YOGA INDIA FOUNDATION TheYoga India Foundation is a Yoga alliance approved yoga and meditation center in Rishikesh, India. It is founded by Swami Bipin Gyan in 2012 to share their knowledge between their students. Swami Bipin Gyan learns lot of spirituals things while he lives in the Himalaya. He spends a decade in Himalaya in practicing deep sustained meditation seeing many visions living in solitary caves taking vows of silence for months at a time – all that holy man stuff. After spending a long time in Himalaya and practice pristine yoga and meditation technique he come back to Rishikesh to teach what he’d learned and share his insights with others. He couldn’t do it people came to him with their problems and they seem too insignificant. He tried to teach but people couldn’t able to understand him properly. So, back he went to the mountains to find out the way to teach other people
Ardha Chandrasana (English: Half-Moon Pose) How to do: Sit in Vajrasana. Lift your buttocks up and place your hands on your hips. Find the balance and put your right foot towards the top of the mat. Slightly walk back with your left knee and push your hips down. Your right knee should be over your right ankle. Feel the stretch in your pelvis. Now release your arms to the side and open your hands, stretching the fingers. Open your chest and straighten your arms. Now as you inhale, stretch your arms up, look up and press your palms and fingers against each other.
Ardha Chandrasana (English: Half-Moon Pose) Look at your thumb and stretch your arms further up while keeping the shoulders down. Remember to not attach the shoulders to your ears. On your next exhale, arch back and look back, forming a Half-Moon with your left leg, spine and arms. Stay here for a few breaths, aiming to further arch back. Then slowly come back, by gently releasing your arms down into pranam mudra. Step back and take a rest in child pose. Another option is to push back into Parvat Asana (Mountain Pose).
Ardha Chandrasana (English: Half-Moon Pose) Benefit This asana opens the pelvis and hips. It increases the strength and flexibility in the spine, stimulating your reproductive and digestive system.
Paschimottanasana (Back Stretching Pose) How to do: Sit in Dandhasana, the legs stretching to the front. Separate your sitting bones, straighten your spine and open your chest. Align your spine, neck and head into one staight line. Close your feet together and activate your legs. Lock your knees and make your legs straight, toes pointing towards the ceiling. Correct yourself if you are leaning backwards. Now inhale deeply and raise your arms up.Turn your palms to the front and pull your arms higher. Now on your exhale, bend
Paschimottanasana (Back Stretching Pose) forward from your hip joint and reach towards your feet. Try to touch your nose onto your knees or shins and take a rest here. Feel the stretch in your back and hamstrings. With every exhalation try to go deeper down and rest your belly on your thighs. Stay here for 20-30 seconds focusing on your breath. As you inhale release your hands and come up, stretching the arms up. Release the arms down and counter pose with Setu Asana or Purvattasana.
Paschimottanasana (Back Stretching Pose) Benefit This asana helps to open the back of your legs, your hamstrings and calf muscles. It stretches your back and pelvic region, stimulating your nervous system. It also and massages your digestive system by putting pressure on your abdominal region.
Setu Asana (Bridge Pose) How to do: Sit in Dandhasana and bring your hands slightly behind your buttocks. Press the palms and fingers equally on the mat, the fingers facing front. Close your feet together. Inhale deeply and exhale completely. Now put pressure on your hands and lift your buttocks up. Your toes are pointing down to the ground, your legs should be in one straight line. Push your hips higher towards the ceiling and stay there. Strength should be coming from your arms, keeping them straight, elbows locked. Now drop your head back and look back
Setu Asana (Bridge Pose) Hold this position for 10 seconds. First release your head to the front and then gently release your buttocks down. Lay down in Shavasana or sit in Dandhasana.
Setu Asana (Bridge Pose) Benefit Benefit: This asana is beneficial as a counter pose for forward-back, pelvis and leg stretching. It gives strength in the legs, arms, shoulder and wrists. It also stretches the thyroid glands and stimulates the lumbar region of the spine and Achilles tendon.
CONTACT WITH US Address:-Guru residency TapovanRishikesh, Uttarakhand 249302 bipingyan@gmail.com Email:- info@yogaindiafoundation.com Mobile:- +91 941 038 2099 Website:- http://yogaindiafoundation.com Book Now