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The Holocaust

The Holocaust. Section 3. Anti - Semitism. _______in Europe faced persecution for their religious beliefs. Violent discrimination aimed at _______ Used by the Aryans (Germans) during WWII Needed a scapegoat for WWI and the Great Depression. Nazi Soldiers Tormenting Jewish Civilian.

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The Holocaust

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  1. The Holocaust Section 3

  2. Anti - Semitism • _______in Europe faced persecution for their religious beliefs. • Violent discrimination aimed at _______ • Used by the Aryans (Germans) during WWII • Needed a scapegoat for WWI and the Great Depression

  3. Nazi Soldiers Tormenting Jewish Civilian

  4. Persecution in Germany • ______________ official policy under Hitler in 1933 • __________was Hitler’s systematic murder of all Europeans Jews • 6 million _______and 5 – 6 million other people will die as a result of Nazi captivity

  5. What was the goal of Nazi persecution of Jews in the mid-1930s?

  6. What was a Jew to Nazi’s? • 3 or 4 Jewish _______if you were not of Jewish religion • Middle names changed to “_____” and “_____” • Identity cards marked with a “_____” • Eventually _______were put on their clothing

  7. Hitler’s Police • ________– secret police used to identify and hunt enemy’s of the Nazi’s • SS “_____” – Nazi private army to guard concentration camps • What was a concentration camp?

  8. Kristallnacht • Many people believed they could endure persecution until Hitler lost power. • Kristallnacht, aka “_____” a reference to ______________.

  9. Murder to Genocide • As _____ armies overran most of Europe, more and more Jews, including many who had fled _____, came under their control. • Germans established Jewish _____. • _____ghetto had more than 400,000 Jews • Each month 1,000’s of Jews died due to _____.

  10. Child Dying in Streets of Warsaw Ghetto

  11. The Einsatzgruppen • During the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler ordered, Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing squads to kill __________. • Rounded up victims, threw them in pits and shot them • Killed more than 33,000 in two days • Wannsee Conference- developed a plan to __________________. • Genocide, or ___________________.

  12. Zyklon B • Nazis chose _______as the most effective way to kill people . • Cyanide based pesticide • Pellets dropped in gas chamber • 1/3 died immediately, most within 20 minutes • Very painful death as they could be heard screaming, when they were found dead most had foamed at the mouth and bled from the ears

  13. Camps Concentration Death Existed for mass murder using poison gas Used gas chambers disguised as showers Nearly all murdered soon after arrival They were then burned in ovens • Acted as centers of forced labor • Held: • Communists • Homosexuals • Jews • Homeless

  14. Polish Inmates Patch worn by Polish at Auschwitz

  15. Liberation • 1944 Roosevelt created the _______ to try to help people threatened by the Nazis. • Allies advance in 1944 and Nazi’s abandon camps outside Germany • On the eve of liberation 1,000’s of Jews die on death marches • Describe the Nuremburg Trials.

  16. In the end….. • Over 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust • 17 million people killed overall • That’s enough people to fill Penn State’s Beaver Stadium of over 100,000 170 times

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