraints to be viable as refutation/ rebuttal. • Limitations that may be influencing the author could be that he was only subjected to taking pictures of certain tires in certain time periods…missing some here and there. • The reader is influenced because if they are on this website, they are already interested in some kind of tires. They may be more likely to appreciate the development of the tire. Exigence – What caused the argument, or more recently, what is the author’s involvement in this argument? • The author is involved, because he is probably working for or being paid by the company selling bicycle tires.
Bibliography • Coca-Cola Freestyle. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 July 2014. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca-Cola_Freestyle>. • A Hammock Boat! Sure, Why Not. Digital image. Gizmodo Australia. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/09/hammock-boat/>. • Japanese Gadgets. Digital image. Butterstick Want to Have a Butter Sandwich But... -. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://japgets.tumblr.com/post/432462717/butterstick-want-to-have-a-butter-sandwich-but>. • Latest Coolest Gadgets – Cradlevue In Car Laptop Holder – New High Technology Gadgets – Electronic Gadgets | Sclick. Digital image. Sclick RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://sclick.net/electronic-gadgets-2/latest-coolest-gadgets-cradlevue-in-car-laptop-holder-new-high-technology-gadgets-electronic-gadgets.html>. • Men's Sportswear & Men's Gear. Digital image. 12 Coolest Folding Bikes. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. <http://www.besportier.com/archives/12-coolest-folding-bikes-urban-folding-bikes.html>. • A Mobile Phone Dilemma. Digital image. The Savvy Scot.N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://savvyscot.com/a-mobile-phone-dilemma/>. • Smith, Kevin. Ben & Jerry's Now Sells A Lock To Protect Your Pint Of Ice Cream. Digital image. Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 23 May 2012. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.businessinsider.com/keep-pesky-fingers-away-from-your-scoops-with-this-gadget-2012-5>. • Support | Identify Zipp Products | Wheel Timeline | Zipp - Speed Weaponry. Digital image. Support | Identify Zipp Products | Wheel Timeline | Zipp - Speed Weaponry. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.zipp.com/support/identify/wheel_timeline.php>. • ThisIsWhyImBroke.com. Digital image. ThisIsWhyImBrokecom. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/pizza-slicer-fork>. • Toothbrush For Missing Front Teeth. Digital image. SunnyLOL. Funny Pictures, Epic Fails. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. <http://sunnylol.com/toothbrush-for-missing-front-teeth>.